An interactive Bash script that lets you easily set up a new extension project for GNOME Files (Nautilus)
从零开始研究外挂设计原理 Study the principles of cheat design from scratch
CoreFreq : CPU monitoring and tuning software designed for 64-bit processors.
CPU INFOrmation library (x86/x86-64/ARM/ARM64, Linux/Windows/Android/macOS/iOS)
Virtual SoapySDR driver for sharing a single physical device via shared memory
SdrGlut is a simple software defined radio - using glut and glui for its interface
An easy to use Licensing Server that allows you to control key usage and deployment.
This is a fork of KA9Q's FEC library that also compiles on x86_64 and arm.
Qt 之 GUI 控件使用 / 网络 / 架构原理 / 运行机制理解;DTK 重绘控件方式的框架解析;IDE 技巧之 Visual Studio / Qt Creator;此为系列文章教程
An example of how to use the Xilinx ISE toolchain from the command line
Remotely control gqrx while keeping your bookmarks in order.
80MHz bandwidth with LimeSDR-Mini and GQRX
Software defined radio receiver powered by GNU Radio and Qt.
A frequency scanner for Gqrx Software Defined Radio receiver
Customizable GNU Radio Environment for Live Images and VMs
Spectrum analyzer on your terminal/ssh console with ASCII art ~ RTLSDR
Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) packet sniffer and transmitter for both standard and non standard (raw bit) based on Software Defined Radio (SDR).
Implementation of BLE receiver on USRP using Matlab