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Pushing a new design and frontend concept to ownCloud


See this online Demo (user: demo, password: demo)


Decide on which host and port Phoenix will be running, for example https://phoenix-host:8300/phoenix-path/. In this document, we will refer to the following:

  • <phoenix-url> as the full URL, for example https://phoenix-host:8300/phoenix-path/
  • <phoenix-domain> as the protocol, domain and port, for example: https://phoenix-host:8300

Setting up

Setting up the ownCloud Server

Make sure you have an ownCloud Server already installed.

Adjusting config.php

Add the following entries to config/config.php:

  • tell ownCloud where Phoenix is located:
'phoenix.baseUrl' => '<phoenix-url>',
  • add a CORS domain entry for Phoenix in config.php:
'cors.allowed-domains' => ['<phoenix-domain>'],
  • optional: when developing against unstable APIs (technical preview), these need to be enabled in the server core:
dav.enable.tech_preview => true,

Setting up OAuth2

To connect to the ownCloud server, it is necessary to set it up with OAuth2.

Install and enable the oauth2 app:

% occ market:install oauth2
% occ app:enable oauth2

Login as administrator in the ownCloud Server web interface and go to the "User Authentication" section in the admin settings and add an entry for Phoenix as follows:

  • pick an arbitrary name for the client
  • set the redirection URI to <phoenix-url>/oidc-callback.html
  • make sure to take note of the client identifier value as it will be needed in the Phoenix configuration later on

Setting up Phoenix

In the local Phoenix checkout, copy the config.json.sample file to config.json and adjust it accordingly:

  • Set the "server" key to the URL of the ownCloud server including path. If the URL contains a path, please also add a trailing slash there.
  • Set the "clientId" key to the client identifier as copied from the "User Authentication" section before.
  • Adjust "url" and "authUrl" using the ownCloud server URL as prefix for both
  • Optionally adjust "apps" for the list of apps to be loaded. These match the app names inside the "apps" folder.

Building Phoenix

  • Run yarn install to build core
  • Run yarn install-all to install dependencies of all apps and core
  • Run yarn dist to build all apps configured in config.json

Running Phoenix

  • optionally provide custom domain name: export SERVER_HOST=
  • run a webpack dev server yarn watch (yarn watch-all if you want to watch apps as well)

Running acceptance tests

Running Browser and Selenium for acceptance tests

setup selenium and browser in either of the following ways:

  1. yarn run selenium: This runs selenium-docker similar to command below.

    Needs setting SELENIUM_HOST as localhost and SERVER_HOST in the format http://<ip_addr>:9100. To find ip of the docker host, use

        docker inspect -f "{{ .NetworkSettings.Gateway }}" selenium
  2. use docker to start the browser and selenium e.g.:

    docker run -d -p 4444:4444 -p 5900:5900 -v /dev/shm:/dev/shm -v <repo_path>/tests/acceptance/filesForUpload:/uploads --name selenium selenium/standalone-chrome-debug
  3. install the Chrome browser and let yarn start & run selenium (remember to set LOCAL_UPLOAD_DIR though)

  4. Use standalone selenium server (remember to set SELENIUM_HOST, SELENIUM_PORT and LOCAL_UPLOAD_DIR).

Running acceptance tests using ownCloud10 backend

  • clone and install testing app into ownCloud from
  • build, configure and run phoenix
  • run yarn run acceptance-tests <feature-files-to-test>
  • to run federation tests:
    1. Install and setup a second ownCloud server-instance that is accessible by a different URL. That second server-instance must have its own database and data directory.
    2. clone and install testing app into the second ownCloud server-instance from .
    3. when running the acceptance tests use REMOTE_BACKEND_HOST environment variable to define its address. for e.g. REMOTE_BACKEND_HOST=http://<ip_address_of_second_ownCloud_server-instance> yarn run acceptance-tests <feature-files-to-test> .
  • available settings to be set by environment variables:

Running acceptance tests using OCIS backend

  • clone and build ocis-phoenix, ocis-reva and ocis-konnectd into their respective binaries

  • Run ldap server and redis server using docker

    docker run --hostname \
    -e \
    -e LDAP_ORGANISATION=ownCloud \
    -e LDAP_ADMIN_PASSWORD=admin \
    --name docker-slapd \
    -p \
    -p 636:636 -d osixia/openldap
    docker run -e REDIS_DATABASES=1 -p 6379:6379 -d webhippie/redis:latest
  • Run the OCIS services with necessary configurations

    • Run ocis-phoenix and provide PHOENIX_ASSET_PATH=/<path to phoenix dist dir>/ to use the latest version of phoenix and PHOENIX_WEB_CONFIG=/<path to phoneix config file>/

      You need to create a new phoenix config.json file. Use this config with necessary changes in the urls

      If you choose to run selenium and the browser inside a docker container then your server, metadata_url and authority needs to be accessible from inside the docker container

    • Run ocis-reva using the ldap user driver and also provide redis server url with REVA_STORAGE_OWNCLOUD_REDIS_ADDR=localhost:6379

    • Run ocis-konnectd using the same ldap server used with ocis-reva

      You need to create a new identifier registration file. Use this file with necessary changes in the urls

      If you choose to run selenium and the browser inside a docker container then your redirect_uris needs to be accessible from inside the docker container

  • clone and build phoenix with yarn dist

  • run yarn run acceptance-tests <feature-files-to-test>

Running acceptance tests with Docker Desktop for Mac

In order to run acceptance tests with selenium running in Docker Desktop for Mac while having ownCloud Server and Phoenix running as services on the host machine, localhost will not work as URL. Use the Docker host ip or its alias host.docker.internal instead. This requires to adjust all relevant config files to use host.docker.internal instead of localhost (config.json in Phoenix and config/config.php in oC10) and to change the phoenix OIDC-callback url. Set the SERVER_HOST and BACKEND_HOST environment variables accordingly. In order to use the same url for development on the host machine, define it as an alias to in /etc/hosts. After all these changes Phoenix will be accessible at http://host.docker.internal:8300 for both development and acceptance tests.

Available Settings to be set by Environment Variables

These values can be set using the environment Variables to match your local test environment.

setting meaning default
SERVER_HOST phoenix URL http://localhost:8300
BACKEND_HOST ownCloud server URL (or reva service url for running with OCIS) http://localhost:8080
BACKEND_USERNAME ownCloud administrator username admin
BACKEND_PASSWORD ownCloud administrator password admin
SELENIUM_HOST selenium server host, if not set yarn will start selenium automatically
if running the selenium docker container as mentioned above set to localhost
SELENIUM_PORT port of selenium server 4444
SCREEN_RESOLUTION width and height in px to set the browser resolution to e.g. 375x812 empty = fullscreen
REMOTE_UPLOAD_DIR path to filesForUpload directory, used when uploading files through api ./tests/acceptance/filesForUpload
LOCAL_UPLOAD_DIR filesForUpload directory available for selenium for direct uploads
If using selenium-docker and example above, set it as /uploads.
If running local selenium, set value same as REMOTE_UPLOAD_DIR (please, remember to use absolute path)
REMOTE_BACKEND_HOST ownCloud remote server URL http://localhost:8080
RUN_ON_OCIS Running the tests using the OCIS backend false
OCIS_REVA_DATA_ROOT Data directory of OCIS /var/tmp/reva
LDAP_SERVER_URL LDAP server for openID provider ldap://
LDAP_BASE_DN bind dn for LDAP cn=admin,dc=owncloud,dc=com
LDAP_ADMIN_PASSWORD Password for ldap bind dn cn=admin,dc=owncloud,dc=com
OCIS_SKELETON_DIR Skeleton files directory for new users -
OCIS_PHOENIX_CONFIG Path for the phoenix web config file used by OCIS -

Updating dependencies

  • Run yarn upgrade-all to update core and app dependencies

Cleaning up the workspace

  • Run yarn clean-all to remove node_modules and dist folder


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