This library provides a clean wrapper around all the methods exposed by a Polkadot/Subtrate network client. As part of the JsonRpc defintions, the exposed methods are documented.
The API is split up into a number of internal packages -
- @polkadot/api The low-level base API library
- @polkadot/api-rx A RxJs Observable wrapper around the API
- @polkadot/api-format Input and output formatters
- @polkadot/api-provider Providers for connecting
Type definitions for interfaces as exposed by Polkadot & Substrate clients -
- @polkadot/extrinsics Base extrinsic definitions & codecs
- @polkadot/jsonrpc Definitions for JSONRPC endpoints
- @polkadot/params Input/output parameter formatting
- @polkadot/primitives Primitive type definitions, builder & codecs
- @polkadot/storage Definitions for storage entries