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storax committed Aug 3, 2015
2 parents 860bce1 + 5c2a002 commit 2258b25
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Showing 55 changed files with 1,257 additions and 668 deletions.
8 changes: 6 additions & 2 deletions README.rst
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Expand Up @@ -6,12 +6,14 @@ ansible-raycrafter
:alt: Documentation

Ansible_ Playbook designed for running a Raycrafter_ Master Server.
Ansible_ Playbook designed for running a Raycrafter_ Master Server and Crafter Nodes.
It installs and configures applications that are needed for production deployments.

It deploys a Django_ project and sets up Gunicorn_ and Nginx_ to serve your site.
PostgreSQL_ is used as database backend for Django_.
Celery_ (with RabbitMQ_ as message broker) for asynchronous task queue/job queue.
RabbitMQ_ for sending task to Celery_ workers (a asynchronous task queue).
The workers live on the crafter nodes. They can also transfer files via GridFTP_
to the cluster.

On top of that a logging server is deployed. In this case it is Graylog_, which depends
on Elasticsearch_ and MongoDB_.
Expand All @@ -29,6 +31,7 @@ Overview:
- Elasticsearch_
- MongoDB_
- Graylog_ Server/Web Interface
- GridFTP_

**Tested with OS:** Ubuntu 14.04 LTS x64

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -110,3 +113,4 @@ Useful Links
.. _Djangotest:
.. _Cookiecutter:
.. _Cookiecutter-Django:
.. _GridFTP:
44 changes: 30 additions & 14 deletions Vagrantfile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,24 +4,40 @@
# Vagrantfile API/syntax version. Don't touch unless you know what you're doing!

groups = {
"masterservers" => ['master'],
"crafternodes" => ['crafter'],

inventory = {
"master" => {:ip => "", :cpus => 2, :mem => 4096},
"crafter" => {:ip => "", :cpus => 1, :mem => 1024},

Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config| = "ubuntu/trusty64" :private_network, ip: ""

config.vm.provider :virtualbox do |vb|
vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--name", "djangotest", "--memory", "4096", "--cpus", "2"]
inventory.each_with_index do |(hostname, info), index|
config.vm.define hostname do |cfg|

# Shared folder from the host machine to the guest machine. Uncomment the line
# below to enable it.
#config.vm.synced_folder "../../../my-cool-app", "/webapps/mycoolapp/my-cool-app"
cfg.vm.provider :virtualbox do |vb, override| = "ubuntu/trusty64" :private_network, ip: "#{info[:ip]}"
override.vm.hostname = hostname = 'raycrafter-' + hostname
vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--memory", info[:mem], "--cpus", info[:cpus]]

# Ansible provisioner.
config.vm.provision "ansible" do |ansible|
ansible.playbook = "vagrant.yml"
ansible.host_key_checking = false
ansible.verbose = "v"
ansible.ask_vault_pass = true
# provision nodes with ansible
if index == inventory.size - 1
cfg.vm.provision :ansible do |ansible|
ansible.groups = groups
ansible.verbose = "v"
ansible.playbook = "site.yml"
ansible.limit = 'all'# "#{info[:ip]}" # Ansible hosts are identified by ip
ansible.vault_password_file = "vaultpwfile.txt"
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions base.yml
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@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@

- name: Common base role
hosts: [masterservers, crafternodes]
sudo: yes
sudo_user: root
remote_user: vagrant
- env_vars/secret.yml
- env_vars/base.yml
- base
29 changes: 29 additions & 0 deletions crafternodes.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@

# Add masterservers to hosts but disable all roles
# This is necessary for gathering facts
# So we can set the right hostname for rabbitmq and the db
- name: Create RayCrafter crafter node
hosts: [crafternodes, masterservers]
become: yes
become_user: root
remote_user: vagrant
- env_vars/secret.yml
- env_vars/base.yml
- env_vars/crafternode.yml
- {role: supervisor, when: "'crafternodes' in group_names"}
- {role: web, when: "'crafternodes' in group_names"}
- {role: celery, when: "'crafternodes' in group_names"}
- {role: gridftp, when: "'crafternodes' in group_names"}
- name: Create .ssh key dir
become_user: "{{ web_user}}"
file: path="~/.ssh" state=directory
when: "'crafternodes' in group_names"
- name: Copy private ssh key of crafternodes
become_user: "{{ web_user }}"
copy: src="{{playbook_dir}}/files/ssh/id_rsa" dest="~/.ssh/id_rsa"
owner={{ web_user }} mode=0700
when: "'crafternodes' in group_names"
12 changes: 4 additions & 8 deletions docs/source/ansibleguide.rst
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Expand Up @@ -6,12 +6,15 @@ Ansible Guide

Before you start, see the configuration section. There are some thing you need to setup first.

First, create an inventory file for the environment. There are two categories: ``masterservers`` and ``hlrs``. The first category will deploy a RayCrafter Master Server. The second will setup everything at the cluster.
First, create an inventory file for the environment. There are three categories: ``masterservers``, ``crafternodes`` and ``hlrs``. The first category will deploy a RayCrafter Master Server. The second will setup a note that has ssh access to the cluster and submits jobs or transfers data. The third will setup everything at the cluster.

For example create a file ``hosts`` with the content::

# content of hosts inventory file
[masterservers] ansible_ssh_user=useronserver

[crafternodes] ansible_ssh_user=useronserver
Expand All @@ -24,10 +27,3 @@ Run the main playbook ``sites.yml``, which includes the production and hlrs play
If you're testing with vagrant, and the VM is already running, you can use this command::

$ vagrant provision

or alternatively::

$ ansible-playbook -i vagrant_ansible_inventory_default --private-key=~/.vagrant.d/insecure_private_key vagrant.yml --ask-vault-pass

24 changes: 6 additions & 18 deletions docs/source/configuration.rst
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ In the ansible inventory file you can configure which machines to provision. See

The next big step is your playbook. Here you can configure which roles to use on your hosts and what variables to use. Have a look at ``production.yml`` or ``vagrant.yml``.
The next big step is your playbook. Here you can configure which roles to use on your hosts and what variables to use. Have a look at ``site.yml``.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -49,28 +49,16 @@ The contents of ``env_vars/secret.yml`` should be something like but with actual

In order to use GridFTP, you need to have a X.509 certificate and key. See the `HLRS GridFTP Wiki <>`_. By default, you have to put them in ``/files/ssl/usercert.pem`` and ``/files/ssl/userkey.pem``.
See :ref:`raycrafterdoc:gridftp`.

There are some files that you might want to replace/encrypt, such as ssl/ssh keys.
For ssl certificates, create/override ``/files/ssl/application.pem``, ``/files/ssl/application.key_unencrypted``. The key should be encryptes::
There are some files that you have to create such as ssh/ssl keys.

$ openssl aes-256-cbc -salt -a -e -in files/ssl/application.key_unencrypted -out files/ssl/application.key -k "YourSSLKeyPassword"
For ssl certificates, create/override ``/files/ssl/application.pem``, ``/files/ssl/application.key`` with your certificate and private key.

Do not commit the unencrypted version of the key!
In order to use GridFTP, you need to have a X.509 certificate and key. See the `HLRS GridFTP Wiki <>`_. By default, you have to put them in ``/files/ssl/usercert.pem`` and ``/files/ssl/userkey.pem``.
See :ref:`raycrafterdoc:gridftp`.

You should also create an ssh-key for the master server so he can access the cluster via ssh.
Create a ssh keypair with::

$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "raycrafter master server"

Move them to ``/files/ssh/id_rsa_unencrypted`` and ``/files/ssh/``.
Encrypt the key::

$ openssl aes-256-cbc -salt -a -e -in files/ssh/id_rsa_unencrypted -out files/ssh/id_rsa -k "YourSSHKeyPassword"

Do not commit the unencrypted version of the key!

Store the password in ``/env_vars/secret.yml`` as ``ssl_key_password`` and ``ssh_key_password``. Make sure you envrypt that file with ansible vault::

$ ansible-vault encrypt ./env_vars/secret.yml
Move them to ``/files/ssh/id_rsa`` and ``/files/ssh/``.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions docs/source/quickstart.rst
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Expand Up @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ Install all ansible requirements. You might have to specify a path for the roles

There are two sets of configurations: ``env_vars/vagrant.yml`` and ``env_vars/production.yml``.
The main configuration files are in ``env_vars/``.
Here you configure your setup, like the location of your Git_ project, the project name, and application name which will be used throughout the Ansible_ configuration.
For more information see :ref:`configuration`.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ After installing Ansible_, Vagrant_ and VirtualBox_ you simply execute::
the encrypted shh and ssl keys. If you do not have these passwords, create your
own keys. See the configuration section.

You have to enter the ansible vault password, once provisioning starts!
You have to create a ``vaultpwfile.txt`` with the vault password in it.
Wait a few minutes for the magic to happen. Access the Django_ site by goingto this URL:

Access the Graylog_ web-interface via:
Expand Down
9 changes: 3 additions & 6 deletions docs/source/roles/celery.rst
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Expand Up @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Dependencies:
- web
- supervisor

Copies the startup and supervisor scripts. Will start workers and celerycam.
Copies the startup and supervisor scripts. Will start workers.
Celerycam is a monitoring service for celery workers and tasks.
Create log dirs and files.
Notifies supervisor to restart the celery app.
Expand All @@ -19,18 +19,15 @@ Variables
======================== ======================================================= ==================================================
Name Default Description
======================== ======================================================= ==================================================
celery_user {{ gunicorn_user }} The user which executes celery workers
celery_group {{ gunicorn_group }} The usergroup
celery_user {{ web_user }} The user which executes celery workers
celery_group {{ web_group }} The usergroup
celery_application_name celery The name off the celery programm
celery_scripts_dir {{ virtualenv_path }}/scripts/celery Path to the celery executable
celery_template_file {{ celery_application_name }}_start.j2 The template to use for the start script
celerycam_template_file: "celerycam_start.j2" The template to use for celerycam. A monitor
celery_worker_app {{ application_name }} The celery app name (used in the -A flag of the
celery executable)
celery_log_dir {{ virtualenv_path }}/logs Dir for the log files
celery_log_file {{ celery_log_dir }}/{{ celery_application_name }}.log Full path to the log file
celerycam_log_file "{{ celery_log_dir }}/celerycam.log" Full path to the celery cam log file
celery_num_workers 2 Starts this many workers
======================== ======================================================= ==================================================

Expand Down
41 changes: 41 additions & 0 deletions docs/source/roles/celerycam.rst
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@


- web
- supervisor

Copies the startup and supervisor scripts. Will start the celerycam service.
Celerycam is a monitoring service for celery workers and tasks.
Create log dirs and files.
Notifies supervisor to restart the celerycam service.


========================== ======================================================= ==================================================
Name Default Description
========================== ======================================================= ==================================================
celerycam_user {{ web_user }} The user which executes celery workers
celerycam_group {{ web_group }} The usergroup
celerycam_scripts_dir {{ virtualenv_path }}/scripts/celerycam Path to the celery executable
celerycam_template_file "celerycam_start.j2" The template to use for celerycam. A monitor
celerycam_log_dir {{ virtualenv_path }}/logs Dir for the log files
celerycam_log_file "{{ celery_log_dir }}/celerycam.log" Full path to the celery cam log file
========================== ======================================================= ==================================================

===================== ==========================================================================
Name Description
===================== ==========================================================================
celerycam Tag for all tasks
supervisor All supervisor related tasks, like copying the config or
restarting the app
===================== ==========================================================================

1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions docs/source/roles/gridftp.rst
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ gridftp_repo_creates_file "globus-toolkit-6-stable-trusty.list"

===================== ==========================================================================
Name Description
===================== ==========================================================================
Expand Down
50 changes: 50 additions & 0 deletions docs/source/roles/gunicorn.rst
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@


- supervisor

Create user and usergroup for gunicorn.
Create a virtualenv for gunicorn.
Install gunicorn.

Create gunicorn start script and logging files.
Create supervisor config files.
Make the gunicorn user owner of the virtual env path.


========================== ======================================================================================================================== ==================================================
Name Default Description
========================== ======================================================================================================================== ==================================================
application_name "gunicorn" Name of the application that gunicorn serves
virtualenv_root "/webapps" Location for where to create virtual env
virtualenv_path "{{ virtualenv_root }}/{{ application_name }}" Path to the virtual env
application_log_dir "{{ virtualenv_path }}/logs" Path to the log dir
application_log_file "{{ application_log_dir }}/gunicorn_supervisor.log" Path to the log file
gunicorn_user "{{ application_name }}" Username for the user running gunicorn
gunicorn_group webapps Groupname for the gunicorn user
gunicorn_num_workers 3 Numer of gunicorn workers
gunicorn_max_requests 0 Maximum requests before gunicorn restarts. 0 for
no limit.
gunicorn_timeout_seconds 30 Maximum timeout for requests.
gunicorn_workdir / Workdir for executing gunicorn
gunicorn_wsgi_file ~ Path to the wsgi file. Has to be importable.
========================== ======================================================================================================================== ==================================================


===================== ==========================================================================
Name Description
===================== ==========================================================================
virtualenv Install packages
supervisor Create configs and restart supervisor
gunicorn Tag for all tasks
===================== ==========================================================================


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