Industrial Logic Canada
- Toronto, ON Canada
- @chzy
page-object Public
Gem to implement PageObject pattern in watir-webdriver and selenium-webdriver
intellij-mob Public
Forked from remotemobprogramming/intellij-mobIntelliJ plugin for swift git handover and timer
Kotlin Apache License 2.0 UpdatedFeb 13, 2021 -
data_magic Public
Provides datasets to application via yaml files
soap-object Public
Wrapper around SOAP service calls to make them easier to test.
fig_newton Public
Easily manage configuration from different environments.
yml_reader Public
A simple gem to set a directory and read yml files.
RDee Public
Dynamically create a connection for Selenium or Watir.
webdrivers Public
Forked from titusfortner/webdriversKeep your Selenium WebDrivers updated automatically
ReportBuilder Public
Forked from rajatthareja/ReportBuilderRuby gem to merge Cucumber JSON reports and build single HTML Test Report
Ruby MIT License UpdatedJul 19, 2017 -
page_navigation Public
Provides basic navigation through a collection of items that use the PageObject pattern.
gherkin Public
Forked from cucumber-attic/gherkin2A fast Gherkin parser in Ragel (The parser behind Cucumber)
Java MIT License UpdatedFeb 23, 2015 -
jqueryui_widgets Public
Wrapper around jQueryUI controls for use with page-object gem
emacs.d Public
emacs config directory
codemash-testing-smackdown Public
Code from my CodeMash Test Automation Smackdown
dojo_widgets Public
Wrapper around dijit controls (the dojo ui library) for use with the page-object gem.