DeepCTR Public
Forked from shenweichen/DeepCTREasy-to-use,Modular and Extendible package of deep-learning based CTR models.
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMay 7, 2020 -
awesome-reinforcement-learning-zh Public
Forked from wwxFromTju/awesome-reinforcement-learning-zh中文整理的强化学习资料(Reinforcement Learning)
UpdatedApr 30, 2020 -
bert Public
Forked from google-research/bertTensorFlow code and pre-trained models for BERT
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedOct 12, 2019 -
chengxiangfei.github.io Public
Forked from writelife/panxw.github.comlearning of feifei
HTML UpdatedJul 15, 2018 -
DeepPavlov Public
Forked from deeppavlov/DeepPavlovAn open source library for building end-to-end dialog systems and training chatbots.
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMay 17, 2018 -
storm-crawler Public
Forked from apache/incubator-stormcrawlerWeb crawler SDK based on Apache Storm
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedApr 12, 2016 -
ansj_seg Public
Forked from NLPchina/ansj_segansj分词.ict的真正java实现.分词效果速度都超过开源版的ict. 中文分词,人名识别,词性标注,用户自定义词典
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMar 24, 2015 -
datasharing Public
Forked from jtleek/datasharingThe Leek group guide to data sharing
UpdatedNov 25, 2013 -
distribute_crawler Public
Forked from myjack/distribute_crawler使用scrapy,redis, mongodb,graphite实现的一个分布式网络爬虫,底层存储mongodb集群,分布式使用redis实现,爬虫状态显示使用graphite实现
Python UpdatedApr 25, 2013 -
django-rest-framework Public
Forked from encode/django-rest-frameworkDjango REST framework makes it easy to build well-connected, self-describing RESTful Web APIs.
mongoengine Public
Forked from MongoEngine/mongoengineA Python Object-Document-Mapper for working with MongoDB
libqgit2 Public
libgit2 c++ binding(Qt)
django-markitup Public
Forked from zsiciarz/django-markitupMarkup handling (using Jay Salvat's MarkItUp! flexible universal markup editor) for Django
django-tastypie Public
Forked from django-tastypie/django-tastypieCreating delicious APIs for Django apps since 2010. Beta-quality. v0.9.8