DELTA: Dense Efficient Long-range 3D Tracking for Any video (ICLR 2025)
VoxAct-B: Voxel-Based Acting and Stabilizing Policy for Bimanual Manipulation (CoRL 2024)
[ECCV 2024] ManiGaussian: Dynamic Gaussian Splatting for Multi-task Robotic Manipulation
AnyBimanual: Transfering Unimanual Policy for General Bimanual Manipulation
[ICRA 2023] A Joint Modeling of Vision-Language-Action for Target-oriented Grasping in Clutter
Official implementation of "SUGAR: Pre-training 3D Visual Representations for Robotics" (CVPR'24).
DrM, a visual RL algorithm, minimizes the dormant ratio to guide exploration-exploitation trade-offs, achieving significant improvements in sample efficiency and asymptotic performance across diver…
Official code for "One-Shot Manipulation Strategy Learning by Making Contact Analogies".
AcadHomepage: A Modern and Responsive Academic Personal Homepage
chenyt31 / RLBench
Forked from MohitShridhar/RLBenchA large-scale benchmark and learning environment.
GRAPE: Guided-Reinforced Vision-Language-Action Preference Optimization
G3Flow: Generative 3D Semantic Flow for Pose-aware and Generalizable Object Manipulation
Code for the paper "Trust the PRoC3S: Solving Long-Horizon Robotics Problems with LLMs and Constraint Satisfaction" presented at CoRL 2024.
[CVPR 2023] Official implementation of the paper "Mask DINO: Towards A Unified Transformer-based Framework for Object Detection and Segmentation"
RoboTwin: Dual-Arm Robot Benchmark with Generative Digital Twins
OGBench: Benchmarking Offline Goal-Conditioned RL
This is the repo of "Learning to Manipulate Anywhere: A Visual Generalizable Framework For Reinforcement Learning"
Official implementation of Points2Plans: From Point Clouds to Long-Horizon Plans with Composable Relational Dynamics
Code for paper: "Few-Shot In-Context Imitation Learning via Implicit Graph Alignment"
METRA: Scalable Unsupervised RL with Metric-Aware Abstraction (ICLR 2024)
[NeurIPS 2024 Oral] Aligner: Efficient Alignment by Learning to Correct