This repository provides a library and a simple CLI utility to automatically configure GNU/Linux containers leveraging XDXCT hardware.
The implementation relies on kernel primitives and is designed to be agnostic of the container runtime.
Install the packages:
With Docker:
# Generate docker images for a supported <os><version>
make {ubuntu18.04, ubuntu16.04, debian10, debian9, centos7, amazonlinux2, opensuse-leap15.1}
# Or generate docker images for all supported distributions in the dist/ directory
make docker
The resulting images have the name xdxct/libxdxct-container/<os>:<version>
Without Docker:
make install
# Alternatively in order to customize the installation paths
DESTDIR=/path/to/root make install prefix=/usr
Refer to the [xdxct-container-runtime].
# Setup a new set of namespaces
cd $(mktemp -d) && mkdir rootfs
sudo unshare --mount --pid --fork
# Setup a rootfs based on Ubuntu 16.04 inside the new namespaces
curl | tar -C rootfs -xz
useradd -R $(realpath rootfs) -U -u 1000 -s /bin/bash xdxct
mount --bind rootfs rootfs
mount --make-private rootfs
cd rootfs
# Mount standard filesystems
mount -t proc none proc
mount -t sysfs none sys
mount -t tmpfs none tmp
mount -t tmpfs none run
# Isolate the first GPU device along with basic utilities
libxdxct-container --load-kmods configure --ldconfig=@/sbin/ldconfig.real --no-cgroups --utility --device 0 $(pwd)
# Change into the new rootfs
pivot_root . mnt
umount -l mnt
exec chroot --userspec 1000:1000 . env -i bash
# Run xdxsmi from within the container