Automatically save your changes in NeoVim
This plugin has been renamed from AutoSave
to auto-save
, and this repository has accordingly moved from pocco81/AutoSave.nvim
to pocco81/auto-save.nvim
. To prevent errors with your configuration, make sure to update both the name and the repository url in your config!
- automatically save your changes so the world doesn't collapse
- highly customizable:
- conditionals to assert whether to save or not
- execution message (it can be dimmed and personalized)
- events that trigger auto-save
- debounce the save with a delay
- multiple callbacks
- automatically clean the message area
- Neovim >= 0.5.0
Install the plugin with your favourite package manager:
config = function()
require("auto-save").setup {
-- your config goes here
-- or just leave it empty :)
Plug 'Pocco81/auto-save.nvim'
lua << EOF
require("auto-save").setup {
-- your config goes here
-- or just leave it empty :)
auto-save comes with the following defaults:
enabled = true, -- start auto-save when the plugin is loaded (i.e. when your package manager loads it)
execution_message = {
message = function() -- message to print on save
return ("AutoSave: saved at " .. vim.fn.strftime("%H:%M:%S"))
dim = 0.18, -- dim the color of `message`
cleaning_interval = 1250, -- (milliseconds) automatically clean MsgArea after displaying `message`. See :h MsgArea
trigger_events = {"InsertLeave", "TextChanged"}, -- vim events that trigger auto-save. See :h events
-- function that determines whether to save the current buffer or not
-- return true: if buffer is ok to be saved
-- return false: if it's not ok to be saved
condition = function(buf)
local fn = vim.fn
local utils = require("")
fn.getbufvar(buf, "&modifiable") == 1 or
utils.not_in(fn.getbufvar(buf, "&filetype"), {}) then
return true -- met condition(s), can save
return false -- can't save
write_all_buffers = false, -- write all buffers when the current one meets `condition`
debounce_delay = 135, -- saves the file at most every `debounce_delay` milliseconds
callbacks = { -- functions to be executed at different intervals
enabling = nil, -- ran when enabling auto-save
disabling = nil, -- ran when disabling auto-save
before_asserting_save = nil, -- ran before checking `condition`
before_saving = nil, -- ran before doing the actual save
after_saving = nil -- ran after doing the actual save
Additionally you may want to set up a key mapping to toggle auto-save:
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "<leader>n", ":ASToggle<CR>", {})
Besides running auto-save at startup (if you have enabled = true
in your config), you may as well:
: toggle auto-save