- Upgraded to Angular 1.6.4 and corresponding packages.
- Using npm based typings.
- Removed Component Routers for ng1, instead using uiRouter.
- Angular 1.5.5
- Angular Material w/ Material Icon Font
- Angular Component Router
- Typescript using Webpack
- Local Development w/ Webpack Dev Server
- Lodash
- Sass
- Component Based Scaffolding
- Tests w/ Karma & Jasmine
- Istanbul Code Coverage Reporting
- End to End Tests w/ Protractor
- TSLint
- TSDoc and SassDoc Generation
- Local JSON Rest API Server for quick Prototyping Json-Server
- CLI Tool to create boilerplate files for components and services
- Runs tests before commits via ghooks
- Integrated Local Environment Developer Bar w/ Performance Stats via ng-stats
- Type Definitions via Typings for VSCode
npm install
- install all dependancies, typings and webdriver-manager for protractor
NOTE: The path to the webdriver-manager in protactor.config.js when running protractor may need to be adjusted if you are using npm2
###Start Webpack Dev Server & Local JSON Rest API
npm start
###Release Build
npm run release
- generate minified js/css + sourcemaps & copies static files (assets, index.html, etc) to ./dist
#####coverage stats are located in ./src/coverage
npm test
- single run of tests
npm run tests:tdd
- run tests, watch for changes and run tests on changes
npm run tests:e2e
- run end to end tests (dev server needs to be running so it has a place to hit)
#####located in ./builds/docs
npm run docs:all
- generates typedoc and sassdoc
#####CLI Tool to create boilerplate files for components and services based on the seeds file structure
npm run generator
- service - generates the boilerplate for an angular service
- component - generates the boilerplate for an angular component
- router component - generates the boilerplate for an angular component with component router life cycle hooks
##Other Tooling & Resource Suggestions
- Angular Testing Patterns - A High-Quality Guide for Testing Angular 1.x Applications.
- Elementor - Excellent tool for assisting with writing Protractor E2E tests.
- NG Inspector - Angular Debugging Tool.
- EditorConfig
- NPM Script Runner
- Debugger for Chrome - launch chrome via terminal: /Applications/Google\ Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google\ Chrome --remote-debugging-port=9222
- Git History
- TSlint
- Document This
- VSCode Todo
- Stylesheet Formatter
- Prettify JSON