该项目源自 (https://github.com/fabio86d/CUDA_DigitallyReconstructedRadiographs) ,更改了linux下的编译命令
The repository generates a Python library (SiddonGpuPy.pyd) for generating DRRs from a CT/MRI scan with parallelization on the GPU using CUDA (Invidia). The algorithm is based on the method proposed by Siddon ("Fast calculation of the exact radiological path for a three-dimensional CT array.", 1985 Med. Phys.) and on the improvements proposed by Greef et al. ("Accelerated ray tracing for radiotherapy dose calculations on a GPU.", 2009 Med. Phys.). The original library written in C-C++ and parallelized using the CUDA toolkit (https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-zone) is wrapped to a Python library using Cython.
A description of the parallelized algorithm for DRR generation can be found in the 5th Chapter of my PhD thesis (Chapter5_HipHop_2D3Dregistration.pdf).
The Python library SiddonGpuPy.pyd is used in the HipHop_2D3Dregistration framework (see repository https://github.com/fabio86d/HipHop_2D3Dregistration.git) for 2D/3D registration between volumetric medical images (CT/MRI scan) and X-ray images.
This repository also shows the process of generating a C++ library and wrapping it to a Python library using Cython.
- Use Cmake to generate a Visual Studio project that builds the Cpp static library (SiddonGpu.lib)
The source folder for Cmake is SiddonClassLib\src, and includes a Cmake file (CMakeLists.txt), a header cuda file (.cuh) and a source cuda file (.cu) of the siddon_class. The folder where to build the binaries is SiddonClassLib\bin.
- Open the created Visual Studio project and BUILD ALL in Release mode. The SiddonGpu.lib file will be generated in the Release folder.
The SiddonPythonModule folder includes:
- include/siddon_class.cuh (header cuda file with which SiddonGpu.lib was built)
- lib/SiddonGpu.lib (library generated with Cmake and Visual Studio, see above)
- a setup.py file (the python script that needs to be run)
- a SiddonGpuPy.pyx (it represents the interface between the Cpp class and the Python class)
In order to wrap the SiddonGpu.lib library to a Python library (SiddonGpuPy.pyd): from the SiddonPythonModule directory, just run "python setup.py build_ext --inplace"
In the HipHop_2D3Dregistration framework (https://github.com/fabio86d/HipHop_2D3Dregistration.git) the SiddonGpuPy is imported in the ProjectorsModule and used to fast generate DRR from a CT scan of the pelvis.