If you Want get demo---If you want to achieve a small demo(but not exist in this project), you can put specific needs on Issues,the
author or contributors will find time in their own ability to go To achieve,
If you want to contribute---If you want to contribute their own demo,according to examples in the directory,a separate vue,Then Configuration Route,And pull request
If you want to import new package,please note。
Start with vue-cli, ,about vue-cli
Using vue-router routing,about vue-router
Use vuex processing business about vuex
Use vue-resourceabout vue-resource
Use sass about sass
Based on element-ui ,about element-ui
Based on mint-ui,about mint-ui
Introduction of vue-touch(this gesture plug-in is another vue-touch branch and support vue2.0),about vue-touch
Use Ali font,about Ali font
1、select the city, alphabetical order
2、use high Germany map
3、use v-charts
4、use vue-picture-input preview
5、use the element-ui image upload components
6、city list, from mint-ui
7、the introduction of vur-touch
8、Ali font
9、add select time components
1、 to be a city of choice
2、use high Germany map
3、use high Germany map (about 'around' component )
According to the following command to run ,or according tomy blog
# install dependencies
npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev
# build for production with minification
npm run build
# build for production and view the bundle analyzer report
npm run build --report
For detailed explanation on how things work, checkout the guide and docs for vue-loader.