Implement a ChatGPT-like LLM in PyTorch from scratch, step by step
we want to create a repo to illustrate usage of transformers in chinese
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AniPortrait: Audio-Driven Synthesis of Photorealistic Portrait Animation
Kuboard 是基于 Kubernetes 的微服务管理界面。同时提供 Kubernetes 免费中文教程,入门教程,最新版本的 Kubernetes v1.23.4 安装手册,(k8s install) 在线答疑,持续更新。 原型设计元件库,基于Axure RP 11/10/9,支持 Android、Apple、Windows、微信,移动、桌面平台的应用和网站原型设计。
A curated list of awesome computer vision resources
🐍🎮 pygame (the library) is a Free and Open Source python programming language library for making multimedia applications like games built on top of the excellent SDL library. C, Python, Native, Ope…
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