A curated list of awesome CSS frameworks, libraries and software.
- daneden/animate.css - 🍿 A cross-browser library of CSS animations. As easy to use as an easy thing.
- necolas/normalize.css - A collection of HTML element and attribute style-normalizations
- IanLunn/Hover - A collection of CSS3 powered hover effects to be applied to links, buttons, logos, SVG, featured images and so on. Easily apply to your own elements, modify or just use for inspiration. Available in CSS, Sass, and LESS.
- jgthms/bulma - Modern CSS framework based on Flexbox
- twbs/ratchet - Build mobile apps with simple HTML, CSS, and JavaScript components.
- tobiasahlin/SpinKit - A collection of loading indicators animated with CSS
- h5bp/Effeckt.css - A Performant Transitions and Animations Library
- you-dont-need/You-Dont-Need-JavaScript - CSS is powerful, you can do a lot of things without JS.
- jessepollak/card - 💳 make your credit card form better in one line of code
- ConnorAtherton/loaders.css - Delightful, performance-focused pure css loading animations.
- chinchang/hint.css - A CSS only tooltip library for your lovely websites.
- connors/photon - The fastest way to build beautiful Electron apps using simple HTML and CSS
- primer/primer-css - The base coat of GitHub. Our internal CSS toolkit and guidelines.
- joshuaclayton/blueprint-css - A CSS framework that aims to cut down on your CSS development time
- lukehaas/css-loaders - A collection of loading spinners animated with CSS
- tachyons-css/tachyons - Functional css for humans
- picturepan2/spectre - Spectre.css - A lightweight, responsive and modern CSS framework.
- basscss/basscss - Low-level CSS Toolkit
- thoughtbot/neat - A lightweight and flexible Sass grid
- erikflowers/weather-icons - 215 Weather Themed Icons and CSS
- csswizardry/inuit.css - Powerful, scalable, Sass-based, BEM, OOCSS framework.
- BafS/Gutenberg - Modern framework to print the web correctly.
- jonsuh/hamburgers - Tasty CSS-animated Hamburgers
- saeedalipoor/icono - One tag One icon, no font or svg, Pure CSS
- mrholek/CoreUI-Free-Bootstrap-Admin-Template - CoreUI is free bootstrap admin template with Angular2, AngularJS, React.js & Vue.js support.
- kazzkiq/balloon.css - Simple tooltips made of pure CSS
- HunterLarco/voxel.css - A lightweight 3D CSS voxel library.
- elrumordelaluz/csshake - CSS classes to move your DOM!
- suitcss/suit - Style tools for UI components
- blivesta/animsition - A simple and easy jQuery plugin for CSS animated page transitions.
- GumbyFramework/Gumby - A Flexible, Responsive CSS Framework - Powered by Sass
- senchalabs/jQTouch - Create powerful mobile apps with just HTML, CSS, and Zepto.js (or jQuery).
- pattle/simpsons-in-css - Simpsons characters in CSS
- leemunroe/grunt-email-workflow - A Grunt workflow for designing and testing responsive HTML email templates with SCSS.
- marvelapp/devices.css - Pure CSS phones and tablets
- mdo/wtf-forms - Friendlier HTML form controls with a little CSS magic.
- humaan/Modaal - An accessible dialog window library for all humans.
- franciscop/picnic - 👜 A beautiful CSS library to kickstart your projects
- twitter/recess - A simple and attractive code quality tool for CSS built on top of LESS
- ThrivingKings/animo.js - A powerful little tool for managing CSS animations
- cjcenizal/flexbox-patterns - Patterns for using flexbox CSS to build awesome UI components.
- adamschwartz/magic-of-css - A CSS course to turn you into a magician.
- mobi-css/mobi.css - A lightweight, scalable, mobile-first css framework
- wentin/cssicon - icon set made with pure css code, no dependencies, "grab and go" icons
- frozenui/frozenui - FrozenUI的CSS组件库,基于腾讯手Q样式规范
- egoist/hack - ⛷ Dead simple CSS framework.
- LukyVj/family.scss - Family.scss is a set of Sass mixins which will help you to manage the style of :nth-child'ified elements, in an easy way.
- Daemonite/material - Material Design for Bootstrap 4
- dunovank/jupyter-themes - Custom Jupyter Notebook Themes
- StylishThemes/GitHub-Dark -
Dark GitHub style
- ben-eb/cssnano - A modular minifier, built on top of the PostCSS ecosystem.
- t32k/stylestats - StyleStats is a library to collect CSS statistics.
- kumailht/flakes - Flakes is an Admin Template Framework. A combination of CSS Libraries, JavaScript Libraries and Design files that help you build business tools very quickly.
- daneden/Toast - 🍞 A highly-customizable, responsive (S)CSS grid
- codrops/PageTransitions - A showcase collection of various page transition effects using CSS animations.
- mdo/preboot - A collection of LESS mixins and variables for writing better CSS.
- Chalarangelo/mini.css - A minimal, responsive, style-agnostic CSS framework!
- tylertate/semantic.gs - The Semantic CSS Grid
- jaunesarmiento/fries - Fries helps you prototype Android apps using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
- smcllns/css-social-buttons - Zocial button set with CSS. Entirely vector-based social buttons.
- flatlogic/awesome-bootstrap-checkbox - Font Awesome Bootstrap Checkboxes & Radios. Pure css way to make inputs look prettier.
- thoughtbot/refills - Components and patterns built with Bourbon and Neat
- soulwire/Makisu - CSS 3D Dropdown Concept
- rohitkrai03/pills - A simple responsive CSS Grid for humans. View Demo -
- ganapativs/bttn.css - Awesome buttons for awesome projects!
- pocketjoso/penthouse - Generate critical css for your urls (Node, PhantomJS)
- csswizardry/csswizardry-grids - Simple, fluid, nestable, flexible, Sass-based, responsive grid system.
- jasonlong/isometric-contributions - Browser extension for rendering an isometric pixel art version of your GitHub contribution graph.
- tylerchilds/cutestrap - 8kb micro CSS framework
- mdo/wtf-html-css - Common reasons your HTML and CSS may be fucked.
- oxalorg/sakura - 🌸 a minimal css framework/theme.
- ubuwaits/css3-buttons - A collection of CSS3 buttons implemented in Sass.
- christophery/pushy - Pushy is a responsive off-canvas navigation menu using CSS transforms & transitions
- flexiblegs/flexiblegs-scss-plus - Flexible Grid System Scss Plus
- KingPixil/wing - 👼 Minimal, Responsive CSS Framework
- wesbos/aprilFools.css - Harmlessly goof up your co-workers browser and chrome dev tools
- ethantw/Han - 「漢字標準格式」印刷品般的漢字排版框架 Han.css: the CSS typography framework optimised for Hanzi.
- mrcoles/markdown-css - CSS for making regular HTML look like plain-text markdown.
- chrisnager/ungrid - ungrid - the simplest responsive css grid
- marmelab/universal.css - The only CSS you will ever need
- BlazeCSS/Blaze - Open Source CSS Toolkit
- mezzoblue/csszengarden.com - The source of csszengarden.com
- Chalarangelo/mocka - Simple, elegant content placeholder
- zavoloklom/material-design-iconic-font - Material Design Iconic Font and CSS toolkit
- cheeaun/hackerweb - A simply readable Hacker News web app
- mblode/marx - The classless CSS reset (perfect for Communists).
- peduarte/wallop - A minimal JS library for showing & hiding things
- mrmrs/pesticide - Kill your css layout bugs
- bwsewell/tablecloth - A CSS and JS bootstrap to style and manipulate data tables
- DennisSnijder/MakeGithubGreatAgain - Extension for making GitHub great again
- lzxb/flex.css - flex.css is declarative layout which is compatible with wechat, UC, webview and other main-stream mobile browser and surpports react, vue, angular.
- ciar4n/imagehover.css - Pure CSS Image Hover Effect Library
- benschwarz/gallery-css - CSS only Gallery
- devlint/gridlex - Just a CSS Flexbox Grid System
- matthewhartman/base - Base - A Rock Solid, Responsive HTML/CSS Framework built to work on all devices big and small.
- parkerbennett/stackicons - Icon font and Sass-based construction kit for Stackicons-Social, which supports multiple button shapes and a unique "multi-color" option in CSS for over 60 social brands.
- ppoffice/hexo-theme-icarus - The blog theme you may fall in love with, coming to Hexo.
- geddski/csstyle - MOVED TO https://github.com/csstyle/csstyle a modern approach for crafting beautifully maintainable stylesheets
- adamdbradley/focal-point - A small set of CSS classnames to help keep images cropped on the focal point for responsive designs. Using only HTML/CSS, web authors can specify an image's focal point, which stays as the image's primary focus, while the image's available width changes on responsive webpages. Crop and re-size images depending on available width and let CSS to do all of the work, and without any JavaScript.
- flukeout/css-diner - CSS Diner
- ConciseCSS/concise.css - A CSS framework that's lightweight and easy-to-use. Give up the bloat. Stop tripping over your classes. Be Concise.
- yegor256/tacit - CSS Framework for Dummies, Without Classes
- anselmh/object-fit - Polyfill (mostly IE) for CSS object-fit property to fill-in/fit-in images into containers.
- raphaelfabeni/css-loader - Simple loaders for your web applications using only one div and pure CSS ❤️
- itmeo/webgradients - A curated collection of splendid gradients made in CSS3, .sketch and .PSD formats.
- IcaliaLabs/furatto - It's a flat, fast and powerful front-end framework for rapid web development.
- filipelinhares/ress - 📄 A modern CSS reset
- nathansmith/adapt - Adapt.js serves CSS based on screen width.
- reworkcss/css - CSS parser / stringifier for Node.js
- adamsilver/maintainablecss.com - Write CSS without worrying that overzealous, pre-existing styles will cause problems. MaintainableCSS is an approach to writing modular, scalable and of course, maintainable CSS.
- richleland/pygments-css - css files created from pygment's built-in styles
- webkul/csspin - CSS Spinners and Loaders - Modular, Customizable and Single HTML Element Code for Pure CSS Loader and Spinner
- jgthms/minireset.css - A tiny modern CSS reset
- asciimoo/cssplot - Pure CSS charts
- delight-im/HTML-Sheets-of-Paper - Word processor in your browser using HTML and CSS (for invoices, legal notices, etc.)
- anjlab/bootstrap-rails - Twitter Bootstrap CSS (with Sass flavour) and JS toolkits for Rails 3 projects
- szynszyliszys/repaintless - Library for fast CSS Animations
- laurenwaller/cssco - Photographic filters made with CSS, inspired by VSCO and CSSgram
- filamentgroup/select-css - Cross-browser styles for consistent select element styling
- falnatsheh/MarkdownView - MarkdownView is an Android webview with the capablity of loading Markdown text or file and display it as HTML, it uses MarkdownJ and extends Android webview.
- redroot/holmes - Holmes is stand-alone diagnostic CSS stylesheet that can highlight potentially invalid or erroneous HTML(5) markup by adding one class
- jonikorpi/Less-Framework - An adaptive CSS grid system.
- jlong/css-spinners - Simple CSS spinners and throbbers made with CSS and minimal HTML markup.
- josephfusco/angled-edges - 📐 Quickly create angled section edges using only Sass
- sierra-library/sierra - Sierra SCSS micro library
- 720kb/radiobox.css - 🔘 Tiny set of pure CSS animations for your radio inputs. https://720kb.github.io/radiobox.css/
- t0m/select2-bootstrap-css - simple css to make select2 widgets fit in with bootstrap
- arbelh/HalfStyle - Style Half of a Character by CSS
- michenriksen/css3buttons - Simple CSS3 framework for creating GitHub-style buttons
- contra/windows_98.css - some sick styles for your guestbook
- cobyism/gridism - A simple responsive CSS grid.
- cardinalcss/cardinalcss - A modular, “mobile-first” CSS framework built with performance and scalability in mind.
- andriussev/timelined - A customizable CSS-only vertical timeline
- iKreativ/Workless - Workless is a CSS base framework to get your projects up and running as quickly as possible.
- W3cplus/SassMagic - Collection best of Sass mixins and function
- StefanKovac/flex-layout-attribute - HTML layout helper based on CSS flexbox specification —
- ppoffice/hexo-theme-hueman - A redesign of Alx's wordpress theme hueman, ported to Hexo.
- HubSpot/tooltip - CSS Tooltips built on Tether. #hubspot-open-source
- codrops/IconHoverEffects - A set of simple round icon hover effects with CSS transitions and animations for your inspiration.
- arashmanteghi/simptip - A simple CSS tooltip made with Sass
- jh3y/whirl - pure css loading animations with minimal effort!
- adamschwartz/chrome-tabs - Chrome-style tabs in HTML/CSS.
- KyleAMathews/react-spinkit - A collection of loading indicators animated with CSS for React
- gromo/jquery.scrollbar - jQuery CSS Customizable Scrollbar
- tlrobinson/evil.css - Because CSS isn't evil enough already.
- necolas/css3-facebook-buttons - Simple CSS to recreate the appearance of Facebook's buttons and toolbars.
- lucasgruwez/waffle-grid - An easy to use flexbox grid system.
- LukyVj/colofilter.css - Colofilter.css - Duotone filters made with CSS !
- colourgarden/avalanche - Superclean, powerful, responsive, Sass-based, BEM-syntax CSS grid system
- cmaddux/littlebox - Super simple to implement, CSS-only icons.
- tiaanduplessis/wenk - 😉 Lightweight pure CSS tooltip for the greater good
- SaraSoueidan/navicon-transformicons - Demo for Navicon Transformicons: Animated Navigation Icons with CSS Transforms http://sarasoueidan.com/blog/navicon-transformicons/
- johnotander/furtive - A forward-thinking, lightweight, css microframework
- thomaspark/pubcss - Format academic publications in HTML & CSS
- kdzwinel/SnappySnippet - Chrome extension that allows easy extraction of CSS and HTML from selected element.
- codrops/OffCanvasMenuEffects - Some inspiration for off-canvas menu effects and styles using CSS transitions and SVG path animations.
- kogakure/gitweb-theme - An alternative theme for gitweb, strongly inspired by GitHub
- WhatsNewSaes/Skeleton-Sass - The (un)official Sass Version of Skeleton (2.0.4): A Dead Simple, Responsive Boilerplate for Mobile-Friendly Development
- buseca/patternbolt - A fine selection of SVG pattern background, packed in a single CSS or SCSS file. Add patterns just adding a class.
- mvcss/mvcss - Sass-based CSS Architecture
- necolas/css3-social-signin-buttons - CSS3 Social Sign-in Buttons with icons. Small and large sizes.
- callmenick/Animating-Hamburger-Icons - Animating CSS-only hamburger menu icons
- windyakin/Honoka - Honoka is one of the original Bootstrap theme.
- bjork24/Unison - Unifying named breakpoints across CSS, JS, and HTML
- nitinhayaran/Justified.js - jQuery Plugin to create Justified Image Gallery
- matthieua/sass-css3-mixins - Sass CSS3 Mixins! The Cross-Browser CSS3 Sass Library
- Stanko/skyblue - CSS framework (made with SASS)
- geoffgraham/animate.scss - Sass mixins based on Dan Eden's Animate.css
- danielcardoso/load-awesome - An awesome collection of — Pure CSS — Loaders and Spinners
- ghosh/microtip - 💬 Modern, minimal, ultra lightweight css tooltip library. Just 1kb.
- eliortabeka/tootik - A pure CSS/SCSS/LESS Tooltips library. Super easy to use, No JavaScript required.
- mdo/table-grid - Simple CSS grid system using
display: table;
. - ffoodd/a11y.css - This CSS file intends to warn developers about possible risks and mistakes that exist in HTML code. It can also be used to roughly evaluate a site's quality by simply including it as an external stylesheet.
- balzss/luxbar - 🍸 Featherweight, Responsive, CSS Only Navigation Bar
- jamiewilson/corpus - Yet another CSS toolkit. Basically the stuff I use for most projects.
- premasagar/cleanslate - An extreme CSS reset stylesheet, for aggressively resetting the styling of an element and its children. Composed exclusively of CSS !important rules.
- TryKickoff/kickoff - 🏀 A lightweight front-end framework for creating scalable, responsive sites. Version 8 has just been released!
- electerious/formbase - Better default styles for common input elements.
- bryanbraun/after-dark-css - Recreating After Dark screensavers with CSS3.
- robertpiira/ingrid - A fluid CSS layout system
- kennethormandy/utility-opentype - Simple, CSS utility classes for advanced typographic features.
- zachacole/Simple-Grid - A simple, lightweight CSS grid
- nagoshiashumari/Rpg-Awesome - A fantasy themed font and CSS toolkit.
- tgdev/animate-sass - A Sassy version of Dan Eden's Animate.css
- danielguillan/bem-constructor - A Sass library for building immutable and namespaced BEM-style CSS objects
- vladocar/Hartija---CSS-Print-Framework - Universal CSS for web printing
- space150/spaceBase - A Sass-based responsive CSS framework.
- jkphl/iconizr - A PHP command line tool for converting SVG images to a set of CSS icons (SVG & PNG, single icons and / or CSS sprites) with support for image optimization and Sass output. Created by Joschi Kuphal (@jkphl), licensed under the terms of the MIT license
- alsacreations/KNACSS - feuille de styles CSS sur-vitaminée
- elky/django-flat-theme - A flat theme for Django admin interface. Modern, fresh, simple.
- lepture/yue.css - A typography stylesheet for readable content
- jgthms/wysiwyg.css - A tiny CSS for generated HTML or Markdown content
- codrops/SlitSlider - A responsive slideshow with a twist: the idea is to slice open the current slide when navigating to the next or previous one. Using jQuery and CSS animations we can create unique slide transitions for the content elements.
- Axel--/Naut-for-reddit - A css theme for reddit.com
- codrops/ClickEffects - A set of subtle effects for click or touch interactions inspired by the visualization of screen taps in mobile app showcases. The effects are done with CSS animations mostly on pseudo-elements.
- all-animation/all-animation - All Animation.css é um conjunto de animações, divertidas para deixar seu projeto mais sexy. São animações cross-browser que darão mas ênfase a suas páginas como controles deslizantes, efeitos 3D’s..
- csswizardry/csswizardry.github.com - My site.
- necolas/griddle - A CSS grid constructor
- riccardoscalco/crayon - Crayon.css is a list of css variables linking color names to hex values.
- leny/kouto-swiss - A complete CSS framework for Stylus
- rupl/unfold - Unfolding the Box Model — interactive slides exploring CSS 3D Transforms
- sparkbox/style-prototype - Example of an HTML/CSS style tile.
- zalando/gulp-check-unused-css - A build tool for checking your HTML templates for unused CSS classes
- lynnandtonic/a-single-div - CSS drawings with only one HTML element.
- mrmrs/btns - A set of css utilities for constructing beautiful responsive buttons
- cakebaker/scss-syntax.vim - Vim syntax file for scss (Sassy CSS)
- thx/cube - 跨终端、响应式、低设计耦合的CSS解决方案
- ireade/formhack - A hackable css form reset
- ecomfe/est - EFE Styling Toolkit based on Less
- darklow/social-share-kit - Library of decent and good looking CSS/JavaScript social sharing icons, buttons and popups
- lvwzhen/iconpark - Collection of iconfonts
- chokcoco/css3- - CSS3 实现各类 3D && 3D 行星动画效果
- tomgenoni/cssdig-chrome - Chrome extension for analyzing CSS.
- static-dev/axis - terse, modular & powerful css library
- shakrmedia/tuesday - A quirky CSS Animation Library by Shakr
- jessekorzan/expodal - The Most Explosive Modal on The Web.
- arnaudleray/pocketgrid - PocketGrid is a lightweight pure CSS grid system for Responsive Web Design. Moreover, it is semantic, mobile-first, and allows to have an unlimited number of columns and breakpoints.
- sitetent/tentcss - 🌿 A CSS survival kit. Includes only the essentials to make camp.
- SLaks/Silon - Logic Gates and Adders in pure CSS
- kjhealy/pandoc-templates - Some elementary (xe)tex templates and css files for Pandoc.
- turretcss/turretcss - Turret is a styles and browser behaviour normalisation framework for rapid development of responsive and accessible websites.
- mjonuschat/bootstrap-sass-rails - HTML, CSS, and JS toolkit from Twitter – Official Sass port:
- chris-pearce/scally - Scally is a Sass-based, BEM, OOCSS, responsive-ready, CSS framework that provides you with a solid foundation for building reusable UI's quickly
- tholman/obnoxious.css - Animations for the strong of heart, and stupid of mind.
- lazarljubenovic/grassy - Build layout through ASCII art in Sass (and more). No pre-built CSS. No additional markup.
- tylergaw/css-shaky-animation - Shits shakin' yo
- doximity/vital - Design Framework
- BlessCSS/bless - CSS Post-Processor
- railsware/applepie - Semantic and Modular CSS Toolkit
- mirisuzanne/compass-animate - Compass port of Dan Eden's Animate.css
- SaraSoueidan/css-shapes-layouts - Non-rectangular Layouts with CSS Shapes
- brianmaierjr/long-haul - A minimal, type-focused Jekyll theme.
- nopr/sassdown - Generates styleguides from Markdown comments in CSS, SASS and LESS files using Handlebars
- dfcb/extra-strength-responsive-grids - A Fluid CSS Grid System for Responsive Web Design The Fluid CSS Grid System for Responsive Web Design. Take total control of your layouts.
- zhangxinxu/zxx.lib.css - a css library for quick layout, especially for flow layout
- yamlcss/yaml - YAML (Yet Another Multicolumn Layout) is a modular CSS framework for truly flexible, accessible and responsive websites. It is based on Sass and has a very slim framework core that weights only ~6kB.
- newaeonweb/responsiveboilerplate - A lightweight (2kb) micro-library, elegant & minimalistic CSS3 grid system, made with only three main classes and 12 columns. It`s very easy to use and understand, pre-packed with some extra css helpers for mobile devices.
- cognitom/paper-css - Paper CSS for happy printing
- Eiskis/layers-css - A lightweight, unobtrusive and style-agnostic, CSS framework aimed for practical use cases. Comes with a small footprint and zero bullshit.
- jonathantneal/postcss-normalize - Use the parts of normalize.css you need from your browserlist
- mac81/pure-drawer - Pure CSS transition effects for off-canvas views
- GoalSmashers/css-minification-benchmark - A comparison of CSS minifiers for node.js
- kjbrum/juice - Mixins for Life
- yearofmoo/ngAnimate-animate.css - A driver module to make animate.css work with AngularJS 1.2
- getpavilion/pavilion - Pavilion CSS Framework. A solid starting point without the bloat.
- kristerkari/normalize.scss - SCSS version of normalize.css
- forsigner/magic-check - Beautify Radio and Checkbox with pure CSS.
- bokuweb/re-bulma - [experimental] Bulma components build with React
- ovdojoey/Juiced - A Flexbox CSS Framework
- at-import/jacket - Conditional Styles with Sass. Dress you CSS appropriately.
- Heydon/REVENGE.CSS - A CSS bookmarklet that puts pink error boxes (with messages in comic sans) everywhere you write bad HTML.
- pixelastic/css-flags - Flags of the world with only one div
- vol7/shorthand - Shrthnd is a handy tool that converts CSS properties into shorthand, making shorter and more readable stylesheets.
- srdjan/react-multistep - React multistep form component using Browersify
- imbrianj/debugCSS - CSS to highlight potentially malformed, invalid or questionable markup.
- argyleink/ragrid - Intrinsic first auto-layout flexbox grid
- niklausgerber/PreLoadMe - PreLoadMe, a lightweight jQuery website preloader.
- shankariyerr/tinyreset - Tiny CSS reset for the modern web
- trevanhetzel/barekit - A bare minimum responsive framework
- WebDevStudios/wd_s - WebDevStudio's fork of Automattic's _s. Used as our starter theme.
- Idered/cssParentSelector - CSS4 parent selector based on jQuery
- siimple/siimple - Minimal CSS Framework for flat and clean designs.
- kanthvallampati/IVORY - Simple, Flexible, & Powerful responsive web framework, Makes your web development faster and easier. It takes you all the way from 1200px on down to 320px.
- jhfrench/bootstrap-tree - JavaScript and LESS/CSS for creating Bootstrap-themed trees (to display hierarchical data).
- ummahusla/Codecademy-Exercise-Answers - 🎓 Codecademy.com exercise answers
- csswizardry/csscv - A simple, opinionated stylesheet for formatting semantic HTML to look like a CSS file.
- atom/one-dark-syntax - Atom One dark syntax theme
- mildrenben/surface - A Material Design CSS only framework
- JonathanSpeek/spacegrid - A no-frills responsive grid layout to help you get started on your next project.
- thierryk/ez-css - Create complex layouts with ez-css, a light, easy to use, CSS framework.
- ksmandersen/compass-normalize - A compass plugin for using normalize.css
- codepo8/CSS3-Rainbow-Dividers - No longer must your rainbow dividers be images slowing down your computer! Make them hardware accelerated!
- pbakaus/transformie - Transformie is a javascript plugin that comes in less than 5k that you embed into web pages and that brings you CSS Transforms by mapping the native IE Filter API to CSS trandforms as proposed by Webkit.
- jpswalsh/academicons - An icon font for academics
- groovydev/twitter-bootstrap-grails-plugin - Grails plugin for Twitter Bootstrap CSS framework resources
- MartinChavez/HTML-CSS-Advanced-Topics - HTML/CSS: Advanced Topics
- alecrios/core-css - An ultra-minimal framework
- tzi/chewing-grid.css - A CSS Grid ideal for card listing design like tiles, videos or articles listing. Responsive without media-queries.
- bassjobsen/typeahead.js-bootstrap-css - LESS / CSS code for using typeahead.js with Bootstrap 3
- uloga/modulr.css - 🍺Modulr.css - A fast and easy modular approach to building powerful web and mobile interfaces.🍷
- marcvannieuwenhuijzen/BootstrapXL - CSS file with Bootstrap grid classes for screens bigger than 1600px
- MikeMitterer/dart-material-design-lite - Material Design Lite Components, Directives + SPA with HTML, CSS + Dart
- iRaul/pushy-buttons - CSS Pressable 3D Buttons.
- Angelmmiguel/graaf - A collection of pure CSS grids for designing your new projects
- t32k/maple - A better front-end boilerplate.
- elky/django-flat-responsive - An extension for Django admin that makes interface mobile friendly.
- sathify/CCSS - CSS architecture for web applications
- i-akhmadullin/Sublime-CSS3 - Better CSS3 syntax highlighting for Sublime Text (at this point just use official CSS package)
- benfrain/app-reset - A minimal set of reset CSS specifically for web applications
- seegno/ucss - UCSS - Utility CSS
- diagnosticss/diagnosticss - Diagnostic CSS stylesheet that helps visually detect any potentially invalid, inaccessible or erroneous HTML markup.
- ariona/hover3d - Simple jQuery plugin for 3d Hover effect
- micjamking/navigataur - A pure CSS responsive navigation menu
- zweilove/css_splitter - Gem for splitting up stylesheets that go beyond the IE limit of 4095 selectors, for Rails 3.1+ apps using the Asset Pipeline.
- LunarLogic/auroral - Animated background gradients with pure CSS
- ecomfe/rider - Rider 是一个基于 Stylus 与后处理器、无侵入风格的 CSS 样式工具库
- flathemes/bootflat - BOOTFLAT is an open source Flat UI KIT based on Twitter Bootstrap 3 css framework. It provides a faster, easier and less repetitive way for web developers to create elegant web app.
- viduthalai1947/loaderskit - Single Element Pure CSS Spinners & Loaders
- SaraSoueidan/circular-navigation - Demo for Codrops Tutorial: Building a Circular Navigation with CSS Transforms
- catc/simple-hint - CSS-only tooltip packed with a variety of features.
- mgeraci/Less-Boilerplate - The Less.CSS file full of helpers that I use in my design projects.
- yihui/knitr-jekyll - Automatically knit R Markdown documents, build them with Jekyll, and serve the website with servr locally
- nashvail/ATVIcons - Apple TV 2015 icons recreated in HTML, CSS and JS
- T-baby/ICECss - 一个简洁的CSS框架
- OwlyStuff/amazium - The responsive CSS web framework
- sporkd/compass-h5bp - Compass library of Html5Boilerplate's style.css
- callmenick/CSS-Circle-Menu - A fly-out circle menu built with CSS.
- tmoreton/useful.ly - useful.ly Flexbox-Based CSS Framework
- karlgroves/diagnostic.css - Diagnostic.css is a stylesheet which allows the user to test for common errors in a page's markup
- ptb/flexgrid - Next-generation CSS grid framework based on flexbox. Provides the same responsive 12 column fluid layout as Bootstrap 3 to most browsers. Even supports IE 6! Simple, fast, and easy.
- bchanx/animated-gameboy-in-css - Animated Gameboy created in CSS.
- y0ssar1an/CSS3 - The most complete CSS support for Sublime Text 3
- bbc/grandstand - BBC Grandstand is a collection of common CSS abstractions and utility helper classes
- zavoloklom/material-design-color-palette - Material Design Color Palette: LESS/CSS toolkit
- ElemeFE/postcss-salad - 沙拉是一个能够帮助你写出更加简洁、优雅的CSS的样式解决方案
- sixrevisions/responsive-full-background-image - Sources files for a Six Revisions tutorial called Responsive Full Background Image Using CSS
- dudleystorey/thenewdefaults - Sass replacement for the standard CSS named color system
- RichardBray/color-me-sass - Colour library for the css preprocessor SASS
- danlevan/google-material-color - Google material color for SASS, LESS, Stylus, CSS, JS, etc
- adobe-webplatform/Demo-for-Alice-s-Adventures-in-Wonderland - Demo of CSS Shapes using the Alice in Wonderland story.
- thewirelessguy/cornerstone - Cornerstone is a WordPress starter theme based on the Zurb Foundation Responsive Framework. Cornerstone aims to provide a lightweight starter theme that is responsive and SEO friendly that web designers can build great looking websites on.
- simaQ/cssfun - css
- codrops/ArrowNavigationStyles - Some inspiration for arrow navigation styles and hover effects using SVG icons for the arrows, and CSS transitions and animations for the effects.
- winjs/grid - CSS Grid Framework
- StylishThemes/StackOverflow-Dark - 🐵 Dark StackOverflow
- stephenway/compass-inuit - 💮 Official Compass extension for inuit.css
- qieguo2016/iconoo - A Flexible Pure CSS Icon Pack! One Tag One Icon! https://qieguo2016.github.io/iconoo/
- curiositry/mnml-ghost-theme - A minimal, responsive, fast ghost blog theme with great typography. Comes with Disqus comments, syntax highlighting, and KaTeX for mathematics, and more.
- hail2u/normalize.scss - Modularized and Sassy normalize.css
- drygiel/csslider - Pure CSS slider
- WhatsNewSaes/Skeleton-Less - The (un)official Less Version of Skeleton (2.0.4): A Dead Simple, Responsive Boilerplate for Mobile-Friendly Development
- ostranme/swagger-ui-themes - 💥 A collection of css themes to spice up your Swagger docs
- escueladigital/EDgrid - CSS library for responsive layouts / Libreria CSS para construir layouts responsive
- dryan/css-smart-grid - Lightweight, Responsive, Mobile First Grid System
- jackyliang/Material-Design-For-Full-Calendar - Material Design CSS theme for FullCalendar Weekly Agenda
- mixu/cssbook - The book "Learn CSS layout the pedantic way"
- andri/fluidable - Standalone CSS grid system
- Wakkos/Wakkos-CSS-Framework - SCSS Framework para agilizar maquetación Frontend.
- codrops/ColorExtraction - Creating a color palette from images in a fun way using CSS Filters and Vibrant.js
- sparanoid/almace-scaffolding - AMSF, a.k.a. Almace Scaffolding, a super-fast Jekyll framework. Supports live reloading (Browsersync), Less, HTML minification, inlined stylesheets and more.
- benjaminkott/bootstrap_package - Bootstrap Package delivers a full configured fontend theme for TYPO3, based on the Bootstrap CSS Framework.
- simurai/filter.css - A collection of CSS filter combos
- podrivo/thegoodman - An experiment with basic CSS3 animations.
- jkymarsh/nuclide - A CSS framework for utilizing the Atomic design pattern
- s5s5/CSS-Animations - 一些在项目中学习、使用CSS的动画心得。与大家一起探讨CSS动画的What How Why。
- Esri/calcite-maps - A Bootstrap theme for designing, styling and creating modern map apps.
- derny/reuze - Reuze is a teeny-tiny front end tool that makes structuring HTML and CSS for blogs and article-heavy sites a breeze.
- ArunMichaelDsouza/CSS-Mint - Lightweight and simple to use UI Kit
- panicsteve/shutup-css - CSS stylesheet to hide comments on web pages
- codrops/ItemSlider - A tutorial on how to create a simple category slider with a minimal design using CSS animations and jQuery. The idea is to slide the items sequentially depending on the slide direction.
- zemirco/flexbox-grid - Grid system using CSS flex properties
- vanilla-framework/vanilla-framework - From community websites to web applications, this CSS framework will help you achieve a consistent look and feel.
- daktales/Mou-Themes-Collection - A collection of themes (and css) for Mou
- tawian/tawian-frontend - Frontend for Tawian
- bkzl/hocus-pocus - Universal and lightweight stylesheet starter kit
- dnomak/font-awesome-scss - Font Awesome Scss Core (Unofficial)
- modulz/modulz-atomic - A set of single-purpose CSS classes for scalable front-end development.
- explosion/displacy-ent - 💥 displaCy-ent.js: An open-source named entity visualiser for the modern web
- newaeonweb/ResponsiveAeon-Cssgrid - Lightweight Responsive CSS Grid System, build to be Simple Fast and Intuitive, only 1kb minified.
- jovey-zheng/loader - Pure css loading animations. As long as only one element!
- jonjaques/react-loaders - Lightweight wrapper around Loaders.css.
- fourseven/pure-sass - Yahoo's Pure CSS library ported to SASS.
- voronianski/dookie-css - stylus driven css library
- taniarascia/primitive - A simple, minimalist Sass boilerplate for a clean, organize front end workflow.
- atomicpages/skeleton-sass - Skeleton Sass is a highly modular version of Skeleton CSS
- ronanlevesque/FOX-CSS - A light CSS/Sass framework
- haydenbbickerton/vue-animate - Vue.js port of Animate.css
- bmbrands/theme_bootstrap - A Moodle theme based on the Bootstrap CSS framework
- xtoolkit/Micon - Micon, The iconic windows 10 font and CSS toolkit.
- mrmrs/css-uncut - WIP: All of css as single purpose classes
- saadeghi/browser-hack-sass-mixins - Browser hack sass mixin - Apply your SCSS to a specific browser - CSS hacks for: IE, Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Opera
- Mobirise/Mobirise - Free Website Builder for Bootstrap 4
- linxz/tianyizone - 整理平时会偶尔用到的一些CSS小东西
- donovanh/zelda - CSS Zelda-inspired animation
- activeadmin-plugins/active_admin_theme - 👍 flat skin for activeadmin
- jaydenseric/Fix - A CSS normalization/reset reference.
- adamstac/grid-coordinates - Sass and Compass highly-configurable CSS grid framework
- filamentgroup/scoped-media-query - An element query workaround. A Sass mixin for scoping CSS styles to apply only within given selector/media query pairs.
- backflip/gulp-iconfont-css - Create an SCSS file mapping the SVG files piped to gulp-iconfont to their codepoints
- userexec/Pi-Kitchen-Dashboard - A simple HTML/CSS/JS time and weather dashboard for use with Raspberry Pi and Chromium
- lukehaas/css-pokemon - An experiment with CSS clip-path and variables
- mrkrupski/LESS-Dynamic-Stylesheet - A set of useful mixins for LESS, the CSS pre-processor: http://lesscss.org
- jpsilvashy/fluid-grid-system - A very lightwieght XHTML/CSS framework that follows both the typographic grid, and also baseline grid
- wbobeirne/stranger-things - Intro of the show Stranger Things in CSS
- mrmrs/type.css - A mobile-first responsive type scale
- loup-brun/buttons - A collection of CSS buttons.
- parsegon/math-css - Easy way to represent math by a few lines of HTML via CSS.
- mrmlnc/material-color - 🔆 The colour palette, based on Google's Material Design, for use in your project.
- christian-fei/Timeline.css - Share life and work events with Timeline.css! Sass and SCSS port too!
- cognitom/keiyaku-css - Crazy Style Formatter for Japanese Contract Document
- zachwaugh/Helveticards - 100% CSS playing cards, originally created for the Pitboss poker server, you can see live demo at link below
- uloga/decorator - 📝Decorator HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Front-End Framework
- lindseydiloreto/craft-cpcss - Control Panel CSS plugin for Craft CMS
- brenna/csshexagon - Pure CSS hexagon generator, built with AngularJS
- mladenplavsic/css-ripple-effect - Pure CSS implementation of Android Material design "ripple" animation
- zmyaro/holo-web - A CSS library that imitates the Android Holo themes
- andrewgioia/Keyrune - Magic: the Gathering set symbol pictographic font
- elipapa/markdown-cv - a simple template to write your CV in a readable markdown file and use CSS to publish/print it.
- Borderliner/Meshki - Meshki: A Black-Colored, Responsive Boilerplate for UI Development
- shoppad/UptownCSS - A beautiful frontend development framework for Shopify, built by ShopPad
- Jack-McCourt/css3-animate-it - CSS3 Animate-it
- colepeters/gemma - A lightweight CSS library.
- caramelcss/caramel - a simple to use, easy to remember css framework
- brandon-rhodes/Concentric-CSS - A standard order for CSS properties that starts at the outer edge of the box model and moves inward
- nateify/elementary-CSS - A CSS framework based on the design of elementaryOS
- minipai/ng-trans.css - Easy transitions for AngularJS
- terabytenz/inuit.css-kitchensink - Kitchen Sink of Inuit.CSS's UI components
- P233/Rebar - Rebar makes responsive development more efficient and keeps CSS organised.
- csswizardry/inuit.css-web-template - Web template for housing the inuit.css framework as submodule
- ramswaroop/ui-kit-for-chrome-extensions - A UI template for designing the options/settings page for Chrome Extensions. It resembles the exact look as the native settings page of Chrome Browser.
- feichang/veryless - less css 扩展
- chrisdwheatley/material-design-hamburger - Android's Material Design hamburger animation built in CSS
- stevenmhunt/badgerly - A CSS 3 library for rendering badges.
- Garrett-/lcars - CSS Framework to style web pages like the fictional Star Trek computer operating system.
- theoinglis/ngAnimate.css - Animation classes for use with AngularJS
- MartinChavez/HTML-CSS - HTML/CSS Tutorial
- lmgonzalves/morphing-hamburger-menu - A CSS only Morphing Hamburger Menu.
- jorge8168711/Checkbox.css - Conjunto de checkoxes creados con únicamente CSS
- csswizardry/discovr - CSS Architecture workshop files
- alienresident/style-tiles - Create HTML and CSS Style Tiles with Sass & Compass
- FontFaceKit/roboto - CSS/SASS codes and woff files for google's roboto webfont
- oltmannsdaniel/skeleton-plus - This is an Plus Version of Skeleton.css and PURE css
- jharding/typeahead.js-bootstrap.css - DEPRECATED
- daliannyvieira/css-animations-pocket-guide - A pocket guide to get started writing CSS Animations. ✨
- JFXtras/jfxtras-styles - CSS Styles that can be used to give applications a different look and feel.
- aosmialowski/1140px-Responsive-CSS-Grid - 1140px Responsive CSS Grid
- xingbofeng/css-grid-flex - 📖An introduction about grid and flex of css.
- tylergaw/css-true-titles - CSS Title Sequence in the style of True Detective
- leRenart/Yummi-loader - Less//Css classes for a fancy page load.
- LeaVerou/play.csssecrets.io - CSS Secrets Book live demos
- bymathias/normalize.styl - Stylus version of normalize.css
- mgcrea/bootstrap-additions - CSS extension kit for Twitter Bootstrap 3.0+
- zalando/dress-code - The official style guide and framework for all Zalando Brand Solutions products
- chantastic/minions.css - evil micro-classes
- sindresorhus/ios-landing-page - Landing page template for iOS apps
- ranjithprabhuk/Angular-Bootstrap-Dashboard - Angular Bootstrap Dashboard is a web dashboard application based on Bootstrap and AngularJS. All components included in this dashboard template has been developed to bring all the potential of HTML5 and Bootstrap plus a set of new features (JS and CSS) ideal for your next dashboard admin theme or admin web app project. Angular Bootstrap Dashboard can be used in any type of web applications dashboard: Single Page Application (SPA), project management system, ecommerce admin dashboard, CMS, CRM, SAAS, help desk; for personal and business purposes. Angular Bootstrap Dashboard uses ui-router for routing purposes.
- duoshuo/duoshuo-embed.css - 多说评论框 CSS 样式源代码
- bjankord/CSS-Components-Modifiers-And-Subcomponents-Collection - A collection of common CSS module class names
- twolfson/spritesheet-templates - Convert spritesheet data into CSS or CSS pre-processor data
- ProLoser/Flexbox.less - DEPRECATED (use Autoprefixer)! Use Flexbox CSS Today! LESS mixins to maximize browser compatibility!
- slavanga/baseguide - Lightweight and robust CSS framework for prototyping and production code.
- sass-basis/basis - A lightweight responsive Sass/CSS framework based on flexible box.
- plapier/css3-flashes - CSS3 Flashes for Rails apps
- radogado/natuive - ~15 KB feature-rich front-end framework
- mirisuzanne/compass-css-lightbox - a css-only lightbox implementation for compass
- LeadDyno/bootstrap-nav-wizard - A simple, pure CSS (nav-tabs/nav-pils)-like wizard UI for bootstrap
- cnanney/css-flip-counter - A revisit of my CSS flip counter
- callmenick/CSS-Device-Mockups - Pure CSS device mockups.
- codrops/PageRevealEffects - Some ideas for modern multi-layer page transitions using CSS Animations.
- stuyam/CSSDevices - 📱.css Apple devices built in pure CSS
- jonschlinkert/vertical-rhythm - Put some typographical vertical rhythm in your CSS. LESS, Stylus and SCSS/SASS versions included.
- firminoweb/csshorus - CSSHórus is a library for easy and fast development of responsive and mobile websites. It contains 12 grid columns and basic style formats (Reset, Print, Grid, Misc styles) and now with 'Skins' stylizing (Typography, Lists, Links, Table, Form, Buttons) for your web project, also with RTL and LESS CSS.
- codrops/SwatchBook - A tutorial about how to create a swatch book like component that let's you open and rotate the single swatches revealing some details. We will be using CSS transforms and transitions and create a simple jQuery plugin.
- Alsiso/normalize-zh - Normalize.css 中文文档与源码解读
- unmaya/Girder - A simple CSS grid for building and prototyping modern websites. Its flexible, semantic and responsive.
- sindresorhus/strip-css-comments - Strip comments from CSS
- FormstoneClassic/Gridlock - A responsive CSS grid system.
- codrops/CSSProgress - A tutorial on how to create shaded CSS-only progress bars with Sass. By Rafael González.
- BlessCSS/grunt-bless - Split CSS files suitable for IE
- raulghm/Font-Awesome-Stylus - Stylus port for font-awesome 4.7.0
- pixelperfectcss/pixelperfectcss-scss - Pixel Perfect CSS (Scss)
- joeberthelot88/Less-Grid-Boilerplate - A lightweight 12-column CSS grid system built with CSS Grid and LESS.
- sgomes/css-aspect-ratio - A tiny module to help preserve aspect ratio in pure CSS
- sakamies/Lion-CSS-UI-Kit - For web designers wanting to mock up Mac apps in the browser.
- auth0/styleguide - 🖌 Conjunction of design patterns, components and resources used across our products.
- afonsopacifer/da-vinci-css - 🎨 Creating shapes and drawings with CSS.
- Vekseid/FontReaper - Node script to break up icon fonts into css classes with embedded svg backgrounds, while retaining similar syntax.
- bartholomej/material-scrolltop - Lightweight, Material Design inspired plugin for scrolling on top of the html page (with jQuery)
- OkGoDoIt/Office-Ribbon-2010 - Office 2010 Style Ribbon Toolbar in HTML/CSS/JS
- markdurrant/noisy-uris - Ready-made noise images as data URIs. Available in Sass, LESS, and vanilla CSS flavours.
- joergrech/KickstartWithBootstrap - Kickstart is an extension for Grails in order to start your project with a good looking frontend. It is intended to be used in rapid application scenarios such as a Startup Weekend or a prototyping session with a customer. This plugin provides adapted scaffolding templates for standard CRUD pages using Twitter's CSS Framework Bootstrap and offers some basic pages for a web site.
- jbranchaud/captionss - Sensible CSS Image Captions
- Ionogy/kernel.css - The CSS framework built for any kind of task
- afuersch/css-percentage-circle - Pure CSS percentage circle
- clementoriol/MetroDNA - MetroDNA est une librairie de symboles de Transports en Commun Parisiens (RATP - SNCF) faciles à intégrer à vos sites. Metro, RER, Tram, Transilien. Versions CSS ou SASS Disponibles.
- technopagan/slides-in-markdown - Slide deck tool for giving presentations written in MarkDown. Based on remark.js and written in plain HTML, CSS & JS. Features presenter console with speaker notes, timer, screen blanking and more. The theme provides all basic requirements for slide contents (images, video, code snippets etc) and gives you many small helpers to style contents.
- tastejs/todomvc-app-css - CSS for TodoMVC apps
- rhiokim/markdown-css - markdown theme standard style, using less (for haroopad)
- mathexl/chemistry-css - A chemistry CSS library for creating Chemical Structures and Equations with just HTML.
- jslegers/jquery-bootstrap - Changing the way you use CSS
- reworkcss/css-whitespace - Convert whitespace significant CSS to valid CSS
- lodev09/bootstrap-dropselect - A simple jQuery plugin that extends bootstrap's dropdown menu into something like github's select menu.
- laoshu133/grunt-css-sprite - A grunt plugin to help front engineer creating css sprite.
- krasimir/organic-css - Micro CSS framework based on Organic concept
- tfzh/looper-ui - 🍭Pure CSS Interface Kit
- istarkov/html-hint - css hint (tooltip) based on hint.css with html content support
- jasonkarns/css-reset - Customization of Eric Meyer's CSS Reset
- vace/css3-animation-generator - chrome plugin css3 animation generator
- FWeinb/ios7translucent-css - Implementation of the iOS7 translucent topbar using CSS Regions
- tysonmatanich/directional-scss - Makes supporting CSS for left-to-right (LTR) and right-to-left (RTL) easy with SASS.
- callmenick/responsive-tabs - Responsive tab layout with JavaScript and CSS.
- andersevenrud/retro-css-shell-demo - Retro shell using CSS only (for graphics) - Demo
- nternetinspired/debug-css - A style sheet to help detect invalid or inaccessible markup
- Kilerd/Cat - a slight blog theme.
- GurudayalKhalsa/Base-CSS-Framework - A lightweight Responsive CSS Framework
- ericmagnuson/captionjs - An open-source jQuery plugin to easily and semantically add captions to images.
- Blocss/blocss - Blocss: Sass based, "Object Oriented" CSS framework
- renoirb/htmlcsstherightway - A spinoff on the "the right way" idea to explain the HTML/CSS basics for the self-taught. Idea coming from h5bp/lazyweb-requests#73
- kenhty/Natural - A cutting-edge CSS framework
- juliancwirko/s-grid - Flexbox grid system for Stylus
- FuelFrontend/generator-smacss - Perfectionist generator that scaffolds out different types of Frontend apps
- quietshu/cssosx - A CSS & JS made Mac OS X UI.
- luin/Hits-the-mole - The Hits-the-mole game implemented in pure CSS
- lalwanivikas/image-editor - A simple image editor - via CSS properties.
- dwarcher/reboundgen - Generates keyframe animations using Rebound.js by Facebook - a spring system simulator. Similar to Animate.css
- resir014/Clear-Sans-Webfont - Webfont conversion of the Clear Sans typeface designed by Intel.
- ptgamr/google-image-layout - A library help you to build Google like Image Gallery
- mdo/css-output - Comparing the differences in compiled CSS when using different Sass/Less methods to build reusable components.
- lduo/resume - open source resume(html+js+css)
- cbfranca/vertical-responsive-menu - A mobile first vertical responsive menu using HTML, CSS & JS
- dangvanthanh/tipsy.sass - A Simple Mixin Tooltip CSS Using Sass
- raphaelfabeni/flags-css3 - Countries flags developed using only CSS3
- JR93/css3-littleHuang - Drawing littleHuang by CSS3 纯CSS3画出小黄人并实现动画效果
- jh3y/tips - CSS tooltips!
- Zerthox/ClearVision - Automatically updating CSS theme series with customizable colors & background for Discord
- t32k/wisteria - The best HTML-driven prototyping tool for designing in browser.
- skidding/obvious-buttons - Almost flat CSS buttons
- shannonmoeller/reset-css - An unmodified copy of Eric Meyer's CSS reset. Sass, Less, PostCSS, and webpack friendly.
- Parasail-Health/parasail - A micro CSS framework
- intuxicated/css-persian - Persian CSS Fonts
- corgrath/osbcp-css-parser - CSS Parser in Java - !! This project is abandoned - Sorry :( - but maybe there is an active fork where the development can continue !!!
- Beg-in/frow - Flex Row CSS Grid System
- TryKickoff/statix - ⚽ Statix aims to make the process of creating static HTML templates quick and easy.
- FriendsOfEpub/Blitz - An eBook Framework (CSS + template)
- dciccale/css3-github-ribbon - A CSS3 Github Ribbon for your github-based projects
- cotag/orbicular - A CSS based circular progress bar for AngularJS
- zmmbreeze/slider.css - HTML presentation without javascript.
- zdhxiong/v2ex-material-theme - v2ex 的 Material design 风格 CSS
- timhettler/compass-photoshop-gradient-overlay - A compass extension to translate between Photoshop gradient overlays and CSS linear-gradients
- StylishThemes/Wikipedia-Dark - 🎓 Dark Wikipedia
- rachelandrew/css-books - Example files for building CSS books
- PineCSS/pine - Responsive CSS Framework ( PineCSS )
- koole/rainbowsafari - Hide sticky headers and color the menu bar on Safari for Yosemite
- fractures/fractures - Baseline atomic CSS toolkit.
- BlessCSS/gulp-bless - Gulp plugin which splits CSS files suitably for Internet Explorer < 10
- tiaanduplessis/nanoreset - Simple CSS reset(839 B bytes gzipped)
- textmate/css.tmbundle - TextMate support for CSS
- tachyons-css/tachyons-verbose - Functional CSS for humans. Verbose edition.
- sparanoid/cube.less - 3D (animated) cube using only CSS (Less), originally used by LeanCloud (aka. AVOS Cloud)
- NathanStrutz/LESS-CSS-Shapes-Library - A mixin library of shapes for LESS CSS.
- ijason/Smart-App-Banners - Script/CSS to include smart app banners in browsers other than Safari for iOS
- Esri/calcite-web - Authoritative front-end development resources for Calcite design initiative. Includes extendable base components and styles, as well as a modular and efficient framework for ArcGIS properties.
- daumcorp/Dough - [DEPRECATED] Dough (도우)는 웹표준기술팀에서 제작한 CSS 기반 UI Framework 입니다. CSS 전문가와 비전문가 누구나 몇가지 규칙을 숙지하기만 하면 자유롭게 웹표준 기반 마크업을 개발할 수 있도록 돕는 것이 목적이며, 이미지 기반이 아닌 CSS 기반의 스타일링을 가지므로 개발자 입장에서 보다 손쉬운 유지관리가 가능합니다.
- adchsm/Manhattan - A clean, lightweight and customisable CSS grid.
- niklausgerber/Rapid-Bootstrap - Fluid HTML, CSS, and JS toolkit from Niklaus Gerber for rapid website developement.
- nemophrost/atomic-css - Atomic CSS library with a CSS style guide for using atomic CSS in conjunction with OOCSS and CSS components
- hangyangws/baseCss - CSS基类,减少浏览器差异,常用CSS类名
- gpmd/itcss-boilerplate - Sass project boilerplate following the ITCSS (Inverted Triangle CSS) methodology
- Darklg/CSSCommon - Simple Modular CSS Framework
- salsita/inStyle - Modify the current selector &: https://instyle-css.salsitasoft.com
- larsenwork/CSS-Responsive-Grid-Overlay - Easily adjustable grid overlay to make development discussions easier
- ilanbiala/CSS-Shapes - CSS Shapes defined using Sass mixins.
- goatslacker/lotus.css - A minimalist's typography focused and responsive framework for the web
- fraserboag/maglev-theme - A modern, responsive, semantic website template built in HTML, CSS and jQuery
- softprops/less-sbt - type less css in your sbt projects
- pattle/Flags-in-CSS - Countries flags in pure CSS
- nstaeger/WordPress-UIkit-Starter-Theme - A WordPress starter theme for developers using the frontend framework UIkit
- magnetikonline/sassboilerplate - A collection of common use Sass stylesheets, mixins and functions.
- katychuang/hakyll-cssgarden - gallery of themes for hakyll static site generator
- hbang/iOS-7-CSS - Basic iOS 7 CSS
- guardian/guss-rem - Use rem units in your CSS with a pixel fallback for older browsers
- DevTips/Animated-Music-Player - Use CSS animations and JS to rock this music player to the beat!
- xchema/xtyle - Simple HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for creating amazing web applications.
- StevenIseki/bootstrap-css - A css module compatible version of bootstrap
- rvagg/gfm2html - Convert a GitHub style Markdown file to HTML, complete with inline CSS
- rtheunissen/md-preloader - A CSS animated SVG implementation of the Google Material Design preloader
- outboxcraft/beauter - A simple framework for faster and beautiful responsive sites
- nico3333fr/ROCSSTI - RÖCSSTI : pour démarrer vos CSS avec la patate !
- msadouni/compass-css-arrow - This Compass extension provides a mixin to add a css-only arrow to a box.
- jdsimcoe/animated.scss - A streamlined Sass port (featuring the best) of Dan Eden's Animate.css
- gkthegr8/css-cycle - A bicycle designed entirely in CSS.
- davidhund/jekyll-styleguide - Use Jekyll to easily generate a (OO)CSS Styleguide/Pattern Library
- parshap/css-eliminator - CSS dead code elimination
- liabru/material-design-type - a simple css implementation of material design typography
- ebow/bespoke-fx - CSS slide transitions for Bespoke.js
- ComputerWolf/996-Grid - Responsive css grid
- visiondesignzoo/Responsee - Lightweight, more intuitive and useful responsive CSS framework
- qlik-oss/leonardo-ui - Web UI component library with the Qlik Sense look and feel.
- paulozoom/garnish - Garnish for your sassy css cocktails.
- jrdnbwmn/pear - A lightweight HTML/Sass boilerplate
- callmenick/Slack-CSS-Logo - Slack animating logo built with only CSS
- paullaros/Stopwatch-in-CSS - Stopwatch in pure CSS
- mattbanks/Drupal-7-Starter-Theme - Drupal 7 Starter Theme for use as a starting template for building custom themes. Uses Compass/SCSS, HTML5 Boilerplate with Modernizr and Normalize.css.
- jockmac22/foundation_calendar_date_time_picker - Calendar: A date and time picker for the Foundation CSS framework.
- gdg-x/hub - API Data Hub for the Global GDG Community
- Esri/calcite-bootstrap - A Calcite theme and a custom build system for building Bootstrap apps.
- deividmarques/facebook-reactions-css - Facebook emotions sample
- axiomzen/flexgrid.css - Flexgrid.css is a responsive, declarative grid system powered by flexbox.
- zachstronaut/quintessential-css-cube - .qube -- The Quintessential Responsive 3D CSS Cube
- x-team/starting-css-modules - A very simple example of css-modules
- olimsaidov/pixeden-stroke-7-icon - A series of iOS 7 inspired vector icons in a custom @font-face icon font that can be styled dynamically using CSS.
- fnky/css3-uiswitch - A pretty sweet and pure CSS3 iOS 7 UISwitch
- davidfurlong/filters.css - cross-browser CSS image filters
- codrops/AnimatedAnimals - Demo for the tutorial on how to animate two SVG animals using only CSS (SCSS)
- chrishumboldt/Rocket-Propel - A lightweight SASS mixin library and responsive CSS layout engine.
- chriscoyier/linting-html-with-css - Demo of Ire Aderinokun's https://bitsofco.de/linting-html-using-css/
- alexcarpenter/butanecss - DEPRECATED
- tilomitra/csstypography - CSS styles for nicer web type. Depends on Pure.
- RadLikeWhoa/SSGS - SSGS is an easy-to-use grid system for the web. It allows you to quickly set up a responsive grid system using Sass.
- pavlyukpetr/motion-css - The library of CSS3 animation
- nstephens/cssterm - web package to easily display a linux terminal with css and javascript
- niklausgerber/Rapid-Bootstrap-V3 - «Rapid Bootstrap V3» is my toolkit for kickstarting web-projects, apps, and more. It includes a basic set of CSS elements optimized for perfect typography, a super simple fluid grid system and all necessary JavaScripts to develop mobile friendly websites. «Rapid Bootstrap V3» is especially built for Hammer. This nifty little tool by Riot can help you to build a static HTML site even faster. If you don't own a copy of hammer you will find everything processed in the «Build» folder.
- mytcer/xmixins - A super css mixin library which compatible with LESS、SASS and Stylus!
- malyw/malyw.github.io - JavaScript/HTML/CSS blog
- Maizify/Kimochi.css - A Lightweight Colorful Flat CSS UI Kit.
- mahonnaise/vs-code-markdown-theme - A Markdown CSS theme for Visual Studio Code.
- jmak/bootstrap-glyphicons-fonts - Alternative SCSS/CSS for GLYPHICONS PRO 1.9.2 fonts
- iamfederico/pichichi - Simple one page responsive portfolio template
- asika32764/silicone - A simple css helper to extend bootstrap and other css frameworks
- zessx/sass-flexbox - Manage Flexbox in Sass easily.
- raffael/iOS.css - High quality lib (CSS, JS) to imitate native iOS UI elements in Web Applications.
- mdo/mdo-df-css - Custom user style that overhauls the default CSS for daringfireball.net to increase readability.
- fortitude/fortitude-sass - Rock Solid CSS Framework
- crowdfavorite/css-grid - A terse and powerful simple CSS grid layout framework, released under an MIT license.
- cameronbaney/CSS3-Modal - A pure CSS3 responsive modal
- alphasights/paint - CSS framework like Bootstrap but more modern and delivered through SCSS mixins
- tiaanduplessis/barebones - A minimal CSS boilerplate - UNMAINTAINED
- rbrtsmith/nebula-css - ITCSS and BEM based Sass/CSS toolkit; extensible & scalable to any project size
- oleq/syncope - A vertical rhythm tool for developers and designers.
- imarc/boilerplate - Responsive CSS, HTML and JavaScript front-end starting point.
- futekov/csspre - CSS PRE site source
- dingledow/stretch-css - A super simple responsive CSS grid system framework.
- chrisnager/simple-paper-spinner - Simple
- anthonyvscode/Less-CSS3-Mixins - Collection of CSS3 Mixins to use with Less CSS
- anjlab/inputs - HTML form inputs with pure CSS and a little bit JS magic.
- scottaohara/Brass-Tacks - Sass Framework.
- oskargustafsson/CSS-spinners - A gallery of pure CSS spinners and loading indicators
- niklausgerber/NavLax - Fluid and mobile friendly navigation concept
- nDmitry/grunt-spriter - Analyzes your existing CSS files and either generates spritesheets or inlines them using data URIs and outputs an updated CSS stylesheet. Based on Spriter.
- lapwinglabs/layout.css - Wrapper around flexbox to make doing flexbox layouts simple and declarative
- kps3/kps3-boilerplate - Front-end boilerplate for KPS3
- jgthms/bulma-website - [DEPRECATED] Website for the Bulma CSS framework
- TN1ck/typescript2-react-redux-cssmodules-boilerplate - TypeScript 2.1 boilerplate with react, redux, css-modules and hot-reloading and webpack 2.
- sky-uk/toolkit - Sky's CSS Toolkit
- OfficeDev/Office-Add-in-UX-Design-Patterns-Code - Implementations in HTML and CSS of the design patterns in the repo Office-Add-in-UX-Design-Patterns
- lazd/iOCSS - Simple, resolution independent, image-free CSS for mobile web applications
- JohnCashmore/grunt-combine-media-queries - Combine matching media queries into one media query definition. Useful for CSS generated by preprocessors using nested media queries.
- DeviaVir/boilerplate - My personal boilerplate with commonly used libraries and set-up.
- w3cmark/css3 - 存放css3相关
- uraimo/pygments-vimstyles - Vim Styles as pygments CSS
- petethepig/github-ribbons-css - GitHub Ribbons written in CSS3
- oskargustafsson/nojs - A pure CSS approach to HTML form elements
- mediabeastnz/silverstripe-flat-admin - Custom CSS for the SilverStripe CMS admin interface. Flatter and cleaner UI without any additional weight.
- mapbox/assembly - Making the hard parts of designing for the web easy.
- jkneb/street-fighter-css - A cool little demo of Street Fighter II in CSS (moves) + JS (keyboard interactions)
- jeroenoomsNL/the-flex-grid - The Flex Grid is a responsive CSS flexbox grid. Because we can!
- IcaliaLabs/alom - Alom is the lighest, simplest framework ever
- i-akhmadullin/brackets-csscomb - CSSComb brackets extension
- FokkeZB/IconFont - CLI that converts Icon Font CSS StyleSheets into CommonJS modules exporting the unicodes by name
- donovanh/stereoscopic - Experimenting with stereoscopic CSS objects
- ahmadajmi/css-helpers - A small CSS library that provides a set of CSS helper classes.
- shaadomanthra/facebook-like-chat - A small script to demonstrate facebook like chat application using html jquery and css
- ruedap/emma.css - 🍴 Emma.css { emmet-like utility classes }
- nitayneeman/material-dark-devtools - A Chrome DevTools theme, which emphasizes materialism with dark colors.
- milligram/milligram-scss - A minimalist CSS framework on SCSS version.
- jerrywu2013/Web-Application - HTML、CSS
- flexiblegs/flexiblegs-scss - Flexible Grid System Scss
- auscompgeek/fb-messenger-dark - 💬 Dark Facebook Messenger theme
- weixin/mixins.less - 基于 Less 的 CSS 代码片段复用和混入库
- thefoxis/skeletor.css - A basic, down-to-earth Stylus boilerplate for building websites and apps
- suitcss/utils-size - CSS sizing utilities
- Stratio/egeo-theme - This is the official Egeo theme used by the Stratio's applications.
- overclokk/italystrap - WordPress theme Framework for awesome website, by default it includes: Twitter Bootstrap CSS framework, HTML5 Boilerplate, Schema.org markup and many other functionality, it is all developed in OOP, you can extend it with a child theme.
- markdowncss/modest - A markdown CSS module that is rather modest.
- hail2u/hail2u.net-styles - Repository for tracking (or stalking) changes on CSS or Sassy CSS (SCSS) files for Hail2u.net.
- formaweb/formadmin - Modern and responsive theme for Active Admin used by Formaweb.
- ElementUI/theme-default - Element default theme
- doyoe/blog - CSS探索之旅
- Smartik89/SMK-Font-Awesome-PHP-JSON - Font Awesome data in PHP and JSON
- omergulcicek/turkuazcss - Daha hızlı ve kolay web sayfaları geliştirmek için tasarlanan güçlü bir Framework
- liviavinci/Boundary - Boundary is a CSS+Javascript library for Chrome extension developers to easily create HTML elements that won’t affect or be affected by the current webpage’s CSS. Strongly recommended if you are considering adding a sticker, a sidebar or any overlay box using content script.
- hongyanh/open-style - A lightweight CSS framework for designers
- hi-caicai/MarkEditor-Themes - Use the beautiful themes in your MarkEditor
- escueladigital/Trucos-CSS - Repositorio de la serie Trucos CSS publicados en YouTube
- elad2412/css-accessibility-validator - CSS Accessibility Validator for your HTML
- DevTips/CSS-Grid-Frameworks-Series - A single layout recreated using different grid frameworks, video recorded and put on YouTube. Like a champ.
- deshack/pure-less - Pure CSS modules turned into LESS.
- themepixels/select2-skins - A css skins for select2 with sizes and colors.
- suitcss/components - Collection of SUIT CSS components
- simurai/cssconf-app - A totally fake CSSConf app
- scotch-io/CSS-mixins - SASS and LESS Mixins to simplify cross browser compatibility and make CSS3 properties easier to use.
- lmgonzalves/splash-transition - Creating an eye catching animation, just using SVG paths and CSS transitions.
- kathamo/Kathamo - Kathamo is a Minimalist CSS Framework for Rapid & Mobile-Friendly Development. Kathamo has a few easy ways to quickly get started, each one appealing to a different skill level and use case.
- IKAcc/RangeBrand - Official Color Codes for Famous Brands in Iran
- gnome-integration-team/firefox-gnome-css - work-in-progress rebuild of the theme as CSS-only, based on Firefox Dev theme
- dangodev/FormFactor.io - Efficient, semantic, CSS-only form elements
- AlexandreArpin/mtg-font - An iconic font and CSS toolkit for Magic The Gathering
- 720kb/checked.css - Tiny set of pure CSS animations that applies to checked elements. The power of checkbox.css + radiobox.css https://720kb.github.io/checked.css
- yckart/compass-kube - CSS-framework for professional developers ported to SCSS & Compass
- sujan-s/fictoan - An intuitive and minimalist HTML+CSS framework that strives for simplicity and easy of use.
- rgoomar/CSS-Crash-Course - CSS Crash Course
- Rabrennie/anything.css - Δ.CSS is a CSS Framework that accepts almost any pull request
- mzgnr/solarized-dark-xfce - Solarized Dark xfce & xfce-terminal themes
- JST-CN/LessCSS-docs - lesscss中文官网
- jglovier/fizzy - 🍇 🍓 🍊 A lovely, bright and lively syntax theme for Atom.
- i-like-robots/grid-layout-demo - The FT.com front page re-created with CSS grid layout
- flexiblegs/flexiblegs-css - Flexible Grid System CSS
- fareco/css-loader - pure css loader
- EscuelaIt/PostCSS-2016 - PostCSS-2016
- digitalfio/Stagger.css - A small CSS library to add Staggered Animations to your elements based on Dan Eden's Animate.css
- db0company/css-hexagon - A LESS script to generate CSS hexagons with custom size and color.
- CodyHouse/content-filter - A slide-in filter panel powered by CSS and jQuery.
- buzzfeed/solid - This repo will collect all basic BuzzFeed styling CSS.
- zdroid/codify.css - 📎 A minimal and customizable CSS normalization library
- typeimage/shelves - The only responsive, fluid CSS grid with infinitely nestable columns
- tylergaw/themanfromhollywood - CSS Kinetic typography experiment
- turing-incomplete/turing-incomplete - A Podcast About Programming
- taniadaniela/n1-agapanthus - Nylas N1 theme, inspired on Inbox by Google and based on Taiga.
- stackcss/ergonomic-breakpoint - Ergonomic CSS media queries
- shayhowe/modular-html-css-workshop - In this workshop you will learn how to write modular HTML and CSS, and how reuse code to build maintainable websites.
- ryangray/buttondown - A minimal Markdown/MultiMarkdown/Pandoc tailored CSS stylesheet
- Riccardo-Zanutta/buttons-collection.scss - A collection of buttons made with SASS.
- owl-stars/cssowl - Owl-Stars mixins library with support for LESS, SASS/SCSS & Stylus.
- NKjoep/i-love-markdown.css - Css that styles html as the original plain markdown text
- mrmrs/ios-dynamic-type - CSS module for using dynamic type in iOS on the web
- mazipan/bem-kit - 🔥 CSS UI Kit with BEM + SASS
- matsubo/emoji-sprite - CSS sprite and icons of EMOJI.
- jez/tufte-pandoc-css - Starter files for using Pandoc Markdown with Tufte CSS
- jeasonstudio/Ripples.wxss - Ripples.wxss 是一个为微信小程序量身定制的 css3 动效库。部分源自 Animate.css。
- i-net-software/jlessc - Less CSS compiler written in Java
- hoodiehq/hoodie-css - Framework for all hoodie sites
- gutaoainibei/ShopSpringMVC - 商城,后台用springmvc、easyui、mybitis、maven管理,前台用的css、jquery、bootstrap、html5
- comdan66/LiveCoding.tw - 官網
- argob/poncho - Framework front-end html y css para la creación de sitios pertenecientes a la Administración Pública Nacional de la República Argentina - Basado en Bootstrap
- anomaly256/neon-syntax - Neon syntax theme for Atom inspired by and based on the Farzher Neon Sublime Text 2/3 theme, using CSS text-shadow to implement the glow effect
- alphapapa/solarized-everything-css - A collection of Solarized user-stylesheets for...everything?
- afonsopacifer/css-magic -
♣️ ♦️ ♠️ ♥️ An illusion created only with CSS - Seich/JustVector-Icons-Font - Web font version of the JustVector icon set
- rowanmanning/frag - Frag is a fluid, responsive, simple grid system for CSS written in Sass.
- pascalduez/SassyFilters - Cross-Browser configurable CSS-SVG filters.
- nof1000/beauthub - Github is Beautiful Again! 😍
- necolas/eraser.css - CSS
-fueled bulldozer - meetup/sassquatch - CSS foundation & framework for Meetup
- lustan3216/Behavior-Bind-Media - Behavior css class bind query media can save tons of css code
- kylecotter/Sassy-CP - An override.css for the ExpressionEngine control panel.
- herablog/jpn-filter.css - The Japanese-syled CSS Filters.
- gnuwilliam/sudotrap - CSS toolkit built on top of HTML5 Boilerplate
- equinusocio/ckdcss - A tiny set of micro interactions for your checkboxes.
- cssrecipes/vertical-rhythm - Flexible CSS vertical rhythm
- Autarc/material-ui-stylus - Stylus version for the material-ui CSS framework
- achalv/proto - Prototypes in regular HTML and CSS, mostly for practice.
- aaroniker/framy-css - Very simple CSS Framework
- VladimirHumeniuk/formy - responsive and friendly contact form
- VinSpee/css-modularscale - Modular scale calculator built into your CSS http://modularscale.com
- sw4/revert.css - Restore Browser/Spec default CSS styles
- stephenscaff/keyframes-slider - A pure css approach to creating background-image sliders.
- stackcss/css-wipe - Reset the browser's styles
- SAP/techne - Design Guidelines, Components and Patterns Library for modern, mobile-first, user-centric Experience Design
- reimertz/flag-colors - A color collection available in sass, less, stylus and css
- pdr/django-responsive-admin - A responsive admin for Django that uses the Kube css framework.
- olton/Core_CSS - Full Featured HTML Framework for building Phonegap Hybrid Applications in Material Design Style for all devices. This is a mirror repo. Do not create pull request.
- lord/flexblocks - A CSS layout library
- expandtheroom/jquery-scrolltie - a jQuery plugin that ties a CSS property to scroll.
- evolution-ui/evolution-ui - Cutting Edge UI Components for Modern Developers
- DustinArmstrong/fullpage.scss - An SCSS template for dynamically generating CSS ONLY slideshows and keyframes
- dmolsen/CSS3-Snowflakes - Some simple CSS for creating snowflakes as well as some JavaScript for quickly adding them to your website.
- bellycard/rolodex - Functional CSS for Belly
- Aristona/aristona.github.io - My personal blog. Occasionally I write useful articles.
- 540co/govicons - 🇺🇸 US Government themed icons and CSS toolkit
- teles/pure-css-parallel-park - 🚗 Pure css parallel park is step by step tutorial on how to perfect parallel park
- sunshine940326/css3formeledemo - 改写你的checkout input默认样式
- sanographix/css3-countdown - Flip style CSS3 countdown timer
- pixelass/minus-grid - minus minus grid (--grid) | A grid powered by CSS custom properties
- mor10/kuhn - WordPress theme featuring CSS Grid layouts via aggressive progressive enhancement. Proof of concept to get the conversation about what CSS Grid means for WordPress themes started. Currently running live at https://mor10.com
- meteoric/ionic-sass - Ionic's CSS Framework in SASS and bundled for Meteor.
- Hancoson/react-redux-demo - Get started with React, Redux, and React-Router to achieve a Zhihu Daily App.
- ctr-lang/ctr - The CSS Framework
- clanceyp/cssmod - CSS mod query generator
- carolineartz/learning-box-model - Angular app for teaching box-sizing
- AllThingsSmitty/responsive-css-grid - A super-lightweight, responsive, 8-column grid based on box-sizing
- Aerolab/subtle-animations - How to quickly add simple UI details with Midnight.js, Wow.js and Animate.css
- VJAI/bootstrap-blog-template - An awesome blog template constructed using Twitter Bootstrap 3
- theadriann/TrinityCMS - 🏚 (my first public project ever) Custom PHP CMS for WoW PS
- tedconf/shed-css - Functional and customizable CSS utilities with familiar names
- stubailo/sunrise - CSS gradient sunrise 🌅
- softwarefx/jChartFX - jChartFX is a powerful HTML5-compliant charting component using JavaScript libraries to leverage the power of jQuery, CSS and SVG capabilities to deliver aesthetically superior charts and a richer end user experience, providing the most complete collection of charts and graphs for professional and serious business data visualization and analysis.
- sixrevisions/css-ghost-buttons - A collection of ghost buttons inspired by real-world examples.
- iwootten/jekyll-syntax - All jekyll pygment variations of syntax.css, pregenerated in one place
- haiticss/haiticss - Baseline for wearing ITCSS. Based on INUIT CSS from Harry Roberts
- estelle/selectors - Select This! CSS Selectors Presentation
- drewminns/postCSS-starter - For PostCSS article posted on Smashing Magazine
- crowdfavorite/wp-carrington-blueprint - A bare-bones theme framework including just essential WordPress theme template tags and the Carrington file structure, with minimal HTML and CSS.
- conferenciacssbrasil/website - First brazilian conference about CSS
- clovisdasilvaneto/CsSocker - Pure CSS Game
- bcinarli/melange - Melange is a powerful yet small CSS framework
- agauniyal/wireframe - minimal wireframing css-framework 🎈
- vitrineed/akali-grid - Semantic, responsive, and lightweight flexbox grid.
- ThaoFramework/Thao - A sleek and minimal CSS framework for easier web development.
- springload/frontend-starter-kit - The building blocks of front-end development at Springload
- Sevenzzw/flower.css - 一个多种动态样式的button按钮css库
- sergeylukin/css-skills-diagram - Pretty skills diagram made in pure CSS
- sebnitu/BaseWeb - A fresh front-end development framework.
- rustyameadows/Page-Transitions - A little bit of CSS & JS to animate page transitions
- ronanlevesque/FOX-Boilerplate-2 - An HTML5 / Sass / Gulp Boilerplate including FOX CSS
- lewagon/html-css-challenges - HTML / CSS challenges @LeWagon
- kianoshp/SASS-CSS-Boilerplate - Boilerplate for SASS CSS
- jxnblk/Mathematical - A Simple CSS Framework
- equinusocio/help-media-queries - This tool help you to easily recognize your active media query and display additional screen info
- daniguerrato/css-print - Demonstração do artigo "Dicas de CSS para impressão".
- coolfishstudio/cfs.animate.css - css3的运动样式库[完成]
- cinder92/Vigets - Vigets es un CMS, utilizando como plataforma electron, angular.js, css y html
- badabam/css-spaces - A simple CSS spacing library for margins, paddings, widths, heights and more
- Availity/availity-uikit - Availity UI Kit powered by Bootstrap 3
- aral/responsive-pixels - Stylus library for working in pixels and having generated CSS in REMs.
- alexisgo/LearningCSSAnimations - Learning CSS Animations
- AlexFlipnote/Discord_Theme - A discord theme that changes your CSS style
- uloga/startup - Responsive Startup Template: CSS, Javascript, HTML5
- swordray/ispinner - Pure CSS spinner like iOS UIActivityIndicatorView
- shawnohare/hugo-tufte - Content centric Hugo blogging theme styled with Tufte-css
- sawmac/CSS3 - Tutorial files for CSS3: The Missing Manual
- qddegtya/qddegtya.github.io - 🚀 Colorful
- palloi/responsive-header-only-css - See this example of responsive header without using javascript.
- ohanhi/svg-css-backgrounds - Multicolor SVGs as CSS backgrounds
- nabaroa/fromSassToPostCSS - A gulpfile to take the plunge from Sass to PostCSS
- mrmrs/writing - Blog about vim, css, and design.
- MikeMitterer/dart-material-design-lite-site - Material Design Lite Components, Directives + SPA with HTML, CSS + Dart
- michaeltaranto/basekick - Typographical baselines for CSS
- inuitcss/generic.normalize - @necolas’ normalize.css.
- iamskok/sassy-validation - Sass data type validation library
- gongzhitaao/orgcss - Simple and clean CSS for Org-exported HTML
- fspoettel/hagrid - 📏 Flexbox mixins
- expalmer/cssdoc - Generating Documentation for CSS with Markdown
- dubstrike/twitter-dark-mode - Dark mode style for Twitter.com & mobile.twitter.com
- arthurgouveia/css-mix-blend-mode - Small demo of the CSS property mix-blend-mode
- AllThingsSmitty/super-simple-css-tooltips - Super simple tooltips
- aar0nTw/Ribbonp - A Octopress plugin to output p block with pure css ribbon.
- tonyspiro/blackjack - This is a blackjack program built using HTML5, JQuery and CSS.
- suitcss/theme - Example theme for SUIT CSS
- StylishThemes/GitHub-FixedHeader -
Pinned header on GitHub
- stamkracht/michelangelo - kss-node living styleguide theme.
- Squarefront/squarespace-template-helper - A structured workflow for customizing CSS and JavaScript on Squarespace templates without Developer mode.
- simonsmith/suitcss-with-stylus - SUIT CSS with Stylus and PostCSS
- RocketCSS/RocketCSS - Build your website with RocketCSS; a powerful open source CSS framework.
- ride-css/ride-css - A stylus mixins library for a faster css development.
- raycon/vscode-markdown-css - GitHub markdown css theme for vscode
- perichus/wire.css - Simple and responsive flexbox based Sass Framework
- myfirebug/ui - 移动端基于jquery,zepto的UI组件库,目前实现 JS Components:Toast、Action、Tips、Dialog、Swiper、CityPicker、DatetimePicker、Tab、Range Css Component:oneborder、Loading、button From Component:switch、Radio、Checkbox Plug Components:Turntable、Lottery
- moso/shade-ghost-theme - Repository for the Shade Ghost theme on https://ghost.moso.io
- maliMirkec/csstabs - With disabled state.
- ksylvest/jquery-spin - A jQuery plugin for CSS and JS spinners.
- kearlsaint/material-css - A lightweight CSS framework based on Google's Material Design.
- ixkaito/unreset-css - Unreset CSS restores browsers' default element styles which are reset by Eric Meyer's Reset CSS, YUI 3 Reset CSS, HTML5 Reset Stylesheet of HTML5 Doctor, or Tim Murtaugh's HTML5 Reset.
- ianstormtaylor/rework-color-function - Implements Tab Atkins's proposed color function in CSS.
- getbasis/basis - A lightweight responsive Stylus/CSS framework based on flexible box.
- georgenorman/css-kata - CSS kata that incrementally applies CSS to a practice template, resulting in a fully functional page.
- amalfra/fluid-table - A tiny library to create responsive HTML tables
- zswang/gallery.animate.css - Gallery of Animate CSS
- wulkano/eightpoint - An 8pt grid and modern reset focused on typography and accessibility
- wobblecode/flat-flags - Flat flags icons with CSS Sprites
- suitcss/components-test - Component CSS to help test the visual presentation of components
- powertoweb/powertocss - A versatile CSS Framework. Simple, light and responsive!
- pimbrouwers/YUI-Pure-CSS-Extensions - Extesnion Library for YUI Pure CSS (www.purecss.io)
- meodai/sensible - Maintain media-queries where they belong; in the SASS/SCSS and make them available with the same name space in your JS without polluting your HTML.
- matthiassiegel/cssminify - CSS minification with YUI compressor, but as native Ruby port
- LukyVj/EfficaCSS - A set of SASS & Bourbon mixins to power up your stylesheets And to provide you the best OVCSS system.
- leemunroe/css3-loading-bar - Animated loading bar in CSS
- leandono/compass-3d-ribbon - Compass extension to create 3D CSS Ribbons
- jkymarsh/tiny-responsive-grid - A tiny, mobile-first, responsive CSS grid that's less terrible than most others
- janl/wwwtf.berlin - WHAT THE FEST
- iliadraznin/CSS3clock - CSS3-only working clock
- guoyunhe/flexbin - Pure CSS, flexible and gapless image gallery layout like Google Images and 500px.com
- FarhadG/mesh-code-editor - ✒️ A sleek, real-time & collaborative online code editor for HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
- codeship/RIG - An aesthetically unopinionated CSS Framework by Codeship.
- carloscabo/pure-css-select-style - CSS styling of select element without JS, and using inline SVG
- callmecavs/nuclear.css - An experiment in generating atomic, immutable, class-based CSS.
- andhart/bijou - A small (Less than 2kb) CSS framework
- crazychicken/t-scroll - The most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (Animate Elements On Reveal)
- AljanScholtens/taiga-boilerplate - CSS boilerplate based on PostCSS, ITCSS and BEM.
- kurisubrooks/caramel - a simple to use, easy to remember css framework
- situ2011/CSS3 - CSS3入门
- frontendfriends/node-combine-mq - Combine matching media queries into one media query definition. Useful for CSS generated by preprocessors using nested media queries.
- css-modules/postcss-modules-extract-imports - A CSS Modules transform to extract local aliases for inline imports
- mediapart/grunt-cssc - grunt plugin for css-condense support
- yabawock/bootstrap-sass-rails - HTML, CSS, and JS toolkit from Twitter – Official Sass port:
- marlenesco/material-cards - Card style based on Google Material color palette
- bethrobson/Head-First-HTML - Code for the 2nd edition of Head First HTML and CSS
- timothylong/kindling - A pocket-sized grid system; built on the flex display property.
- alecrios/core - An ultra-minimal framework
- CMUI/CMUI - Lightweight UI solution for mobile web.
- tubalmartin/YUI-CSS-compressor-PHP-port - A PHP port of the YUI CSS compressor.
- cehfisher/a11y-style-guide - A11Y Style Guide
- colmtuite/bantam - Highly reusable and performant CSS framework for scalable front-end development.
- TeaMeow/TocasUI - TocasUI — A CSS3 and SASS UI library.
- jonathantneal/postcss-svg-fragments - Use SVG fragments in CSS URLs
- BPteach/Markdown-here-CSS-for-wechat - 半撇私塾「微信公众号高级排版」课程配套文件
- jeremiecook/protonmail-theme - Protonmail Theme
- getbarebone/barebone - Barebone is bare minimal, robust CSS framework for rapid UI development
- overclokk/ItalyStrap - WordPress theme Framework for awesome website, by default it includes: Twitter Bootstrap CSS framework, HTML5 Boilerplate, Schema.org markup and many other functionality, it is all developed in OOP, you can extend it with a child theme.
- zdhxiong/mdui - MDUI 是一个基于 Material Design 的前端框架。
- w3c/css-houdini-drafts - Mirror of https://hg.css-houdini.org/drafts
- HabitRPG/habitrpg-shared - Shared resources useful for multiple HabitRPG repositories. Assets (sprites, imgs, etc), CSS, algorithms, and more.
- StylishThemes/Quora-Dark - 🏫 Dark Quora
- SaraSoueidan/fragmented-magazine-layout - Fragmented Magazine Layout with CSS Shapes, Regions, and Masks
- RubyLouvre/myless - 我的CSS研究,重点看issue
- pebble-examples/slate-config-example - Example app demonstrating the use of the Slate CSS library.
- mrmrs/text-align - A small css module for setting text-align properties
- garrettmaring/gridCSS - A simple CSS grid system for mobile friendly web applications.
- galengidman/LESS-Grid - A flexible CSS grid created with LESS.
- CodyHouse/3d-rotating-navigation - A 3D rotating navigation, powered by CSS transformations.
- StevenIseki/pure-css - A css module compatible version of purecss
- sayanee/intro-to-html-css - 💻 Introduction to HTML and CSS
- rstacruz/cssutils - Collection of Sass utility mixins and other goodies.
- rampouchee/crab - Small Flexbox CSS framework
- pluxml/PluCSS - Un framework css simple et léger pour PluXml
- pedrolaxe/mdtogglecss - Material Design Toggle CSS
- parhumm/sass-direction-controller - An approach to write a css code for once and create two version of it RTL or LTR just with change one variable value
- michelgotta/css3-cubic-bezier-tester - Simple tool to test cubic bezier curve animations with Chrome, Safari or Mozilla
- LukeAskew/css-utils - Object-oriented, Emmet-inspired CSS utility classes for rapid website development
- lphuberdeau/jquery-ui-less - A conversion of jQuery UI and ThemeRoller to LESS CSS, for those who want to use LESS/Bootstrap with jQuery UI components
- groundworkcss/groundworkcss.github.com - Groundwork CSS
- goliney/coderoom - Generate preview for all your html/css/js snippets
- Eomerx/less-space - Responsive CSS Positioning classes built with LESS & SASS compatible with (or without) Bootstrap.
- drac/bbtn - Бbtn (Bbtn) is MIT licensed Open Source html/css button collection.
- vilhelmjosander/mobilio-menu - Transform your menu to an off-canvas mobile menu with 2 lines of javascript. (gzipped: 1kb JS - 3kb CSS)
- sonata-project/SonataBluePrintBundle - [deprecated] Blueprint CSS framework integration into the Symfony2 Framework
- shayhowe/modular-html-css-js-workshop - In this workshop you will learn how to write modular HTML, CSS, JavaScript and how reuse code to build maintainable websites.
- rstacruz/responsive-modular-scale.css - Responsive typography using CSS variables
- nabepon/MOCSS - CSS organization methodology.
- MrSwitch/css-effects - A collection of CSS icons, animations and other effects written as LESS mixins
- mikepenz/ModernJenkins-Theme - A quick css to beautify your jenkins (SimpleThemePlugin required)
- markdowncss/retro - A markdown CSS module that is a blast to the past.
- jofpin/hubpi - Simple and awesome cms for front-end!
- janhancic/platypus.js - Load JavaScript&CSS with only one request.
- geckoboard/custom-css - Starter custom CSS stylesheets for your Geckoboard
- flinthillsdesign/wufoo-bootstrap-theme - CSS for giving Wufoo forms the Bootstrap style.
- felquis/gomez - 👾 Gomez from FEZ in pure CSS
- ericdrowell/Pure-CSS-Multiline-Ellipsis - Pure CSS Muiltiline Ellipsis. No JavaScript! Cross Browser Compatible! You're welcome.
- developer-portal/website - Jekyll templates, CSS styles and images for the Fedora Developer Portal.
- DavidAwad/davidawad.github.io - My Personal Site!
- CodeCatalyst/Ext.ux.callout.Callout - CSS styleable floating callout container with optional arrow for use with Ext JS 4.0+
- chadluo/ty.css - out-of-box typography stylesheet.
- ceee/grunt-datauri - 👻 create base64 encoded data-uris for css from images
- boundstate/hgweb-boundstate-theme - A modern and clean theme for hgweb based on bootstrap css
- audreyr/ponystrap - Simple HTML/CSS/JS components for adding Django ponies to your websites.
- alexindigo/0javascript - Collection of CSS-only widgets
- aledista/cta-loop-map - Pure CSS Chicago Transit Map
- zhenbinjing/i-Cut - 一个快速成形,全终端适配的CSS框架
- xero/stylez - dark css style overrides for sites i use
- trivago/project-ironman - CSS skeleton / structure we used at trivago for our large scale refactoring project called Project Ironman
- themestent/retina-icon-sprites - Easy to use Sass mixins for creating Css Icon Sprites plugin with Retina display support.
- simplygoodwork/gw.css-share-buttons - LEGACY: Social share buttons without the JavaScript.
- sdiehl/stephendiehl.com - My Hakyll Blog
- QTheme/Mindashq.Reddit.Theme - A CSS Theme for reddit.com with enhanced user experience
- OpenTechSchool/html-css-beginners - A friendly, afternoon introduction to html and css.
- mozilla/django-moz-header - Common header/footer templates and CSS for Django-based Mozilla sites.
- milligram/milligram-stylus - A minimalist CSS framework on Stylus version.
- mikefowler/companimation - CSS animations. In Compass. Real easy-like. Sodding brilliant.
- mattboldt/social-buttons - Pure CSS & SVG Social Network Buttons
- markdowncss/air - A markdown CSS module that is light and airy.
- joemercer/golden - CSS framework based on the golden ratio
- IKAcc/Gorbeh - Material Icons and more, with CSS toolkit
- huruji/loading - loading动画合集
- elixir-web/mini.css - Very lightweight css grid
- egoist/oh-my-css - Pure css framework designed for the minimalist
- eduardo-costa/shortcutcss - Minimalist CSS classes for rule-writing speedup.
- djgrant/tractile - Lightweight CSS powered slider
- css-conf/2 - 第二届CSS开发者大会将于8月8日上海举行,讲师征集
- chantastic/tip.css - A CSS tooltip.
- changer/grunt-cssrazor - Produces cleaned CSS based on actually used DOM
- bensmithett/json2css-sprite-mixins - Sprite mixins from json2css' sass template, plus some retina mixins.
- ummahusla/PotatoCSS - 🥔 Simple CSS framework for hackers. Simple as potato.
- stoyan/cssdiff - Tool for visual CSS diffing
- sircus/sircus - Flexible Modular CSS Family for Designing in the Browser.
- AusDTO/gov-au-ui-kit - MOVED TO https://github.com/govau/uikit/
- anegie/space-wiki - 太空维基 A Chrome Plug-in for Wikipedia
- ant-design/ant-design - 🐜 A UI Design Language
- you-dont-need/You-Dont-Need-Javascript - CSS is powerful, you can do a lot of things without JS.
- 720kb/checkbox.css - ☑️ Tiny set of pure CSS animations for your checkbox input. https://720kb.github.io/checkbox.css/
- webpack-contrib/less-loader - Less loader for webpack. Compiles Less to CSS.
- dbtek/angular-aside - Off canvas side menu to use with ui-bootstrap.
- mjhea0/thinkful-html - intro to html and css
- mathexl/math-css - Easy way to represent math by a few lines of HTML via CSS.
- nicothin/NTH-start-project - Стартовый репозиторий для новых HTML/CSS проектов с LESS
- kittn/generator-kittn - The Yeoman Kittn Generator
- 7kfpun/flag-css - CSS for SVG country flags respecting the original ratio.
- nusmodifications/nuswhispers - NUSWhispers source. Laravel 5 + AngularJS setup.
- washaweb/bootstrap-modal-transition - Some cool css transition effects form Bootstrap 3 modals
- smithtimmytim/theboldreport.net - Code repository for The Bold Report
- sherlock221/h5_light - 轻量级的css框架 适用于微信 webapp页面开发
- sayanee/timeline-css - A SASS mixin to generate timeline / breadcrumbs CSS.
- ry4nolson/Deputy - Useful css helper classes
- raphaelfabeni/pikachu-css3 - Pikachu developed with CSS3
- quantumui/titip - Pure CSS tooltip, compatiable with bootstrap, include less codes...
- pierreburel/compass-hdpi - Compass mixins for dealing with HDPI (a.k.a. Retina) sprites and images in your CSS
- pedrolaxe/modalcss - Responsive Pure CSS Modal
- octopuscreative/decent-scss - A library of functional CSS modules made for humans.
- nrbernard/droplr-markdown-css - CSS for Markdown drops in Droplr
- nikita-kit/nikita-css - The (S)CSS conventions and coding guidelines for nikita.kit
- mrmrs/tachyons-buttons - CSS module for creating buttons
- mrmrs/small - CSS for small devices
- mrmrs/css-unabridged - An experiment with css
- milligram/milligram-less - A minimalist CSS framework on Less version.
- leeluolee/mass - base on mcss(https://github.com/leeluolee/mcss) , just like compass to simplify our css workflow
- jrainlau/elf - 一个干净,轻巧的响应式CSS框架。
- jetstyle/styletto - simple css assets manager
- jeroenoomsNL/initialize-css - Initialize your base CSS styling with cross browser best practices. Available in CSS and configurable SASS (SCSS) format.
- james2doyle/kube-styl - Kube CSS Framework by Imperavi, converted from LESS to Styl/Rework.
- ianstormtaylor/reset - An opinionated CSS reset for web apps.
- houshuang/hackage-css - Alternate CSS styles for Hackage source listing (or any hscolour project)
- HaeckDesign/Get-Social-Social-Media-Font - Font Based Social Media Icon Set
- gkcgautam/sass-css-utilities - A SASS library for rapid frontend development
- ErikBoesen/banners.css - 🏆 A small CSS library for simulating FIRST Robotics Competition's blue award banners.
- csswizardry/css-architecture - Workshop materials
- cssrecipes/utils - Some generic, semantic, responsives CSS utilities
- CraryPrimitiveMan/waterfall-css3 - 基于CSS3的瀑布流
- chokcoco/Css33DView - CSS3 3D VIEW
- cassiozen/base.css - It's not huge and bloated. Not normalize nor reset, just a basic set of rules to make modern browsers behave.
- BYODKM/globalize.css - It has to be globalized.
- bisrael/even.less - A LESS CSS library with one goal: write. even. less.
- atk4/agiletoolkit-css - Flexible, Extensible, Modern and Independent Web User Interface CSS framework focused on simplicity, aesthetic and consistency.
- Rhym/silverstripe-cms-theme - Theme for the Silverstripe CMS
- amazeui/amazeui - Amaze UI, a mobile-first and modular front-end framework.
- xcatliu/mobi.css - A lightweight, flexible css framework that focus on mobile.
- we-are-next/cssco - Photographic filters made with CSS, inspired by VSCO and CSSgram
- woocommerce/storefront - Official theme for WooCommerce
- ubuntudesign/vanilla-framework - From community websites to web applications, this CSS framework will help you achieve a consistent look and feel.
- reimertz/trumpcss - 🙈🙉🙊 css rules based on ignorance, racism, hypocrisy and stupidity
- imagentleman/ublime - Colorful and Black & White color schemes for Sublime Text, themes for Textmate and custom.css themes for Chrome DevTools.
- rippleblue/Web-Application - HTML、CSS
- devmidai/Markdown-here-CSS-for-wechat - 用于微信公众号的Markdown Here CSS渲染代码
- shalanah/baseline - New method for baselining fonts on the web
- yowainwright/sassimple - 🛠 Fill in your css gaps with sass mixins (simply)
- vivid-web/flexbox-grid-sass - A simple flexbox CSS grid system using SASS
- viniciusbraga/basalstyle - CSS e HTML para prototipação rápida de Sites, WebApps e Formulários.
- supermoos/generator-drupal-gulp - Yeoman Generator: Drupal 7 Gulp Starter Theme for use as a starting template for building custom themes. Uses SCSS/SASS (with libsass compiler), HTML5 Boilerplate 5 with Modernizr and Normalize.css, and Gulp for all tasks.
- SniperGER/MetroUI - CSS definitions to create Metro (Windows Phone 8) UI Elements in HTML.
- raulghm/multi-brand-colors - Multi Brand Colors with support for CSS/CSS-Vars/SCSS/SASS/Stylus/LESS/JSON
- r7kamura/cssdoc - CSS styleguide generator
- Palmaswell/ACSS - A CSS front-end development methodology for working teams.
- mittya/css-instagram-logo - CSS Instagram logo
- Ma-estro/web-developper-workspace-full-css - Web Developer Workspace Full CSS
- lancer07/css3_Chi-biMaruko - div+css3实现的小丸子和爷爷
- ireade/holy-grail-css-grid - The Holy Grail Layout using CSS Grids
- inuitcss/generic.reset - [DEPRECATED] [go to intuitcss/inuitcss] Basic reset to complement normalize.css.
- houkanshan/b-type - medium like CSS typography setting
- herereadthis/bellmaker - Responsive CSS media queries for LESS and SASS, with device-agnostic and device-specific breakpoints
- earaujoassis/ubuntu-fontface - Ubuntu Font Family Bower-ready (also SCSS-ready, LESS-ready, and plain CSS-ready)
- dpiccone/leaflet-div-heatmap - Heatmap layer for leaflet using CSS radial gradients and divIcon class
- CodyHouse/ink-transition-effect - An ink bleed transition effect, powered by CSS animations.
- bitmanic/font-feature-settings - font-feature-settings() is a Sass mixin for enabling OpenType features via CSS.
- bedis-elacheche/pokeballs.css - Pokéballs recreated in pure CSS
- AliMD/1Styles - 1Styles is a simple but professional CSS page layout framework Contain 1Reset, 1Grids, 1Helper
- vah7id/CssMasonry - Pure CSS Masonry Responsive Layout
- thatgibbyguy/ply - ply - A ratio based CSS Framework in SCSS.
- stefanerickson/vitamin-css - Vitamin CSS is a SASS-Based, BEM, OOCSS boilerplate for building your own extended CSS frameworks. It is meant to be a very minimal starting point for writing organized, scaleable, and object-oriented CSS for large projects.
- statamic/Addon-CP-Theme-Override - Override the CP Theme with a simple css file.
- rmmfree/shine_css - Shine CSS is a simple and lightweight CSS framework. See the demo here: http://rmmfree.github.io/shine_css/
- milligram/milligram-sass - A minimalist CSS framework on Sass version.
- matthiaseisen/docutils-css - A stylesheet for HTML pages created with docutils
- laureanoarcanio/css-layout-examples - CSS Layout techniques to resolve layout needs
- isaacs/back-to-markdown.css - Turns any markdown editor into a WYSIWYG editor
- interwebstars/EASUI - A simple & lovely CSS framework
- desandro/curtis-css-typeface - type made with CSS shapes
- dac09/Macdown-styles - Repo with additional CSS themes for Macdown.
- ConciseCSS/concise.css-gem - [Deprecated] Official Ruby on Rails gem for Concise framework.
- CodyHouse/animated-transition-effects - A library of animated transition effects, powered by CSS Animations
- chetanraj/cssutilities - CSS layout utilities
- AnasTawfeek/ArtWorx-xLoader - Pure css cross-browser loading animations.
- picnicss/picnic - 👜 A beautiful CSS library to kickstart your projects
- jh3y/driveway - pure CSS masonry layouts
- jescalan/axis - terse, modular & powerful css library
- T-baby/ICECSS - 一个简洁的CSS框架
- kleinejan/titatoggle - Pure css toggle buttons based on the bootstrap checkbox pattern
- Gummibearlab/Yummi-loader - Less//Css classes for a fancy page load.
- w3c/css-validator - W3C CSS Validation Service
- vadimyer/Ecligrid - Flexible Mobile First CSS Grid System Based on Flexbox.
- tutsplus/recreating-the-animated-circle-effect-as-seen-on-google-design - We're going to recreate Google's Design SVG Circle effect using a few lines of jQuery, some simple HTML and CSS.
- peterhudec/foundation-sphinx-theme - Sphinx theme based on the Foundation 4 css framework.
- pazguille/checked - ✅ UI components using :checked CSS pseudo-class selectors.
- owenyang0/maintainablecss-cn - MaintainableCSS 是一种哲学,教你如何编写模块化,可扩展性,可维护性的CSS。编写 CSS 不用再去过分担心原有的样式会受你的影响。
- openstack/xstatic-bootswatch - Bootswatch CSS library packaged as XStatic.
- mystrdat/the-real-animate.sass - The animate.css port to SASS that you're looking for
- laurenwaller/flatstack - Flat CSS-only browser windows and smart phones for showcasing projects
- laoshu133/gulp-css-spritesmith - A gulp plugin to help front engineer creating css sprite.
- jusbrasil/monalisa - Responsive, scalable, minimalist and beautiful CSS framework
- jpdevries/fault - Default CSS Settings as Silent Sass Classes
- jackmcpickle/include-media-spread - An include-media plugin for spreading css properties over breakpoints
- esampaio/topcoat-rails - Add Adobe's Topcoat CSS Framework to your Rails 3 app
- emagnier/inuitcss.widths-generator - Generates a set of CSS helper classes for dealing with widths. It can be use as a plugin in the inuitcss framework, or standalone.
- DavydeVries/PoGO-Awesome - PoGO-Awesome is similar to Font-Awesome. With this CSS library you can easily show Pokémons or Pokémons shadows.
- bmx269/parrot - Parrot sits on the shoulders of some great projects. Parrot is a Drupal 7 & 8 Mothership subtheme that uses "some" Bootstrap CSS structure, with SASS & Compass.
- aleutcss/starter - Starter project for Aleut.css
- agileleague/thimblecss - A nimble CSS framework built with Flex Box for the modern web
- wideckop/mocassin.css - Mocassin.css is a responsive collection of hover effects for Captions.
- vitto/a-pollo - 🎨 The visual CSS style guide for teams
- UstymUkhman/Dynamic.css - Awesome Library of CSS3 animations
- tylergaw/css-write-on - CSS Write-on text effect
- tylergaw/css-slideshows - Revolving image galleries using CSS animations and a bit of trickery.
- SLaks/CSS-Gallery - An interactive, data-bound photo gallery in pure CSS
- pandastrike/verse - A forward-looking Stylus-based CSS framework.
- ntkme/markdown.css - 📃 HTML as Markdown.
- ndrwhr/css3-walking-man - A walking man (me) done entirely using CSS3 transforms and simple HTML
- msmichellegar/parallax-background-tutorial - Tutorial: parallax backgrounds with pure CSS.
- mohsen1/chrome-dev-tools-dark-theme - Create a dark theme for dev tools using CSS filters
- MicrosoftDotCom/picchu - Microsoft.com front-end framework using HTML, CSS, JS
- Lingoys/Lutachu - a CSS Framework
- legacy-icons/famfamfam-flags - Famfamfam Flags icons, made available in various package managers, shipped with CSS spritesheet
- interacthings/formalize.css - the basis for web app (come after the normalize.css)
- infario/colorpanel - Simple jQuery plugin to switch css stylesheet skin theme on your template demo
- hugw/bloomcss - A minimalistic css framework to let your projects flourish.
- HubSpot/cos-boilerplate - Boilerplate HTML, CSS, and JS for building websites on the HubSpot COS
- eriku/horizontal-chart - Creates a responsive horizontal bar chart using HTML5, jQuery & CSS
- Dogfalo/CSS-Framework-Demo - Simple Portfolio Website for teaching Bootstrap
- dmolsen/css-rule-saver - Compares a list of CSS rules against an HTML file to see which rules apply and should be saved.
- CSSclasses/CSSclasses - The homepage for CSSclasses, a free CSS workshop series
- creesch/Boxed-css-theme-for-reddit - A subreddit theme to be used by subreddit owners on www.reddit.com
- baransomakli/softgrid - Soft Grid CSS Framework
- aurbano/sonar.css - CSS3/Sass Animated Attention Seekers
- alexgoff/Type-CSS - Type CSS, a simple responsive framework for displaying functional and readable web content
- alexdantas/Custom-Doxygen-CSS - This is my custom modification of the default Doxygen CSS.
- alanshaw/br-chrome-tabs - Browserify compatible HTML/CSS and JS chrome tabs implementation
- XOP/css-codeguide - Documentation for coding and maintaining the most transparent CSS
- tutsplus/css-experiments-with-form-field-animation - Source files for Tuts+ tutorial:CSS Experiments With Form Field Animation
- totoraj930/dokaben-css - アレ
- TheLastProject/CSSBox - A minimal, pure-CSS Lightbox replacement
- tgrrtt/instagram.css - Instantly make your pictures look better.
- tachyons-css/tachyons-typography - CSS utilities for typography
- stormwarning/typeset.css - ✍ tr.v. type·set To set (written material) into type; compose.
- ResponsiveCat/ResponsiveCat - CSS Micro Framework
- paazmaya/sakugawa - CSS splitter, filter and organiser
- oreillymedia/atlas_tech1c_theme - A CSS stylesheet for technical books.
- Nurdoidz/Typogra-Voat - A typographic CSS theme for Voat subverses.
- mukhortov/Pure-CSS3-Slider - Image slider with pure CSS3
- moqmar/weather.css - Minecraft weather effects with pure CSS!
- jchamois/atomik-css - A CSS framework based on atomic concept
- IainIsCreative/strppd.css - A CSS reset based on the classic Meyer reset. Included are extra resets for mobiles as well as interactive element settings, and typographical styling.
- grupydf/malt - Tema Pelican baseado no framework CSS materialize
- felixzapata/cssTest-a11y - Rules for test accessibility issues.
- Darklg/HTML2CSS - Converting HTML to CSS
- dannyhope/Pure-CSS-Icons - A CSS file which adds icons for >99% of download links.
- commit-sudoku/firefox-css - for windows 10
- clifforj/Tidy - Tidy - A CSS framework without the mess
- carloscheddar/CSS_Tardis - A Tardis made purely out of CSS
- bassjobsen/typeahead.js-bootstrap4-css - SCSS (Sass) / CSS code for using typeahead.js with Bootstrap 4
- arizzitano/css3wordart - 1990s MS WordArt. In CSS3.
- adeniszczyc/Animate.css-Snippets - Animate.css snippets for Sublime Text.
- 720kb/csshelper - CSS helper, forget traditional css frameworks approach, every class is a task-like
- eliorshalev/tootik - A pure CSS/SCSS/LESS Tooltips library. Super easy to use, No JavaScript required.
- atom/language-css - CSS package for Atom
- Superpencil/CSS-Browsers - CSS-made browser windows to avoid using images
- themaxsandelin/todo - A simple todo list app built in HTML, CSS and JavaScript
- vculibraries/alma-primo-customizations - CSS/JS customizations for Alma and Primo interfaces
- toturkmen/block - Only responsive CSS framework. 💜, 👍.
- tomclaus/playdo - The Android Holo and iOS7 CSS Template!
- nasser/malaf - Markdown + CSS = PDF
- mattbierner/markdown-two-column-documentation-example - Responsive, Two Column Documentation Layout With Markdown and CSS
- jonathantneal/postcss-at-else - Use at-else inverted media queries in CSS
- iainspad/strppd.css - A CSS reset based on the classic Meyer reset. Included are extra resets for mobiles as well as interactive element settings, and typographical styling.
- Hylozoic/hylo-frontend - Legacy web front-end (JS, CSS, Angular app) for Hylo. Only used for static pages now.
- esripdx/viewport-grid - A Viewport based CSS grid system that brings Modern Design to Modern Browsers. Just like Müller-Brockman wanted.
- coreybruyere/530-framework - 530 front end framework. Based off of Burrito CSS and MVCSS architecture.
- Cat-and-Ben/Horizontal-Mailchimp-Signup-Form - HTML & CSS for an in-line (Horizontal) Mailchimp Signup Form
- philipwalton/solved-by-flexbox - A showcase of problems once hard or impossible to solve with CSS alone, now made trivially easy with Flexbox.
- adamgruber/mochawesome - A Gorgeous HTML/CSS Reporter for Mocha.js
- jonathantneal/postcss-partial-import - Inline sugary @import statements in CSS
- corysimmons/reeeset -
A slightly opinionated CSS reset. 3 e's.
- Arbaoui-Mehdi/web-developper-workspace-full-css - Web Developer Workspace Full CSS
- iamshaunjp/node-js-playlist - CSS and asset files for the Net Ninja YouTube nodejs playlist
- neculaesei/simplecss - Simple.css is a minimal CSS framework with a unique grid system, made to serve as a basic web app skeleton.
- michaeldeboeve/generator-robonkey - A front-end application generator for Gulp, Templating, CSS Preprocessors, Coffeescript, PostCSS, Modernizr, Icon Font Generator, BrowserSync, and some libraries to choose from. Express, Wordpress, Drupal, CodeIgniter and Laravel subgenerators are available.
- meodai/bonescss - SCSS/CSS starting-point for every project. Mixes smacss namespaced h5bp things with other stuff I use all the time. It includes all the nice things from H5BP nicely namespaced using SMACSS
- kajado/kajado - CSS Open Source library
- iocss/crossass - A Sass mixin / function library for modular CSS like SMACSS, OOCSS, BEM etc.
- fpmweb/headerMessage - Pure CSS3, without javascript. headerMessage is a lightweight CSS library for generating a sliding header panel to show important messages about your website on toggle.
- fleeting/Drought - Just some barebones HTML/CSS to start each project. No single boilerplate or framework is perfect for all but here is what I've found works for me right now.
- digi-brains/StreamBuilder - StreamBuilder is an automated build environment well suited for HTML, CSS and JavaScript prototyping. It runs on the (streaming) build system gulp.js. It uses the Jade template language to modularize html into templates, allowing developers to take a DRY approach to front-end development. Also included is the Sass CSS extension language.
- tableless/css-functional-classes - Functional Classes to reuse on your code.
- oxygenxml/dita-css - Plugins that convert DITA Maps to PDF using CSS 3 stylesheets.
- primer/primer - The base coat of GitHub. Our internal CSS toolkit and guidelines.
- alexanderGugel/papier - 📎 Just another CSS framework
- divio/djangocms-admin-style - Adds pretty CSS styles for the django CMS admin interface.
- GitbookIO/styleguide - GitBook.com HTML/CSS Style Guide
- mesosphere/canvas - A CSS framework
- soyjavi/STYLmethods - Repository of methods for CSS preprocessors (Stylus, Less, SASS...)
- klarna/ui-css-components - Klarna's UI CSS Components
- JDerwisz/Feather - Lightweight alternative to CSS frameworks
- djyde/FilterAwesome - CSS filter library
- dira/CSS3-stylish-buttons - Presenting a Sass mixin for generating stylish, colored CSS3 buttons. Also generate the CSS for a specific color, if you don't use Sass.
- catdad/fork-ribbon-css-builder - 🎀 pure CSS "For me on GitHub" ribbon generator
- cartalyst/antler - A Lightweight CSS Framework
- ghinda/css-toggle-switch - Accessible, CSS-only, toggle switches
- reimertz/brand-colors - A color collection available in sass, less, stylus and css
- mightyCrow/wenk - 😉 Lightweight pure CSS tooltip for the greater good
- mightyCrow/tipograf - Lightweight pure CSS typography base for your next project
- puranjayjain/md-date-time-picker - An implementation of Material Design Picker components in vanilla CSS, JS, and HTML
- Semantic-Org/Semantic-UI-CSS - CSS Only distribution
- topcoat/topdoc - A command line tool for generating usage docs based on css comments
- chrishumboldt/Blueplate - A lightweight SASS mixin library and responsive CSS layout engine.
- mightyCrow/barebones-css - A minimal, responsive boilerplate for the modern web.
- tonystar/float-label-css - Bulletproof CSS-only implementation of Float Label pattern with automatic fallback for ANY non-supporting browser.
- toturkmen/Block - Only responsive CSS framework.
- muledesign/nuthin - Mule's standard CSS reset
- MartinKrestan/facebook-style-slide-mobile-menu - How to create a simple Facebook style sidebar menu using only CSS and minimal JavaScript, No need for jQuery Mobile, twitter bootstrap, or anything like that.
- jm3/sign-in-with-twitter-button - 🐦 🔵 Scalable CSS/HTML Twitter button.
- jlizanab/FFolders - Pure Css and customizable file folders icons
- ChristianPeters/crispy-grid - A Compass-based Grid that strives for lean & sane CSS and supports complex layouts
- campaignmonitor/shell - Shell: CM’s CSS Library
- una/CSSgram - CSS library for Instagram filters
- jh3y/progre-c-ss - pure css progress bars with minimal effort!
- doyoe/Yo - Mobile CSS Framework
- escueladigital/ed-grid - Framework solo CSS para Responsive Web Design 100% en español
- seven-phases-max/morphodynamics - An experimental Less library for CSS animations. Crafted to test and explore edge cases of recently added or upcoming Less features.
- danielboggs/polar-express - Graceful integration of inuit.css into the Rails asset pipeline
- cauequeiroz/jsokenpo - A simple "rock, paper and scissor" game built with HTML, CSS and Javascript.
- akhilarjun/InkDrops - The Ink-Drop style interaction that is added in the material design by Google using jQuery and CSS.
- vanarajcs/common-css-styles - Common styles for Css
- htmlxprs/angular-animate-css-demo - Using Animate.css for AngularJS animations.
- e-sites/ingenico.css - An elegant front-end boilerplate that'll make it easier to cope with the default Ingenico payment view
- chjj/csslike - A CSS preprocessor for node.js, designed to conform to the most recent www-style proposals.
- twbs/bootstrap - The most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
- milligram/milligram - A minimalist CSS framework.
- 1340641314/flex.css - 移动端flex布局神器,兼容微信,UC,webview等移动端主流浏览器 ,支持react,vue
- topcoat/resin - A future facing CSS preprocessor made with rework
- transcranial/jupyter-themer - Apply custom CSS styling to your jupyter notebooks
- escueladigital/ED-GRID - Framework solo CSS para Responsive Web Design 100% en español
- ButaneCSS/butanecss - ButaneCSS is a lightweight CSS Library.
- bootstrapbrasil/bootstrap - Tradução da documentação em Português Brasil do mais popular framework HTML, CSS, e JavaScript para desenvolvimento responsivo e projetos mobile first na web.
- NamPNQ/You-Dont-Need-Javascript - Css is powerful, you can do a lot of things without js.
- JonHMChan/descartes - Descartes | Write CSS in JavaScript
- BlazeCSS/blaze - Open Source CSS Framework
- swirlycheetah/material-design-hamburger - Android's Material Design hamburger animation built in CSS
- pavlyukpetr/Awesome-CSS3-animation - The library of CSS3 animation
- ZDroid/sanitize.css - 📎 A minimal CSS normalization library
- b1nj/b1njTimeline - Simple Timeline css/javascript
- fractalhexagon/snowflake - An in-dev flat UI CSS styles suite for "TweetDeck"
- wharton/django-base-theme - A responsive CSS & HTML boilerplate designed for Wharton Django apps.
- tetowill/archer-css - Archer title sequence redone using CSS animations
- wagnerssouza/modal-css3 - Modal com css3
- wagnercsfilho/phonepack - Free and open source Javascript, HTML and CSS library for create Web and Mobile apps
- themepixels/tpxForms - An enhanced version of some of the form elements using only css
- scottcorgan/molten - A fixed-fluid, full-width web application css grid.
- rgm/meteor-jquery-ui-sortable - jQueryUI's sortable interaction, minus theming CSS and packaged for Meteor
- nkcraddock/angular-playing-cards - An angular directive for css playing cards
- NEU-Libraries/scholar-onesearch - Scholar OneSearch - Northeastern University Libraries' Primo implementation CSS/JS and HTML code snippets.
- masuP9/display-wai-aria.css - This CSS file displays WAI ARIA ( [role], [aria-*] )
- kaelig/scss-lint-w3c - Get your Sass code to look like the W3C CSS specification itself
- jsvine/mta-colors - CSS & JSON files to help developers use the official colors of New York's Metropolitan Transportation Authority.
- josecastillo/r-ainbow-flags - Flags and supporting CSS for LGBT-themed fiair on reddit
- jingidy/practical-css-transforms-2014 - Slides and demo for the Practical CSS Transforms talk at CSSSummit 2014
- HydroWeb/hydro-css - The Hydro CSS framework
- hydrosquall/sparky-website-tutorial - Web development tutorial - HTML, CSS, and JS
- HTML-CSS-DOM-chat/Examples - A collection of HTML/CSS/DOM examples
- giuseppeg/CSS-Layouts - An abstraction layer for your grid system
- cssc/Responsive-Slider - Responsive Slider based on CSS only - without JavaScript
- creasty/css-better-practice - Repo for "Clean and Unbreakable CSS"
- codeworksdev/animate.less - Collection of ready-to-go cross-browser CSS animations that you can drop into any Less pre-processor. Originally created by Dan Eden.
- alienresident/compass-pattern-primer - Create Style Guides in HTML and CSS with Sass & Compass
- AlexandreBroudin/LESS-PHP-CSS3-Mixins - Not maintained anymore - Compilation of Less mixins, for LESS-PHP
- acss-io/atomizer-examples - Examples of Atomic CSS with Atomizer
- Wiredcraft/eggshell - HTML & CSS boilerplate
- nchase/css - Adventures in Writing CSS
- hukl/fefe.css - CSS für blog.fefe.de
- b3ckstage/CSS3-MenuSlider - A dedicated CSS3 Menu Slider, ready for your next project.
- abalozz/stylus-css-framework - Framework de Stylus
- madebysource/lesshat - Smart LESS CSS mixins library.
- AllThingsSmitty/must-watch-css - A useful list of must-watch talks about CSS
- 10up/sanitize.css - Render elements consistently. Style with best practices.
- imperavi/kube - Kube CSS-Framework
- jenius/axis - terse, modular & powerful css library
- OwlyStuff/Amazium - The responsive CSS web framework
- yamartino/CSSDevices - 📱.css Apple devices built in pure CSS
- colmtuite/bantamcss - Highly reusable and performant CSS framework for scalable front-end development.
- timhuisman/css-social-media-buttons - A set of 52 retina-proof and multi purpose social media buttons.
- SIROK/fuelpump - ⛽ The base coat of SIROK. Our internal CSS toolkit and guidelines based on Atomic Design
- filipelinhares/sanilize.css - 🌓 A merge between sanitize.css and normalize.css
- whizark/crossass - A Sass mixin / function library for modular CSS like SMACSS, OOCSS, BEM etc.
- lucasmazza/htmlcss-exemplos - Exemplos do livro HTML5 e CSS 3
- fegeek/v2ex-fe-demo - Html/CSS/JS
- yahoo/atomizer-examples - Examples of Atomic CSS with Atomizer
- xinsight/AppStoreBadge - "Available on the App Store" badge in pure CSS.
- xinix-technology/naked - The naked CSS framework you've been waiting for.
- watert/bootstrap.light - Light Bootstrap style CSS Framework (less than 10K)
- thybzi/keyframes - keyframes.less: CSS keyframes generator for LESS
- thomasdobber/grunt-remfallback - Grunt plugin for generating fallbacks for CSS properties with rem values.
- the-teacher/protozaur - Protozaur. Minimalistic CSS framework
- sdougbrown/_litestrap - A basic CSS utility framework
- pkoretic/csDefault - universal cross browser library to style elements - started as jqtransform replacement/alternative based only on CSS(3) and jquery
- piouPiouM/livre-sass-compass-avance - Codes sources du livre « Sass et Compass avancé, optimiser ses feuilles de style CSS », paru aux Éditions Eyrolles.
- kooparse/osiris - 🌴 css toolkit
- juice49/stylus-triangle - Stylus mixin for generating CSS triangles.
- jbmartinez/pure-sass - An unofficial Sass port of the Pure.css framework
- javasteve99/static-site-starter - A skeleton for quickly starting a new static site. It uses Grunt to concatenate and minify JS files, compress images and recompile assets when changes are detected, SASS/Bourbon to facilitate rapid CSS, and Jekyll to generate static pages and run a web server.
- illarionvk/shopify-email-templates - A collection of Shopify e-mail templates. Uses Gulp.js, Sass and Zurb Ink framework, inlines CSS
- ideatosrl/frontsize-less - A fully customizable CSS generator
- hemminger8/vw-starter-kit - Get ready to have your mind blown by the magic of vw CSS units and take your CSS acrobatics to the next level.
- guardian/guss-css3 - Provides a couple of Sass mixins for most frequently used CSS3 features.
- digplan/client-templates - HTML5 SSE, client templating, web components, helper CSS
- deanwagman/material.css - CSS library for Google's Material design
- componentcss/site - Bring purpose to your CSS. This is the home of the ComponentCSS project site.
- cferdinandi/progress-bars - Simple CSS progress bars.
- callmenick/css-loaders-spinners-2 - More CSS Loaders & Spinners
- buffersapp/buffersapp - A beautiful, cross platform IRC client written in HTML/CSS/JS.
- amk221/Shopify-Checkout-CSS-Reset - A CSS reset for Shopify's checkout pages
- airbob/MediaWiki_Skin_PureCss - A mediawiki skin developed based on PureCss style
- Wolfram-Creative/fractional - A fractional css grid system
- Rykka/rhythm.css - A theme for rst
- RalphAtHamburg/middleman-foundation5-basic - Foundation 5, SCSS, HAML and Coffee Script. Modular structure for css/scss files. Rails like assets structure.
- LukyVj/OVCSS - Organise Views CSS - Download the framework : http://lukyvj.github.io/OVCSS/ovcss-v1.0.1.zip Or go to the website :
- Kunstmaan/cupcake - Html, scss/css, js component library by Kunstmaan
- GoalSmashers/clean-css-standalone - Clean-css as a standalone script
- GitbookIO/markdown-css - Minimalist stylesheet (CSS or Less) for markup output
- Cloudfarm5/imperavi-kube-scss - Kube Professional CSS-framework (SASS porting with scss syntax)
- Calanthe/DuckHunt - DuckHunt css only game
- sethvincent/csskit - simple modular css.
- raphaelfabeni/lab-css3 - A simple repository with some examples of CSS3.
- loiane/curso-css3-sass-compass - Curso CSS3 com Sass e Compass
- howar31/NeoPlurkCSS3 - Plurk佈景主題 大河道爽快體驗 - 2013全新改版
- danielleswank/css-parallax-template - CSS and HTML template
- codeessentials/csstarget - :target effects
- DrummerHead/CSS-inject - CSS focused Bookmarklet generator. Modify the layout and looks of a site on the fly.
- picturepan2/fileicon.css - Pure CSS file icons.
- ramswaroop/css-kit-for-chrome-extensions - A UI template for designing the options/settings page for Chrome Extensions. It resembles the exact look as the native settings page of Chrome Browser.
- bontscho/dota2-minimap-hero-sprites - Dota 2 Minimap Hero Icons Spritesheet for CSS
- esr360/Modular - A front-end framework for building modular, configurable and scalable projects built with CSS (Sass) and JavaScript (jQuery).
- tetue/tinytypo - Base CSS pour le contenu éditorial web
- Cosify/Kimochi.css - A Lightweight Colorful Flat CSS UI Kit.
- estelle/CSS-Workshop - 6 hours workshop covering almost everything in CSS2 and CSS3
- sheetify/ergonomic-breakpoint - Ergonomic CSS media queries
- codeschool/FrontEndFoundationsSampleCode - This is the simple portfolio site that Drew and Jon built with HTML and CSS during the Soup To Bits for the Front-end Foundations course.
- vagnervjs/social-signin-btns - Social Sign In Buttons in CSS
- ngoldman/gfm.css - Styles for github flavored markdown.
- maoberlehner/perfundo - CSS only Lightbox
- ethantw/han-manual - The API manual for Han.css.
- t1st3/famfamfam-flags - Famfamfam Flags icons, made available in various package managers, shipped with CSS spritesheet
- ryanve/css3base - base stylesheets collection
- jameskolce/atgrid.css - CSS Grid System with attribute selectors
- dope/paris - A modern designed based CSS framework
- brh55/shortcut.css - ⚡- A light, extra CSS library to simplify your next prototype.
- xero/darkhub - a google chrome extension to darken github.com by injecting custom css
- wbruno/column.gs - Sistema de GRID 960px para css
- victorbstan/easy-world-flags - Add world flags to your web project by a two letter country code, all html and css, no dependencies, simple.
- underovsky/instant-presentation - A simple open source presentation template written in HTML/CSS/JS
- thephuse/Styled-Select-Menus - Easily customize select menu appearance with a couple lines of jQuery and some clever CSS.
- tadeuzagallo/macbook - A css version of my MBP running a JS version of my terminal
- roachhd/ios7-css-ui - a CSS only iOS7 inspired UI
- matthiasak/Loader - Small utility dependency loader for scripts and css files, loads non-blocking in parallel, caches files in HTML5 Local Storage for ULTRA FAST LOADING
- ju1ius/css-parser - CSS parser for PHP
- joelstransky/ninja-form-less-mixins - CSS LESS mixin file for styling the Ninja Forms Wordpress plugin
- hudsonmarinho/simple-tooltip-css - A simple tooltip only css
- gdipgh/html-and-css-for-beginners - Course materials for the HTML & CSS for Beginners class
- dnnsldr/yeoman-ink-me-generator - Yeoman generator to create Email templates based on Zurb Ink. Gets rid of unused CSS, inlines CSS, FTP's images to hosting provider, replaces image url references, uploads tests to Litmus.
- darul75/grunt-css-usage - CSS rules usage in markups (HTML, JADE)
- damieng/silk-companion - Silk-Companion icon set, made available in various package managers, shipped with CSS spritesheet
- cssconf/CSSclasses - The homepage for CSSclasses, a free CSS workshop series
- benhodgson87/animate.scss - An SCSS port of Dan Eden's animate.css library
- baurigae/firefox-mods - css styles...
- baby2011/component.css - 日常移动端css组件搭建
- alidbg/highlight.js_loader - Highlight.js loader, highlight js plugin (Auto highlighter, Add line numbers, Encode tags, niceScroll, Fix CSS) javascript syntax highlighter
- ViaductCSS/Viaduct - Viaduct CSS Framework
- MrDinsdale/Cactus - CSS Framework concept
- MoOx/cssnext-connect - # DEPRECATED. Use postcss-middleware instead.
- LukyVj/animate.scss - Just a SASS Structure of Animate.css made by Daniel Eden : http://daneden.me/ ||
- ArcBees/github-highrez - A personal css style to inject & enhanced Github
- zzyss86/LESS-CSS3 - 一个基于less的常用css3预处理工具,以简化开发过程中为兼容不同浏览器而做的重复劳动,能有效的减少错误率,提高开发效率.
- zen-team/zen-framework - A CSS framework
- westfieldlabs/scally - Scally CSS framework
- slelorrain/css3-youtube-buttons - Simple CSS3 framework for creating YouTube-style buttons, made with SCSS and Compass --- (note: this framework allows to create buttons like they were before last (dec-2012) redesign of YouTube)
- macloo/html_css_templates - Simple templates for small projects
- leonardo403/input.css - The input.css an library css, for all developers use projects.
- ethangardner/momentum-css - CSS helper classes and Sass templates for rapid development
- energy7/csslines - CSS3 icons drawn with borders, not fills
- basvasilich/YWDS-CSS - ШРИ - Курс по CSS
- arirawr/gloss-css - Gloss CSS (Generated Linkable Open-Source Style Sheets) is a set of ready-made style sheets to improve UI in an instant.
- google/material-design-lite - Material Design Lite Components in HTML/CSS/JS
- Dogfalo/materialize - Materialize, a CSS Framework based on Material Design
- sindresorhus/github-markdown-css - The minimal amount of CSS to replicate the GitHub Markdown style
- cbracco/cardinal - Cardinal is a modular, “mobile-first” CSS framework built with performance and scalability in mind.
- simonwhitaker/github-fork-ribbon-css - A CSS-only, resolution-independent "Fork me on GitHub" ribbon.
- krkn/kouto-swiss - A complete CSS framework for Stylus
- ericam/compass-animate - Compass port of Dan Eden's Animate.css
- raphaelgoetter/KNACSS - feuille de styles CSS sur-vitaminée
- clovisdasilvaneto/all-animation - All Animation.css é um conjunto de animações, divertidas para deixar seu projeto mais sexy. São animações cross-browser que darão mas ênfase a suas páginas como controles deslizantes, efeitos 3D’s..
- CSSSR/csssr-project-template - 🚀 Шаблон проекта для быстрого старта.
- toubou91/percircle - CSS Percentage Circle
- ericam/compass-css-lightbox - a css-only lightbox implementation for compass
- Yamartino/CSSDevices - Version 2 Library of Apple devices built in pure CSS
- SIROK/bdash - 👓 The internal CSS toolkit and guideline of SIROK, Inc.
- colmtuite/framework - Highly reusable and performant CSS framework for scalable front-end development.
- suitcss/components-button-group - Component CSS for button-groups
- nathansmith/unsemantic-site - Code for the Unsemantic.com site itself (not the CSS framework repo).
- dracs89/bbtn - Бbtn (Bbtn) is MIT licensed Open Source html/css button collection.
- sebgeelen/svg-loader - A dead simple vector CSS loader. Fully customizable.
- T1st3/famfamfam-flags - Famfamfam Flags icons, made available in various package managers, shipped with CSS spritesheet
- IonicaBizau/CaiuSS - A Minimalist and Civilized CSS framework.
- yhc3l-java-1416/webbteknik-del1 - Webbteknik kurs, grunden i html, css, javascript, http
- y0ssar1an/CSS3_Syntax - Sublime Text package for CSS3 syntax highlighting.
- vveleva/flipCover - A CSS/JS mixin for styling social media links.
- tutsplus/the-holy-grail-of-css-centering - Source files for Tuts+ tutorial: The Holy Grail of CSS Centering
- trumbitta/bootstrap-css-utils - Some utility CSS classes for Bootstrap (spacing, displaying, ...)
- tomalec/sortable-flexbox-list - Custom Element with sortable list, that uses CSS flexbox
- thingles/filament - MediaWiki skin based of the Pure CSS framework.
- tetpsy/Css3-Page-Transitions-with-Dynamic-Navigation - Dynamic Page Transitions with Css3
- suitcss/utils-before - CSS leading offset utilities
- segmentio/myth.io - The site for Myth, the pure CSS postprocessor.
- samburgers/Lunchbox-CSS - Semantic CSS Framework for Rapid Prototyping and Responsive Layouts
- sadiqevani/data-animate - Its a data-* based animation selector, based on the following project for the animations https://github.com/daneden/animate.css
- rusackas/jquery-scrolltracker - A jQuery plugin that tracks designated elements' scroll position relative to the viewport, and adds CSS classes to the element(s) describing the current position. Great for adding CSS transitions to elements as they appear/disappear from view.
- posecss/posecss - Project page for the pose css project. Checkout the Wiki page for the latest docs.
- peterjmag/css3-animated-type - Animated pixel font with CSS3
- myVSR/seminar-template - HTML/CSS Template of Web Engineering Seminar
- kiennt2/Magento-Responsive-Email - Magento - Responsive Email. Idea from Kalen Jordan https://github.com/magento-hackathon/Responsive-Email-Templates-with-CSS-Inliner
- inlikealion/Sass-File-Structure - Starting file structure for seperating out style.css into .scss files
- ianstormtaylor/animate - Easily apply animate.css animations to elements via Javascript.
- fenbox/bento - 一款移动端优先的 CSS 栅格系统
- drywall/salsa-mobilizr - CSS (and SASS) for making Salsa Labs forms mobile-friendly
- dcohenb/css-kuku-kube - Kuku Kube game made using only CSS & HTML
- cssnext/cssnext-connect - Use tomorrow's CSS syntax, today, using cssnext via connect plugin.
- corbpaul/inuit - Base sass setup for using inuit.css
- Tombek/animate.scss - Animate.css port to Sass
- Mitranim/stylific - Themable, responsive CSS library
- ManZzup/audroid - Alternate UI Designer for Android is a set of Java and Javascript libraries that enables you to build your android interfaces with HTML + CSS
- Justineo/triangle.less - Handy Less mixin for creating CSS triangles.
- JordyPouw/initial-gs - A simple but powerful 12 column responsive grid system written in pure CSS.
- Hrant-Khachatrian/horizontal-loader-metro-style - Horizontal loader similar to the ones in Windows 8 with CSS animations
- FranckyU/nice-css3-hmenu - Horizontal menu that exploits 3D transforms provided by CSS3
- EP-NY/shopify-responsive-checkout-reset - A CSS reset for Shopify's Responsive Checkout.
- Antwerp-Operating-System/sass_css_js_tink - OBSOLETE - go to http://tink.digipolis.be/ for the current version... Tink is an in-house developed easy-to-use front end framework for quick prototyping and simple deployment of all kinds of websites and apps, keeping a uniform and consistent look and feel.
- AliMD/1Reset - A Simple CSS Grid System for The One Developers <1Devs/>
- webcre8/css-colortone-variable - 任意の色をもとにそのトーン違いの色を作るSass用の変数
- suitcss/utils-after - CSS trailing offset utilities
- sky-uk/architecting-css - Examples as part of my Architecting CSS presentation for Online Services
- ovoncovon/hatena-user-css - b.hatena.ne.jp user style sheet
- niant/once - Once CSS library
- jonsuh/Responsive-YouTube-Vimeo-Embed-and-HTML5-Videos-with-CSS - Responsive YouTube, Video, embed, and HTML5 videos with CSS
- groovenectar/jquery-css-dropdown-plugin - Barebones, Simple, Styleable jQuery + CSS Dropdown Menu Plugin
- escuelaweb/octagon-css - Estilos usados para escuelaweb.net
- daker/css3-slider - A slider using CSS3 transitions
- creesch/FlatBlue-css-theme-for-reddit - A subreddit theme to be used by subreddit owners on www.reddit.com
- caiogondim/css3-lightbulb-with-ambient-light-sensor - a light bulb in CSS3 with ambient light awareness
- bullgit/css-fixer - This will fix all css layout problems you could have
- alexandra-marin/Pure-CSS-Animals - Animals made with pure CSS. No images, no sprites!
- adamjgrant/Stupid.css - Makes everything on a website look stupid, using just CSS.
- SamMarkiewicz/CSS-starter - A basic and clean css starter sheet
- KevinJannis/hovereffects.css - Several hover effects for navigation. (CSS3)
- JoyNeop/locale-fonts.css - Painless fonts for locales
- Janixman/janix-texinfo.css - A CSS stylesheet for Texinfo HTML output produced by texi2any 5.0 (or higher)
- ImperdibleSoft/material-css - Material CSS is a light framework that allows you to create webs with Material Design look&feel.
- zurb/foundation - The most advanced responsive front-end framework in the world. Quickly create prototypes and production code for sites that work on any kind of device.
- FezVrasta/bootstrap-material-design - Material design theme for Bootstrap 3
- numbbbbb/the-swift-programming-language-in-chinese - 中文版 Apple 官方 Swift 教程《The Swift Programming Language》
- octocat/Spoon-Knife - This repo is for demonstration purposes only.
- sahat/hackathon-starter - A boilerplate for Node.js web applications
- dhg/Skeleton - Skeleton: A Dead Simple, Responsive Boilerplate for Mobile-Friendly Development
- chriskempson/tomorrow-theme - Tomorrow Theme the precursor to Base16 Theme
- HubSpot/pace - Automatically add a progress bar to your site. #hubspot-open-source
- driftyco/ionicons - The premium icon font for Ionic
- gabrielecirulli/2048 - A small clone of 1024 (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.veewo.a1024)
- daylerees/colour-schemes - Colour schemes for a variety of editors created by Dayle Rees.
- Compass/compass - Compass is a Stylesheet Authoring Environment that makes your website design simpler to implement and easier to maintain.
- thoughtbot/bourbon - A lightweight Sass tool set.
- mrmrs/colors - Smarter defaults for colors on the web.
- HubSpot/offline - Automatically display online/offline indication to your users. #hubspot-open-source
- ubuwaits/beautiful-web-type - A showcase of the best typefaces from the Google web fonts directory.
- popcorn-time/popcorn-app - An experiment using the peerflix module of nodejs and connecting a bunch of APIs.
- fronteed/icheck - Highly customizable checkboxes and radio buttons (jQuery & Zepto)
- north/north - Design and development standards to align and guide your project.
- Pixelkit/PixelKit-Bootstrap-UI-Kits - Free UI Kits built on Bootstrap for any developer that wants to build a cool looking and functional website. Enjoy!
- HubSpot/vex - A modern dialog library which is highly configurable and easy to style. #hubspot-open-source
- HubSpot/odometer - Smoothly transitions numbers with ease. #hubspot-open-source
- helios-framework/helios - An extensible open-source mobile backend framework
- heelhook/chardin.js - Simple overlay instructions for your apps.
- davatron5000/Lettering.js - A lightweight, easy to use Javascript injector for radical Web Typography
- topcoat/topcoat - CSS for clean and fast web apps
- codeguy/php-the-right-way - An easy-to-read, quick reference for PHP best practices, accepted coding standards, and links to authoritative tutorials around the Web
- tictail/bounce.js - Create beautiful CSS3 powered animations in no time.
- miniMAC/magic - CSS3 Animations with special effects
- nathansmith/960-Grid-System - The 960 Grid System is an effort to streamline web development workflow.
- eddiemachado/bones - A Mobile-First, Responsive WordPress starter theme based off 320 and Up & HTML5 Boilerplate.
- jashkenas/docco - Literate Programming can be Quick and Dirty.
- ericam/susy - Responsive layout toolkit for Sass
- jondot/graphene - Graphene is a realtime dashboard & graphing toolkit based on D3 and Backbone.
- json-api/json-api - A specification for building JSON APIs
- HubSpot/shepherd - Guide your users through a tour of your app #hubspot-open-source
- odewahn/docker-jumpstart - A quick introduction to Docker
- jxnblk/loading - This could take a while
- emmetio/emmet - The essential toolkit for web-developers
- tapmodo/Jcrop - Jcrop (official) - Image Cropping Plugin for jQuery
- github/octicons - GitHub's icon font
- tapquo/Lungo.js - A framework for developers who want to design, build and share cross device applications.
- IanLunn/Sequence - The responsive CSS animation framework for creating unique sliders, presentations, banners, and other step-based applications.
- mojotech/jeet - The most advanced, yet intuitive, grid system available for Sass or Stylus
- miguel-perez/smoothState.js - Unobtrusive page transitions with jQuery.
- 01org/appframework - The definitive HTML5 mobile javascript framework
- touchstonejs/touchstonejs - Mobile App Framework powered by React
- usablica/front-end-frameworks - A collection of best front-end frameworks for faster and easier web development.
- sciactive/pnotify - JavaScript notifications for Bootstrap, jQuery UI, and the Web Notifications Draft.
- pixelmatrix/uniform - A plugin for jQuery. Make your form controls look how you want them to.
- reduxframework/elusive-iconfont - Open-Source Iconfont.
- rickyrauch/Balloons.IO - Balloons.IO is a web multi-room chat server and client ready to use. It’s built with the help of node.JS, Express, Socket.IO and Redis. Balloons uses PassportJS for authentication with Twitter and Facebook
- kumailht/gridforms - Data entry can be beautiful
- todc/todc-bootstrap - Google-styled theme for Bootstrap.
- HubPress/hubpress.io - A web application to build your blog on GitHub
- klaussilveira/gitlist - An elegant and modern git repository viewer
- nkrode/RedisLive - Visualize your redis instances, analyze query patterns and spikes.
- BonsaiDen/JavaScript-Garden - A collection of documentation about the most quirky parts of the JavaScript language.
- wavded/humane-js - A simple, modern, browser notification system
- yairEO/fancyInput - Makes typing in input fields fun with CSS3 effects
- mdo/github-buttons - Showcase the success of any GitHub repo or user with these simple, static buttons with dynamic counts.
- 1sters/material_design_zh - Material Design 中文协同翻译 - design.1sters.com
- rstacruz/flatdoc - Build sites fast from Markdown
- ai/easings.net - Easing Functions Cheat Sheet
- jonikorpi/Golden-Grid-System - A folding grid for responsive design.
- nathansearles/Slides - Slides is a crazy simple slideshow plugin for jQuery. With features like looping, auto play, fade or slide transition effects, crossfading, image preloading, and auto generated pagination. With Slides you’ll never see multiple slides fly by. Slides elegantly just slides from one slide to the next. Awesome.
- barryclark/jekyll-now - Build a Jekyll blog in minutes, without touching the command line.
- justspamjustin/junior - A front-end framework for building html5 mobile apps with a native look and feel.
- ququplay/jquery-mobile-flat-ui-theme - jQuery Mobile Flat UI Theme
- tj/nib - Stylus mixins, utilities, components, and gradient image generation
- hakimel/Avgrund - A JS/CSS3 modal UI concept
- vorillaz/devicons - Devicons - An iconic font made for developers
- fians/marka - Beautiful transformable icons built for the web.
- zenorocha/browser-diet - The definitive front-end performance guide
- IanLunn/jQuery-Parallax - NO LONGER MAINTAINED Used to recreate the Nike Better World parallax effect
- superherojs/superherojs - Superhero JavaScript
- dan-silver/ElementTransitions - Simple transitions for web pages
- ruanyf/jstutorial - Javascript tutorial book
- samcollins/css-social-buttons - Zocial button set with CSS. Entirely vector-based social buttons.
- melonjs/melonJS - a fresh & lightweight javascript game engine
- poole/poole - The Jekyll Butler.
- at-import/breakpoint - Really simple media queries in Sass
- olefredrik/FoundationPress - FoundationPress is a WordPress starter theme based on Foundation 5 by Zurb
- BeSite/jQuery.mmenu - The best jQuery plugin for app look-alike on- and off-canvas menus with sliding submenus for your website and webapp.
- zurb/foundation-apps - The first front-end framework created for developing fully responsive web apps.
- nathansmith/formalize - Teach your forms some manners!
- at-import/Singularity - Grids without limits
- revolunet/JSbooks - Directory of free Javascript ebooks
- Anonyfox/node-webkit-hipster-seed - Bootstrap a crossplatform Desktop Application using tools you probably never heard of.
- gopatrik/space.js - A HTML-driven JavaScript-library for narrative 3D-scrolling.
- vendocrat/PaymentFont - A sleek webfont containing 95 icons of all main payment operators and methods
- adamzap/landslide - Generate HTML5 slideshows from markdown, ReST, or textile
- iconic/open-iconic - An open source icon set with 223 marks in SVG, webfont and raster formats
- ligershark/webdevchecklist.com - The source for webdevchecklist.com
- ThisIsDallas/Simple-Grid - A basic responsive grid for winners. This project is based on Chris Coyier's post on grids http://css-tricks.com/dont-overthink-it-grids/
- davebalmer/jo - Jo (0.5.0) is a thin (~16K) candy shell for making HTML5 apps. Jo works with: PhoneGap, Chrome, Safari, Opera, FireFox, iOS, Android, BlackBerry 10, Tizen, & Windows Phone 8+. Features include skinnable UI widgets, a clean event model and a light data layer.
- horst3180/Arc-theme - A flat theme with transparent elements
- designmodo/startup-demo - Demo Version of Startup Framework
- commadelimited/jQuery-Mobile-Bootstrap-Theme - A jQuery Mobile theme based on Bootstrap
- dowjones/intentionjs - A library for intentionally dealing with responsive design
- VinceG/Bootstrap-Admin-Theme - A generic admin theme built with Bootstrap free for both personal and commercial use.
- orlandotm/payment-webfont - An SVG webfont full of main payment system icons
- joshuagatcke/HTML-KickStart - Ultra–Lean HTML Building Blocks for Rapid Website Production
- indyplanets/flexnav - A jQuery plugin for responsive menus
- iissnan/hexo-theme-next - NexT is an elegant theme for Hexo.
- CSS-Tricks/AnythingSlider - A jQuery Slider plugin for anything.
- modularscale/modularscale-sass - Modular scale calculator built into your Sass
- stripe/shop - Single-page shop
- muan/emoji - Find the emoji that echoes your mind.
- snide/sphinx_rtd_theme - Sphinx theme for readthedocs.org
- iandevlin/html5bones - The HTML5 template that goes back to basics
- poole/hyde - A brazen two-column theme for Jekyll.
- remy/mit-license - Hosted MIT License with details controlled through this repo
- revolunet/PythonBooks - Directory of free Python ebooks
- fffunction/sassaparilla - Start your web projects fast with Sassaparilla
- nathansmith/unsemantic - Fluid grid for mobile, tablet, and desktop.
- tsvensen/equalize.js - The jQuery plugin for equalizing the height or width of your elements
- less/less.ruby - Less Ruby — now at http://github.com/cowboyd/less.rb
- appdotnet/api-spec - App.net API Documentation is on the web at https://developers.app.net. Source for these docs is in the new-docs branch here. Please use the issue tracker and submit pull requests! Help us build the real-time social service where users and developers come first, not advertisers.
- mauricecruz/chrome-devtools-zerodarkmatrix-theme - A highly customized dark theme for Chrome
- webpop/jquery.pin - Pin any element within a container
- aliceui/aliceui.org - 写样式的一种方式
- kilianc/rtail - rtail(1) - Terminal output to the browser in seconds, using UNIX pipes.
- milohuang/reverie - Reverie is a versatile HTML5 responsive WordPress framework based on ZURB's Foundation.
- HubSpot/sortable - Drop-in script to make tables sortable. #hubspot-open-source
- sbstjn/noduino - JavaScript and Node.js Framework for controlling Arduino with HTML and WebSockets
- netgusto/Baikal - Baïkal 2 is a Calendar+Contacts server + web client
- TalksLab/metro-bootstrap - Twitter Bootstrap with Metro style
- DataScienceSpecialization/DataScienceSpecialization.github.io - http://DataScienceSpecialization.github.io
- HubSpot/drop - A library for creating dropdowns and other floating elements. #hubspot-open-source
- poole/lanyon - A content-first, sliding sidebar theme for Jekyll.
- codrops/HoverEffectIdeas - Some inspiration and modern ideas for subtle hover effects.
- artofrawr/profoundgrid - Responsive grid for fixed & fluid layouts.
- codrops/SidebarTransitions - Some inspiration for transition effects for off-canvas navigations.
- Wolfr/clank - Clank: open source prototyping framework for mobile apps
- wilwaldon/flatstrap - Bootstrap without all the extra stuff
- progit/progit2 - Pro Git 2nd Edition
- geekcompany/DeerResume - 最好用的MarkDown在线简历工具,可在线预览、编辑、设置访问密码和生成PDF
- adactio/Pattern-Primer - Generating styled markup from a folder of markup snippets.
- paranoida/sass-mediaqueries - Media Queries mixins for Sass - fully customizable and very easy to use.
- Ranks/emojify.js - A Javascript module to convert Emoji keywords to images
- cgross/angular-busy - Show busy/loading indicators on any element during $http requests (or any promise).
- sapegin/social-likes - Beautiful social “like” buttons with counters for jQuery.
- kippt/jekyll-incorporated - Modern Jekyll based blog for companies
- jagregory/abrash-black-book - Markdown source for Michael Abrash's Graphics Programming Black Book
- pikock/bootstrap-magic - Bootstrap themes generator made with AngularJS
- gotgit/gotgithub - GotGitHub: an open source E-book about GitHub in Chinese
- jazzychad/PushServer - nodejs server for sending Apple APNS push notifications
- at-import/toolkit - Toolkit for Responsive Web Design and Progressive Enhancement with Compass
- guari/eclipse-ui-theme - Dark UI Theme for Eclipse 4+
- websymphony/almost-flat-ui - Almost Flat UI Theme for Foundation Framework
- maxogden/screencat - webrtc screensharing atom-shell app for mac os (Alpha)
- gophercon/2014-talks - This is the official repository for slides and talks from GopherCon 2014
- heygrady/scss-blend-modes - Using standard color blending functions in SASS.
- vwall/compass-twitter-bootstrap - The twitter bootstrap ported to compass
- openexchangerates/money.js - money.js is a tiny (1kb) javascript currency conversion library, for web & nodeJS
- AdamWhitcroft/Apaxy - A simple, customisable theme for your Apache directory listing.
- steshaw/plt - A path to Programming Language Theory enlightenment
- mwaylabs/The-M-Project - 'The-M-Project' is a Mobile HTML5 Application Framework.
- jirikavi/AngularJS-Toaster - AngularJS Toaster is a customized version of "toastr" non-blocking notification javascript library.
- getpelican/pelican-themes - Themes for pelican
- kenhub/giraffe - Giraffe - a graphite dashboard with a long neck
- oswaldoacauan/ghostium - A Ghost theme focused on content based on Medium design/ux
- anicollection/anicollection - The easiest way to find, use and share animations. Priceless!
- ripienaar/gdash - A dashboard for Graphite
- rhiokim/haroopad - Haroopad - The Next Document processor based on Markdown
- csswizardry/typecsset - A small Sass library for setting type on the web.
- Kozea/wdb - An improbable web debugger through WebSockets
- Seldaek/slippy - HTML Presentations
- orderedlist/minimal - A Theme for GitHub Pages
- Augus/ngAnimate - ngAnimate is best effect sulotion made for AngularJS
- Xeoncross/jr - Jr. the static, static javascript site generator (you should see this)
- bradfrost/project-hub - An HTML template for project timelines
- losvedir/ephemeral2 - Ephemeral P2P over websockets, Phoenix/Elixir.
- designbyjake/sassline - Set text on the web to a baseline grid with Sass & rems using a responsive modular-scale.
- LeaVerou/stretchy - Form element autosizing, the way it should be.
- MfgLabs/mfglabs-iconset - Awesome web font icon by MFG Labs
- jaicab/localFont - Implement localStorage web font caching in seconds
- cjdsie/wirefy - Wirefy is a browser based responsive wireframe tool, which allows you to create functional wireframes using standard elements. Think of it as the foundation for your content to be built on. This allows you to focus on the content rather than the design to get faster sign off. Wirefy is not a one-solution answer.
- mblode/burger - Burger - The minimal hamburger menu with fullscreen navigation.
- codrops/NotificationStyles - Various simple ideas and effects for unobtrusive notifications on a website.
- git/git-reference - Online Git Reference at http://gitref.org
- emberjs-addons/ember-bootstrap - A set of UI elements styled using the Boostrap toolkit to use with Ember.js
- brandid/parse-angular-demo - WE MOVED TO REACT & OUR OWN SERVERS - THIS ISN'T SUPPORTED ANYMORE, sorry!
- dcurtis/markdown-mark - Use this mark to identify Markdown.
- voronianski/ngActivityIndicator - Angular provider for preloader animations
- voloko/sdoc - Standalone sdoc generator
- phiamo/MopaBootstrapBundle - Easy integration of twitters bootstrap into symfony2
- a11yproject/a11yproject.com - Making #A11Y tips and tricks easier to digest and leveraging the community into the cloud.
- lemonmade/bigfoot - A jQuery plugin for creating exceptional footnotes.
- DonaldDerek/PiR.tv - A tiny yet super massive Smart TV
- owenversteeg/min - the world's smallest (995 bytes) CSS framework
- twilson63/express-coffee - A Template for NodeJs Application using Express, CoffeeScript, Jade, Stylus, Nib
- github-linker/chrome-extension -
The Google Chrome extension
- davidtheclark/scut - Sass utilities for the frontend laborer.
- shashankmehta/greyshade - A minimal responsive octopress theme
- roryg/ghostwriter - A simple AJAX driven Ghost theme.
- mquan/lavish - a rails app that generates Bootstrap color scheme from an image
- mrmrs/tachyons - Fully responsive, performance first css patterns
- matteodem/meteor-boilerplate - A boilerplate for meteorjs projects
- cferdinandi/social-sharing - Add social sharing links and buttons without the bloat.
- johnotander/pixyll - A simple, beautiful Jekyll theme that's mobile first.
- customelements/www - CustomElements.io is where community-members show their awesome Web Components
- jdavis/twofactorauth - List of sites with two factor auth support which includes SMS, email, phone calls, hardware, and software.
- fntneves/jquery-labelauty - A lightweight and beautiful jQuery plugin for radio and checkbox inputs.
- pazguille/github-card - A web component to show a card for your GitHub profile
- mrmrs/mnml - Minimal boilerplate to start a responsive html5/sass project.
- maxogden/monu - menubar process monitor mac app [ALPHA]
- mastastealth/sass-flex-mixin - Flexbox mixins
- sgruhier/jquery-addresspicker - JQuery UI widget : address autocomplete field by google maps V3 geocoding service
- ddouble/bsie - Bootstrap IE6 Compatible Library
- ctfs/write-ups-2015 - Wiki-like CTF write-ups repository, maintained by the community. 2015
- rstacruz/sinatra-assetpack - Package your assets transparently in Sinatra.
- nobilelucifero/UI-Feedbacks - A bunch of feedback ideas for your buttons
- theleagueof/league-gothic - A revival of an old classic, Alternate Gothic #1
- dutchcoders/transfer.sh - Easy and fast file sharing from the command-line.
- soyjavi/tuktuk - Simple (but powerful) RWD Framework
- WhiteHouse/playbook - The U.S. Digital Services Playbook
- danielfarrell/bootstrap-combobox - A combobox plugin that works with twitter bootstrap
- willy-vvu/reveal.js - This is what I got when I combined webcam-based gesture recognition with Hakim El Hattab's reveal.js.
- troolee/gridstack.js - gridstack.js is a jQuery plugin for widget layout
- TimPietrusky/weloveiconfonts - This is like Google Web Fonts, but for Open Source Icon Fonts. Hurray!
- ENFOS/FlowupLabels.js - Augments form labels to behave like placeholders, but with a twist. See:
- aozora/bootplus - Sleek, intuitive, and powerful Google styled front-end framework for faster and easier web development
- mixu/distsysbook - The book Distributed systems: for fun and profit
- hunterloftis/playfuljs - www.playfuljs.com
- divad12/vim-awesome - Awesome Vim plugins from across the universe
- maxmert/maxmertkit - Maxmertkit, powerful, most customizable and easiest for usage mobile first front-end framework for web-development.
- yangyangwithgnu/the_new_world_linux - the new world, linux
- tmallfe/tmallfe.github.io - 天猫前端
- codrops/CreativeButtons - Some creative and modern button styles and effects for your inspiration.
- MoOx/compass-recipes - UNMAINTAINED compass/sass mixins and snippets.
- starburst1977/readium - Readium 3 - A not-so-much medium-like Ghost theme anymore.
- lab2023/hierapolis - Bootstrap 3 based flat style admin theme
- codrops/TextInputEffects - Simple styles and effects for enhancing text input interactions.
- filamentgroup/tappy - Tappy! - a lightweight normalized tap event.
- codrops/CreativeLinkEffects - An inspirational collection of experimental link effects mostly using transitions on pseudo-elements.
- Kronuz/pyScss - pyScss, a Scss compiler for Python
- lexrus/fontdiao - [已废弃]中文图标字体,可用于 Web 或 iOS,同时提供了国内各种常用网站、应用的徽标 SVG 源文件。
- davatron5000/Foldy960 - A responsive version of the 960 grid, the Pvel way!
- malarkey/Rock-Hammer - A curated project library for Hammer For Mac. Rock Hammer contains baseline typography, plus styling for common HTML elements including images, forms and tables, as well as navigation, responsive modules and widgets
- orf/simple - Simple is a clone of Obtvse written in Python running on Flask.
- aarondo/tabulous.js - A jQuery tabs module for todays web!
- emberjs/website - Source for emberjs.com
- codrops/Calendario - A jQuery calendar plugin for creating flexible calendars.
- TryGhost/Casper - The default personal blogging theme for Ghost
- coffeescript-cookbook/coffeescript-cookbook.github.io - CoffeeScript Recipes, Examples and Tutorials
- adamfairhead/webicons - Webicons is a set of resolution-independent social icons for use on your website. They use feature-detected SVG graphics (with PNG fallbacks) to display the icons over their appropriate negatively indented anchor titles.
- codrops/ButtonComponentMorph - Inspiration for revealing content by morphing the action element.
- opoloo/androidicons - Androidicons is a professional, handcrafted icon set with 250 icons in 14 different colors and 5 sizes, including an icon font and all sources.
- github/training-kit - Open source slides, workbook, and cheat sheet courseware for teaching Git and GitHub classes. Hosted at http://training.github.com/kit/ for immediate use.
- codrops/ProgressButtonStyles - A set of flat and 3D progress button styles where the button itself serves as a progress indicator. 3D styles are used for showing the progress indication on one side of the button while rotating the button in perspective.
- siddii/angular-timer - re-usable/inter-operable AngularJS timer directive
- jorenvanhee/sass-burger - A Sass mixin for creating hamburger icons.
- shuvalov-anton/largescaleJS_ru - Russian translation of Addy Osmani book.
- wintercn/dog-fucked-zhihu - 退出知乎好帮手——狗日的知乎,备份自己的答案,取消所有点赞,批量替换所有答案
- oyejorge/less.php - less.js ported to PHP.
- twitter/twitter.github.com - A listing of open source efforts at Twitter on GitHub
- scottdejonge/Map-Icons - An icon font for use with Google Maps API and Google Places API using SVG markers and icon labels
- claudemamo/kafka-web-console - A web console for Apache Kafka
- gkoberger/stacksort - Sorts an array by downloading snippets from StackOverflow. Inspired by http://xkcd.com/1185/. I'm sorry.
- danro/LESS-sublime - LESS syntax highlighting for Sublime Text.
- bensmithett/style - A starting point for scalable, maintainable CSS architecture.
- rodneyrehm/viewport-units-buggyfill - Making viewport units (vh|vw|vmin|vmax) work properly in Mobile Safari.
- minddust/bootstrap-progressbar - progressbar interactions for twitter bootstrap 2 & 3
- nbartlomiej/foggy - jQuery plugin for blurring page elements
- webcomm/magento-boilerplate - HTML5 Twitter Bootstrap 3.1 Magento Boilerplate Template
- codrops/PageLoadingEffects - Modern ways of revealing new content using SVG animations.
- sethlilly/Vapor - A minimal, responsive theme for Ghost.
- nehbit/aether-public - Aether is a distributed network that creates forum–like, anonymous and encrypted public spaces for its constituents.
- mkaz/lanyon - markdown web server
- alindeman/upgradingtorails4 - Upgrading to Rails 4 e-book
- commadelimited/jQuery-Mobile-Icon-Pack - Extending the default jQuery Mobile icons
- qrohlf/trianglify-generator - no-coding-required triangle pattern generator. work in progress.
- rriepe/1pxdeep - Bootstrap theme featuring powerful color scheme controls and a flat design
- ksylvest/jquery-gridly - Gridly is a jQuery plugin to enable dragging and dropping as well as resizing on a grid.
- mieko/sr-captcha - Article describing how the technical means by which Silk Road 1's captcha was broken.
- gillesbertaux/andy - Open-Source Collection of Useful SASS Mixins Library
- cbrandolino/camvas - HTML5 webcam to canvas stream
- SaraSoueidan/windows8-animations - Windows-8-like Animations with CSS3 and jQuery
- IronSummitMedia/startbootstrap-freelancer - A one page HTML theme for freelancers created by Start Bootstrap
- sconstantinides/FormButtons - Forms within buttons, oh my!
- behigh/bootstrap_dropdowns_enhancement - Bootstrap Dropdown Menus Enhancement
- vitmalina/Web-2.0-Touch - JavaScript mini framework for rapid mobile apps development on touch devices (iPhone, iPad, Android and other webkit browsers)
- diafygi/gnu-pricing - Turn GNU command line tools into SaaS (Stupid Hackathon Project)
- codrops/DragDropInteractions - Some inspiration for drag and drop interactions for the modern UI.
- dope/lemonade - simple flexible grid
- sahat/tvshow-tracker - AngularJS + Node + Gulp + Mongoose + Passport Authentication + TVDB API
- niftylettuce/gulp-aws-splash - The open-source LaunchRock alternative. Build beautiful splash pages to collect emails & more – primarily focused on performance and rapid development. This project is sponsored by Clevertech.
- eduardoboucas/include-media - Simple, elegant and maintainable media queries in Sass
- drublic/Sass-Mixins - Sass mixins for general use
- Microsoft/microsoft.github.io - The code behind the Microsoft.github.io website
- snwh/paper-gtk-theme - Paper theme by snwh
- picanteverde/init - init templates for js Projects
- DirtDiglett/Pressure-for-Steam - A skin to improve the visual aesthetics of Steam
- sydlawrence/jquery.videoBG - Adding HTML5 video backgrounds to websites
- FortAwesome/font-awesome-sass - Font-Awesome Sass gem for use in Ruby/Rails projects
- mehulkar/github-hall-of-fame - Hall of Fame for spectacular things on Github
- crushlovely/skyline - Basic Skyline Starter HTML and SCSS
- benhowdle89/reqres - A hosted REST-API ready to respond to your AJAX requests
- staticapps/staticapps.org - The source for the official StaticApps.org resource site.
- littleosbook/littleosbook - Source for the little book about OS development
- livereload/livereload-js - LiveReload JavaScript code that communicates with the server and implements reloading
- JacksonTian/doxmate - 文档伴侣
- mixu/markdown-styles - Markdown to HTML generator and multiple CSS themes for Markdown
- zapier/resthooks - A lightweight subscription notification layer on top of your existing REST API
- mattvh/jekyllthemes - A directory of the best-looking themes for Jekyll blogs
- holman/left - Left is a clean, whitespace-happy layout for Jekyll.
- ericam/compass-animation - css3 animation plugin for compass
- codrops/Blueprint-VerticalTimeline - A responsive vertical timeline layout with icons and example media queries.
- MacGapProject/MacGapProject.github.io - MacGap website
- m242/maildrop - MailDrop is an open-source, scalable, high-performance version of Mailinator.
- masukomi/kudos - An example of Svbtle style kudos
- mgcrea/angular-motion - Fancy CSS3 animations for AngularJS 1.2+.
- zurb/responsive-tables - Tables that work responsively on small devices.
- umbrae/jsonlintdotcom - Source code for jsonlint.com
- tokokoo/pondasee - Your awesome Front-end starter kit
- soulwire/Muscular-Hydrostats - Tentacle simulation using inverse kinematics
- daleanthony/uno - Uno - a minimal, responsive theme for Ghost
- typeplate/starter-kit - A @grayghostvisuals and @zakkain Joint™ Typeplate is a “Typographic Starter Kit.” We don’t make aesthetic design choices, but define proper markup with extensible styling for common typographic patterns. A stripped-down Sass library concerned with the appropriate technical implementation of design patterns—not how they look.
- rosario/kasper - Ghost's default theme (Casper) on Jekyll
- siamakmokhtari/licon - Lightness and Useful icons with Pure CSS3
- shlomi-noach/awesome-mysql - A curated list of awesome MySQL software, libraries, tools and resources
- m10l/FloatLabel.js - A jQuery plugin for floating form labels
- corysimmons/typographic - Easy SCSS or Stylus responsive typography with vertical rhythm, modular scale, font stacks, and more.
- codrops/FullscreenOverlayStyles - Some simple and creative overlay styles and effects. From sliding the overlay into the viewport to using SVG morphing shapes, we explore some effects for fullscreen overlays.
- sinatra/sinatra-recipes - Community contributed recipes and techniques
- baixing/puerh - Puerh - 百姓网 UI 库
- muan/scribble - A Jekyll theme.
- econchick/new-coder - New Coder tutorials
- marcoceppi/bootstrap-glyphicons - Regular Glphyicon drop in for Bootstrap
- Microsoft/ngconf2015demo - TodoMVC application demo for ng-conf 2015
- b374k/b374k - PHP Webshell with handy features
- lafeber/world-flags-sprite - A sprite of all the worlds' flags
- lcdsantos/jQuery-Selectric - jQuery plugin for easy manipulation and customization of HTML selects
- ccoenraets/OpenFB - Micro-library that lets you integrate browser and Cordova apps with Facebook with no plugin or SDK dependency.
- briangraves/ResponsiveEmailPatterns - A collection of patterns & modules for responsive emails
- djfarrelly/MailDev - SMTP Server + Web Interface for viewing and testing emails during development.
- abhshkdz/HackFlowy - Workflowy clone, built using Backbone.js & Socket.io
- artpolikarpov/garmoshka - Move the bellows
- Runscope/requestbin - Inspect HTTP requests. Debug webhooks. Originally created by @progrium.
- jbranchaud/splitting-atoms - a community-built, community-driven guide to hacking on the Atom editor
- tommy351/Octopress-Theme-Slash - Slash — a minimal theme for Octopress
- square/intro-to-d3 - a D3.js tutorial
- jackrugile/placeholdem - Placeholder Caret Animation
- Rapid-Application-Development-JS/AnimateTransition - Library for transition animations between blocks (pages) in the application.
- felixge/nodeguide.com - My unofficial and opinionated guide to node.js.
- jhardy/compass-ceaser-easing - Penner equations for css3 transitions
- jenius/rupture - Simple media queries in stylus
- hij1nx/levelui - A GUI for LevelDB management based on atom-shell.
- adobe/adobe.github.com - Adobe central hub for open source
- noizwaves/bootstrap-social-buttons - Social media button styles for Twitter Bootstrap
- glebm/rails_email_preview - Preview and edit app mailer templates in Rails.
- github-archive/teach.github.com - The open source teaching materials site for Git and GitHub technologies
- uoziod/suave-ui - UI Framework for AngularJS
- sehmaschine/mueller - MUELLER is a modular grid system for responsive/adaptive and non-responsive layouts, based on Compass.
- jesseweed/seti-ui - A subtle dark colored UI theme for Atom.
- IronSummitMedia/startbootstrap-agency - A one page HTML theme for agencies created by Start Bootstrap
- egonSchiele/mdpress - [DEAD] Make impress.js presentations from markdown files.
- at-import/color-schemer - A sassy way to build color schemes
- VinceG/Bootstrap-Admin-Theme-3 - A generic admin theme built with Bootstrap 3 free for both personal and commercial use.
- nick-jonas/nick-jonas.github.com - Demo sites
- jayalai/fitgrd - .fitgrd is the lightweight & sexy looking responsive grid for your next awesome website. demo: www.fitgrd.com
- JoelSutherland/LESS-Prefixer - All of the CSS3 fun, none of the prefixes!
- awkward/backbone.modal - A plugin for Backbone.js that simplifies creating modals for your application.
- WhiteHouse/fortyfour - 7.x base theme for White House sites
- dotfiles/dotfiles.github.com - Your unofficial guide to doing dotfiles on GitHub.
- jonathanpath/SASS-SMACSS - To start your project with SASS. Inspired by SMACSS from Jonathan Snook.
- agiliq/Django-parsley - Client side form validations for Django - Using parsley.js
- ffranke/Laker-Compendium - Laker is a compendium of files, frameworks, styles and tips for designing digital publications in HTML5.
- drinchev/monosocialiconsfont - Mono Social Icons Font
- justinhough/Centurion - Centurion is a web-based framework for rapid prototyping and building larger web projects.
- braziljs/conf-boilerplate - The easiest way to create websites for conference/events
- konpa/devicon - Set of icons representing programming languages, designing & development tools
- terryweiss/docstrap - A template for JSDoc3 based on Bootstrap and themed by Bootswatch
- open-falcon/agent - linux monitor agent
- GSA/analytics.usa.gov - The US federal government's web traffic.
- nodejs/iojs-cn - io.js 中文化 & 中文社区
- rogerdudler/eclipse-ui-themes - Dark UI Theme for Eclipse 4+
- dmtintner/UtilityBelt - SCSS utilities for starting any new project
- buildingblocks/grunt-combine-media-queries - [DEPRECATED] A new version is managed here: https://github.com/frontendfriends/grunt-combine-mq
- ThomasBurleson/angularjs-Quizzler - The AngularJS Challenge: Create an online Quiz builder & testing application.
- Nikesh/Pie-Menu - Simple configurable Path Menu written in Jquery and CSS3
- aarondo/Material-Preloader - A jQuery plugin that recreates the Material Design pre-loader (as seen on inbox).
- DevTips/Artists-Theme - A free Jekyll Theme developed by the DevTips Community
- JeremyEnglert/JointsWP - A blank WordPress theme built with Foundation 5, giving you all the power and flexibility you need to build complex, mobile friendly websites without having to start from scratch.
- KOWLOR/DaftPunKonsole - Keyboard console
- miguelcobain/ember-paper - The Ember approach to Material Design.
- jazzychad/gistblog - A blogging platform built on Github gists
- migreyes/hazelnut - A Pow-preferred barebones starting point for designers using Jekyll.
- shimmerproject/Numix - Numix is a modern flat theme with a combination of light and dark elements.
- orderedlist/modernist - A Theme for GitHub Pages
- emberui/emberui - A component library for crafting ambitious interfaces.
- beneverard/jqPagination - jqPagination, a jQuery pagination plugin
- alagu/pagoda - Zen-like blogging interface for Jekyll (login: admin/admin)
- quentint/long-press - jQuery plugin to ease the writing of accented or rare characters.
- nikku/jquery-bootstrap-scripting - A number of jQuery plugins to ease scripting of bootstrap featured pages.
- HugoGiraudel/sass-boilerplate - A boilerplate for Sass projects using the 7-1 architecture pattern.
- BraveUX/for-the-badge - Badges for badges' sake.
- beiyuu/Github-Pages-Example - BeiYuu's Blog
- sanographix/rin - A Lean HTML & SASS Boilerplate
- lokka/lokka - CMS for Cloud.
- ccoenraets/angular-directory - A sample mobile application built with AngularJS
- VividCortex/go-database-sql-tutorial - A tutorial for Go's database/sql package
- mikekelly/hal_specification - HAL Specification
- BelinChung/HiApp - A simple and interesting hybrid app.With PhoneGap you can easily convert it to native iOS app.
- prose/starter - A starter site for Jekyll + Prose
- christiangenco/dbinbox - an inbox for your Dropbox
- thieman/dagobah - Simple DAG-based job scheduler in Python
- daylerees/anbu - Anbu profiler for the Laravel PHP Framework.
- lacymorrow/casper - A port of Ghost's Casper theme to Wordpress
- mediafront/osmplayer - The Open Standard Media Player is an all-in-one media player for the web. It is an industry changing, open source (MIT) media player that is built to dynamically deliver any type of web media, including HTML5, YouTube, Vimeo, and Flash.
- wycks/WordPress-Gear - A bunch of gear for WP developers
- SonarSource/sonar-examples - SonarQube Examples
- vdw/Tabslet - Yet another jQuery plugin for tabs, lightweight, easy to use, mobile-friendly and with some extra features.
- space150/flyLabel.js - Make your labels fly.
- bevacqua/perfschool - 🌊 Navigate the #perfmatters salt marsh waters in this NodeSchool workshopper
- Kapeli/cheatset - Generate cheat sheets for Dash
- kamilczujowski/least - #leastjs 2 is available for download now!
- geedmo/yamm - Yet another Megamenu for Bootstrap
- ericduran/chromeHAR - HAR viewer that mimics (or at least tries really hard to) Chromes network tab
- codrops/FullscreenForm - An experimental fullscreen form concept where the idea is to allow distraction-free form filling with some fancy animations when moving between form fields.
- dirkfabisch/mediator - a medium inspired jekyll theme
- minamarkham/sassy-starter - Sassy starter - HTML / SCSS (SMACSS)
- danneu/darkstrap - (unmaintained) a dark theme for twitter bootstrap 2
- DandyDev/pelican-bootstrap3 - Bootstrap 3 theme for Pelican
- zeljkoprsa/waterlee-boilerplate - Magento HTML5 Responsive Theme Boilerplate
- topley/nodeshop - Node.JS and Express powered E-Commerce System
- mmistakes/skinny-bones-jekyll - A Jekyll starter with a variety of customizable layouts and components.
- 10up/Engineering-Best-Practices - 10up Engineering Best Practices
- codrops/SelectInspiration - Creative styles and ideas for custom select elements.
- peterbe/autocompeter - A really fast AJAX autocomplete service and widget
- simeydotme/jQuery-ui-Slider-Pips - Plugin for adding little 'pips' , 'floats' and labels to a slider.
- hailwood/jQuery-Tagit - The Jquery Tagit Plugin transforms an html unordered list into a unique tagging plugin.
- chrismccord/labrador - A loyal data retriever for your Rails development databases.
- simontabor/jquery-toggles - jQuery plugin to make easy toggle buttons
- javierjulio/textarea-autosize - Vertically adjust a textarea based on user input without using a clone or ghost element.
- igrigorik/istlsfastyet.com - Is TLS fast yet? Yes, yes it is.
- grahammiller/ResponsiveGridSystem - Spectacularly Easy Responsive Web Design
- NimbusBase/jellyreader - RSS reader
- AndrewBelt/WiTeX - If Donald Knuth had designed Wikipedia
- kirel/detexify - Latex Symbol Classifier Web Frontend
- leemunroe/motherplate - A bare bones responsive SCSS boilerplate for web designers
- l-lin/font-awesome-animation - Simple animations using FontAwesome and some CSS3.
- zk/clojuredocs - clojuredocs.org web app
- zachwill/flask_heroku - An easy-to-use Flask template for Heroku.
- softwaremill/supler - Rapid Form Development library. Use your favourite JS frontend & Scala backend frameworks.
- ecomfe/saber - 移动 Web 解决方案
- devopsbookmarks/devopsbookmarks.com - Website of devopsbookmarks.com
- codrops/Blueprint-SlidePushMenus - Fixed menus that will slide out from the sides of the page and in case of the right and left side optionally move the body.
- github/government.github.com - Gather, curate, and feature stories of public servants and civic hackers using GitHub as part of their open government innovations
- RichardLitt/awesome-conferences - A list of awesome conferences
- AdamMarsden/Crumpet - Crumpet is a deliciously simple SASS/SCSS responsive framework that keeps your HTML clean & stays out of your way.
- agiliq/django-design-patterns - Commonly occuring design patterns in Django
- Igosuki/compass-mixins - A collection of compass' stylesheet for bower dependencies and libsass
- slightlyoffbeat/brew - A Wordpess starter theme based on Bones and Bootstrap 3
- horst3180/Vertex-theme - Vertex is a theme for GTK 3, GTK 2, Gnome-Shell and Cinnamon
- wycks/WP-Skeleton-Theme - A responsive WordPress bare-bones theme based on the getskeleton framework
- huacnlee/social-share-button - Helper for add social share feature in your Rails app. Twitter, Facebook, Weibo, Douban, QQ ...
- grmmph/GhostScroll - A Ghost theme for quick and simple single-page websites
- evernote/sass-build-structure - An example SASS build structure sample to start a project
- ellekasai/twemoji-awesome - Like Font Awesome, but for Twitter Emoji
- fontello/brandico.font - Font with logos of social services & messagers
- penman/Sass-Web-Fonts - A Sass mixin to allow easy, efficient usage of Google Web Fonts.
- onevcat/vno - Vno, just another ghost theme
- meteor/mobile-packages - Meteor packages that provide functionality on mobile and desktop via Cordova plugins.
- AdamBrodzinski/Retina-Sprites-for-Compass - A mixin for creating retina sprites with hover & active states
- gsvineeth/rwdgrid - Responsive Grid System for your Next Project / 1200px to Mobile
- tomsansome/data-img-jquery - Small plugin to deal with responsive image delivery. Think responsive.io minus the cdn.
- theleagueof/ostrich-sans - A gorgeous modern sans-serif with a very long neck.
- streamium/streamium - Decentralized trustless video streaming using bitcoin payment channels.
- popcorn-time/popcorn-time.github.io - Site for getpopcornti.me
- danmalarkey/schema - A light, lean, and responsive front-end UI framework. — Built with LESS.
- buberdds/angular-bootstrap-colorpicker - Native AngularJS colorpicker directive. No dependency on jQuery or jQuery plugin is required.
- bobuk/addmeto.cc - addmeto.cc
- nathansmith/jQuery-Desktop - JavaScript desktop environment built with jQuery + HTML5.
- luminus-framework/luminus - documentation site for Luminus framework
- idibidiart/AllSeeingEye - Google Chrome Extension. Record All Browsing in Screenshots & Full Text. Search For Anything At Any Time. Never Forget Where You Read Something. Saves Everything To Your Machine, Not the Cloud, So Your Web History Stays With You.
- pavlospt/Android-Studio-Tips-by-Philippe-Breault - Every Android Studio Tip posted by Phillipe Breault
- murtaugh/sticky-pagination-fixer - Does your site have a sticky header? You should use this script to fix keyboard-based pagination events.
- kaelig/hidpi - Serve high resolution graphics to high density (Retina-like) displays with Sass.
- amail/Verimail.js - Javascript e-mail validation and verification! Prevent emails that bounce due to typos, invalid domain, aso. Has jQuery support!
- c0bra/markdown-resume-js - Turn a simple markdown document into a resume in HTML and PDF
- icco/Resume - A markdown port of my resume
- wireload/screenly-ose - Screenly OSE -- Digital Signage for the Raspberry Pi
- alexcican/lab - Various coding experiments and demos
- vadikom/smartmenus - jQuery website menu plugin. Responsive and accessible list-based website menus that work on all devices.
- melchoyce/dashicons - This is the temporary home of Dashicons, the WordPress admin icon font. For the official resource, please see the WordPress Developer Hub at http://developer.wordpress.org.
- paracycle/slackthemes - A Slack sidebar theme browser
- tuplejump/play-yeoman - Play + Yeoman integration sbt and play plugins
- keen/pingpong - HTTP monitoring for developers. Richer analytics, greater flexibility.
- sgraham/gamepad.js - Gamepad access in browsers via Gamepad API
- codrops/PerspectivePageViewNavigation - Some effects for a perspective page view navigation where the page itself gets pushed away in 3D to reveal a menu or other items.
- HackerFantastic/Public - A collection of all my publicly released material.
- redbrain/vigilant - Application Driven Stats Monitoring
- pathable/supermodel - Supermodel - Minimal Model Tracking for Backbonejs
- tophermade/sprInvoice - A simple, fully responsive, & easy to use static invoice template.
- kerphi/phpfreechat - phpfreechat is a simple web based chat
- cgross/angular-notify - Minimalistic and extensible notification service for Angular.
- Farata/EnterpriseWebBook - This is repo of the O'Reilly's «Enterprise Web Development. From Desktop to Mobile» book
- travis-ci/travis-web - The Ember web client for Travis CI
- sindresorhus/bower-components - [deprecated] Site to discover Bower components
- scotch/angular-brunch-seed - AngularJS + Brunch
- ianrose/typesettings - A Sass or Stylus toolkit that sets type in Ems based on modular scale, vertical rhythm, and responsive ratio based headlines.
- astaxie/NPWG_zh - Network programming with Go 中文翻译版本
- InkProject/ink - An elegant static blog generator
- rstgroup/active_skin - Flat skin for active admin.
- ColeTownsend/Balzac-for-Jekyll - Your favorite AnchorCMS theme, now for Jekyll!
- divshot/themestrap - A simple starter kit for constructing Twitter Bootstrap 3+ themes.
- JohnAlbin/zen-grids - A Compass plugin for Zen Grids, a fluid responsive grid system
- AcelisWeaven/arrow-hero - A minimalist game where your goal is to match your inputs with an unstoppable continuous overwelming flow of arrows.
- robfletcher/betamax - Betamax is a tool for mocking external HTTP resources such as web services and REST APIs in your tests. The project was inspired by the VCR library for Ruby.
- better-history/chrome-bootstrap - Chrome UI bootstrap
- gnome-integration-team/firefox-gnome - GNOME 3 theme for Firefox (previously known as Adwaita)
- leancloud/ticket-app - LeanCloud 开源的工单系统,使用 JS SDK、云代码的好例子
- l0rdn1kk0n/wicket-bootstrap - Apache Wicket components for Twitter Bootstrap - Wicket-Bootstrap is based on Twitter's toolkit (bootstrap) and the Apache Wicket Framework.
- lyonlai/bootstrap-paginator - Bootstrap Paginator is a jQuery plugin that simplifies the rendering of Bootstrap Pagination component. It provides methods to automates the update of the pagination status and also some events to notify the status changes within the component.
- jimweirich/wyriki - Experimental Rails application to explore decoupling app logic from Rails.
- codrops/AnimatedBorderMenus - A tutorial on how to create a off-canvas icon navigation with an animated border effect.
- xyl0n/iris - A simple, flat and bold Gtk theme.
- razvanbalosin/Splitchar.js - Style and design the first, second or both halves of a character
- jgrenon/angular-desktop-app - This is a simple application skeleton to create desktop application using AngularJS. This application is using node-webkit as our desktop host, bower to install client-side libraries as well as normal npm modules as supported by node-webkit.
- documentcloud/pixel-ping - A Minimalist Pixel Tracker for Node.js
- DevTips/DevTips-Starter-Kit - Ground zero for your next project.
- heroku/identity - Login and OAuth management service for Heroku
- alistairtweedie/pintsize - Sass front end template
- stephenmcd/drum - Reddit / Hacker News clone for Mezzanine
- domenic/html-as-custom-elements - HTML as Custom Elements
- KodeKraftwerk/reepio - In-browser peer-to-peer file transfer and streaming made easy
- hackdaymanifesto/hackdaymanifesto.github.com - The Hackday Manifesto
- tholman/overscroll - Javascript for adding small easter eggs when over scrolling on apple devices.
- mekwall/obsidian-color-scheme - A dark color scheme for code editors and highlighters
- ezekg/flint - Flint is a highly advanced Sass grid framework designed for rapid responsive development.
- jbutko/AngularJS-Boilerplate - Simple AngularJS Boilerplate to kick start your new project with SASS support and Gulp watch/build tasks
- greggigon/my-personal-kanban - This is a one page HTML/JavaScript application for people who would like to use simple and basic Kanban board for their personal stuff
- kkortes/leaf - Google Material Design Theme
- IronSummitMedia/startbootstrap-grayscale - A multipurpose one page Bootstrap theme created by Start Bootstrap
- t413/SinglePaged - SinglePaged - Simple Jekyll template
- phoenixframework/phoenix_guides - User guides for the Phoenix web development framework.
- lzjun567/ImportNewApp - importnew android client for experiment
- lolmaus/breakpoint-slicer - A very quick and efficient syntax for Breakpoint
- chef/chef-fundamentals - Opscode Chef Fundamentals training materials
- derekeder/FusionTable-Map-Template - Searchable Map Template using Google Maps and Fusion Tables
- t3framework/t3 - T3 Framework - (Core Plugin & Blank Template)
- krasimir/yez - Chrome extension that acts as terminal and task runner
- hermanschaaf/ironzebra - A Go blogging engine
- freddier/Frontend2-America - Curso de Frontend, 2a generación, clase America
- marcorinck/ngStart - skeleton project for new angular.js projects
- levito/tt-rss-feedly-theme - Feedly theme for Tiny Tiny RSS 1.8+
- benhowdle89/Adaptive-Backgrounds - A JavaScript plugin for extracting the dominant color from images and applying the color to their parent.
- xhacker/miracle-board - Just another damn simple status board / dashboard.
- lucaslew/whitespace - Minimal white theme for Octopress
- keaplogik/Bootstrap-Clean-Dashboard-Theme - Bootstrap theme with demo and additional UI components not included in the bootstrap packaging. Fixed footer, admin panels, shadow box and more.
- getjump/ru-php-the-right-way - PHP: Правильный Путь это легкочитаемое, быстрое руководство по лучшим практикам PHP, поддерживающее стандарты написания кода и содержащее ссылки на авторитетные руководства в Интернете.
- briangonzalez/codrops-medium-style-page-transitions - The repository for this article: http://tympanus.net/codrops/2013/10/30/medium-style-page-transition/
- shakyShane/jekyll-gulp-sass-browser-sync - A starter project including full setup for Jekyll, GulpJS, SASS & BrowserSync
- less/less-docs - Documentation for Less.
- davidrapson/scss-toolkit - A starter toolkit based on SMACSS for Sass (SCSS) projects, with optional support for Compass.
- nobitagit/ng-material-floating-button - Material design floating menu with action buttons implemented as an Angularjs directive.
- leifos/tango_with_django - How to Tango With Django
- krasimir/techy - A flat file CMS based on Gulp and AbsurdJS
- danielguillan/modernizr-mixin - Simple and comprehensive mixin for Modernizr tests in Sass
- telephone/LookingGlass - A user-friendly PHP Looking Glass
- juliancwirko/generator-zf5 - Yeoman generator for Zurb Foundation 5
- jserme/mahua - http://mahua.jser.me souce code
- andjosh/naked-wordpress - Wordpress for designers who don't know Wordpress
- frankmarineau/shorthand - Shrthnd is a handy tool that converts CSS properties into shorthand, making shorter and more readable stylesheets.
- pragmaticly/teahour.fm - Teahour.fm - Chinese Podcast focusing on programming, entrepreneurship and other geeky topics.
- maxogden/gh-pages-template - free hosting on github! fork this to get a repo with only a gh-pages branch that is easy to edit
- csswizardry/beautons - A beautifully simple button toolkit
- Layerful/sassy-flags - Lightweight Sass library to display flags on your site.
- socketubs/leselys - I'm Leselys, your very elegant RSS reader.
- hackmdio/hackmd - Realtime collaborative markdown notes on all platforms.
- alexgaribay/octoflat - An Octopress theme based off Twitter Bootstrap v2 and Designmodo's Flat-UI
- zurb/bower-foundation - Foundation Bower Package (NOTE: This is automatically generated from TravisCI, no PR's will be accepted)
- rmcgibbo/slidedeck - Beautiful HTML5 slides in markdown. A easy-to-use fork of the google-io-2012 slide deck
- ebidel/html5can - My "The Web Can Do That!?" presentation from Google I/O 2012
- codrops/PagePreloadingEffect - A simple page preloading animation based on the effect seen on Fontface Ninja
- mdo/github-wide - Userstyle for making all of GitHub completely fluid.
- pjjanak/chromecast-hello-world - A simple Hello World Sender/Receiver for Chromecast
- jack7890/mkdown - Beautiful formatting for markdown gists
- mike360/django-html5-boilerplate - A starting template for Django websites using HTML5 boilerplate.
- bigfishtv/turret - Turret is a styles and browser behaviour normalisation framework for rapid development of responsive and accessible websites.
- Thibaut/Snippets - A collection of UI elements and widgets coded with HTML5, CSS3, and Sass.
- SU-SWS/open_framework - Open Framework Drupal Theme
- tholman/discreet-twitter-ui - A minimal ui/ux concept for twitter buttons allowing hover reveals under an icon.
- lorenzofox3/lrInfiniteScroll - directive to register handler when an element is scrolled down near its end http://lorenzofox3.github.io/lrInfiniteScroll/index.html
- jbt/docker - Documentation generator
- awvessel/vessel - Development environment setup automation
- andismith/dev-tool-secrets - A site providing a list of secrets for the Browser Developer Tools in Chrome, Firebug, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera and Safari.
- ekdevdes/storage.js - Storage.js, Simple HTML5 Page Edits. A jQuery plugin around the localStorage api. Formerly known as Storagify.
- dutchcelt/Keep-in-View - Don't allow elements to scroll out of view by having them stick to the top or bottom of a window.
- codrops/CircularProgressButton - Implementation of Colin Garvin's submit button concept
- blivesta/drawer - A small CSS3 and jQuery plugin for app style drawer menu.
- airbnb/backpack - A pack of UI components for Backbone projects. Grab your backpack and enjoy the Views.
- swanson/lagom - A Jekyll blog theme with just the right amount of style
- juthilo/run-jekyll-on-windows - Learn how to run Jekyll, the blog-aware, static site generator in Ruby on Windows.
- justinvh/gitpaste - DEPRECATED - GitPaste is a clone of GitHub's Gist.
- toggl/toggl-button - Toggl Button Chrome extension
- hdni/Phosphene - A flat theme for GNOME 3.10
- rime/home - The Rime::Home repository is the starting point for people to learn about Rime.
- olivierbossel/gridle - One grid system to rule them all (.scss)
- endor/kettu - Rewrite of the Transmission Web Client with jQuery, Sammy and Mustache
- W3cplus/Sass-Resources - Collection best of Sass mixins and function
- percolatestudio/ground-control - A next generation blog, built in Meteor.
- mrmrs/nkd - Template for jekyll project with sass and gulp
- ksylvest/jquery-growl - Growler is a jQuery plugin designed to provide informative messages in the browser.
- jcip/jcip.github.com - Java Concurrency in Practice
- andryyy/mailcow - Mailcow is a mail server suite based on Dovecot, Postfix and other open source software, that provides a modern Web UI for administration. In future versions mailcow will provide Cal- and CardDAV support.
- harvesthq/tick - Tick is a JavaScript plugin that makes visualizing dynamically changing numbers a breeze.
- frontdevde/mnml-devtools-theme - A not so minimal theme for the Chrome Developer Tools.
- ebidel/material-playground - Polymer material design playground
- orderedlist/octoscreen - An OS X screensaver with octicons
- seeker89/cozy-pfm - Cozy Personal Finance Manager
- codrops/NaturalLanguageForm - An experimental form that uses natural language instead of the usual form layout. Values are entered using custom input elements.
- catc/iGrowl - Growl-like notifications with an emphasis on icons
- invertase/angular-toasty - A simple standalone AngularJS module with extensive features that provides growl-style alerts and messages for your app.
- rougier/numpy-100 - 100 Numpy exercises
- hersonls/djamin - A new style for Django admin
- mjhea0/flask-boilerplate - Boilerplate template for a Python Flask application with Flask-SQLAlchemy, Flask-WTF, Fabric, Coverage, and Bootstrap
- kenwheeler/guff - SASS framework for gentlemen
- NSHipster/nshipster.com - NSHipster is a journal of the overlooked bits in Objective-C and Cocoa. Updated weekly.
- marvin1023/sassCore - 一份基础的scss库,包括常用reset, mixin, grids, typo, css3, media queries等多个文件,是你sass开发的必备库
- mikepro4/react-signup-form - React signup form
- jreinke/magento-admin-theme - Give your Magento Admin a facelift.
- codrops/MorphingSearch - A simple effect idea for a search input that morphs into a fullscreen overlay. The idea is to enlarge the search input and show some relevant content or search results.
- codrops/ElasticSVGElements - Adding elasticity with SVG shape animations for enhanced UI interactions.
- bitmanic/rem - rem() is a Sass mixin that converts pixel values to rem values for whatever property is passed to it.
- Elundris/Air-for-Steam - Embracing Google's Material Design language, Air is a skin for Steam that has been designed to be bold without compromise—showcasing consistent beauty through minimal design.
- middleman/middleman-guides - Documentation for Middleman
- jed/react-swipe - Brad Birdsall's swipe.js, as a React component
- azat-co/mongoui - MongoDB admin UI server written in Node.js
- woutervanwijk/Mopidy-MusicBox-Webclient - Web Client for Mopidy Music Server and the Pi MusicBox
- whatsnewsaes/Skeleton-Sass - The (un)official Sass Version of Skeleton (2.0.4): A Dead Simple, Responsive Boilerplate for Mobile-Friendly Development
- thoughtbot/foundry - Providing a new generation of vector assets and infinite possibility for the interactive web and mobile applications
- ryrych/rcarousel - yet another jQuery UI carousel
- hczhcz/Flappy-2048 - Flappy Bird + 2048
- ellekasai/shiori - A Bootstrap-based Jekyll Theme.
- openplans/Leaflet.AnimatedMarker - A Leaflet plugin to animated a Marker along a polyline
- makotokw/redmine-theme-gitmike - This is github-like theme for Redmine.
- drien/jquery-flipster - Responsive, CSS3, touch-enabled jQuery Coverflow plugin.
- cs109/2014 - Official content for the Fall 2014 Harvard CS109 Data Science course
- brajeshwar/grid - A simple & semantic responsive grid system.
- antennaio/jquery-bar-rating - jQuery Bar Rating Plugin - minimal, light-weight jQuery ratings.
- Ekito/bootstrap-linkpreview - A facebook-like link preview js library using Twitter Bootstrap styling components
- miclle/WALL-E - WELL·E Robot. A Raspberry Pi, Arduino Robot, Using Ruby control.
- jorgeatgu/SVG-FILTERS - Aplicando filtros SVG
- davidkpiano/sassdash - The Sass implementation of lodash.
- winkerVSbecks/angular-pdf-viewer - An AngularJS directive to display PDFs
- fredoliveira/commonplace - A server for your markdown files. Give it a directory, and Commonplace gives you a url, pretty pages, and quick editing.
- Kikobeats/uno-zen - Minimalist and Elegant theme for Ghost. Demo @ http://kikobeats.com
- oortcloud/atmosphere - Atmosphere Smart Package Database for Meteor
- erskinedesign/ed.gridpak - The responsive grid generator.
- FontFaceKit/open-sans - Open Sans @font-face kit
- DanBrooker/file-icons - Atom file specific icons for improved visual grepping
- mrzepinski/angular-debug-bar - AngularJS Debug Bar
- jaraen/Ti.UX.Templates - The Titanium UX Templates Gallery
- Grawl/Grands - social icon font
- kachayev/talks - Talks and materials from different conferences, meetings etc
- tgrant54/Navi.js - jQuery: Content switching made easy
- johnsmclay/icnfnt - Many of Grant and Clay's clients wanted to use the fantastic FontAwesome Icon Font, but didn't want to make their users download more icons than necessary. Icnfnt was originally a weekend project built to solve this problem. Since it worked so well, Grant and Clay decided to put it online for anyone to use. Built with Angular.js, Bootstrap, Flask, FontForge, and lots of pizza.
- D-Programming-Language/dlang.org - Pages for the dlang.org website, home of the D Programming Language
- sahat/jsrecipes - Source Code for JSRecipes
- hzlzh/Mou-Theme - GitHub ReadMe Style
- tareq1988/wedocs - A documentation theme for WordPress
- pasqualevitiello/Tumblr-Style-Cog-Spinners - Tumblr-style cog spinners
- grayghostvisuals/lemanz - A starting point for Sass and Compass projects
- victor-valencia/bootstrap-iconpicker - A simple icon picker
- kencochrane/django-docker - Demo Django App using Docker
- darsain/laravel-console - In-browser console for Laravel PHP framework.
- danielstern/ngAudio - Angular Directive for Playing Sounds
- cobyism/ghost-on-heroku - One-button Heroku deploy for the Ghost blogging platform.
- avdi/ppwm - A site to promote diverse pair-programming
- SuperFriendly/project-hub - Project Hub
- sturobson/Sassifaction - A Sass mixin library
- nickholub/angular-dashboard-app - Dashboard/Widgets functionality with AngularJS
- mankindsoftware/angular-isotope - AngularJS directives to easily work with JQuery Isotope.
- jillix/url.js - 📃 A lightweight JavaScript library to manipulate the page url.
- damianmuti/sticko - A free Ghost theme :)
- bradvin/social-share-urls - Social Share URLs
- twilson63/html2haml - Convert HTML Snippets to Haml
- travis-ci/travis-ci.github.com - [DEPRECATED] The Travis CI blog & documentation website
- micc83/fontIconPicker - jQuery fontIconPicker v2 is a small (3.22kb gzipped) jQuery plugin which allows you to include a simple icon picker with search and pagination inside your administration forms.
- dgileadi/zepto-page-transitions - HTML5 Page Transitions similar to JQuery Mobile page transitions, but standalone (13k) and using Zepto.js
- digisavvy/some-like-it-neat - A WordPress Theme Using _s, Bourbon + Neat and Theme Hook Alliance
- Jacse/themes-for-brackets - Popular themepack for Brackets. Before official theme support, this extension also added that feature
- gillesbertaux/bootsy - Bootstrap small projects and keep them organized with a simple folder structure.
- sentsin/laydate - js日期控件
- nfriend/inspirograph - A digital Spirograph, written in TypeScript.
- filamentgroup/RWD-Nav-Patterns - Experimental navigation structure and behavior patterns based on progressive enhancement and responsive web design.
- millermedeiros/mdoc - node.js markdown powered documentation generator
- amcss/amcss.github.io - AMCSS documentation & examples
- UlricQin/falcon-eye - linux monitor tool. an agent running on your host collect and display performance data. just like https://github.com/afaqurk/linux-dash
- HaoyunS/EyesAsia - A font if you need tiny shapes for China's provinces or east Asian countries as a design element.
- taupecat/sass-responsive - A library of variables, mixins and formulas geared towards Responsive Web Design using Sass
- sahat/instagram-hackhands - Source code for HackHands blog post
- fniessen/org-html-themes - Awesome HTML themes for files exported from Org mode
- simpulton/angular-dynamic-templates - Illustrates how to use dynamic templates via a directive.
- micjamking/Navigataur - A pure CSS responsive navigation menu
- micaeloliveira/physics-sandbox - This repo contains simple physics simulations
- colonizers/colonizers - Based on "The Settlers of Catan" by Klaus Teuber.
- orderedlist/unity-ui - An Atom theme for a more native experience on OS X.
- heroku/starboard - onboarding, offboarding, or crossboarding made easy