Dynamically loaded OWL program. See http://hoxtonowl.com for more details of the Open Ware Laboratory.
- gcc arm compiler (to make patch binary) [1]
- FirmwareSender (to make sysex and run) [2]
- emcc (to make web) [3]
- faust2owl (to compile FAUST patches) [4]
- Enzien Audio account (to compile PD patches) [5]
- make patch: build patch binary
- make sysex: package binary as sysex
- make run: upload patch to attached OWL
- make store: upload and save to attached OWL
- make web: build Javascript patch
- make clean: remove intermediary and target files
- make realclean: remove all (library+patch) intermediary and target files
- PATCHNAME: specify name of patch, e.g. SimpleDelay
- PATCHCLASS: name of patch class, e.g. SimpleDelayPatch
- PATCHFILE: name of main patch file, e.g. SimpleDelayPatch.hpp
- PATCHIN: number of input channels, default 2
- PATCHOUT: number of output channels, default 2
- SLOT: user program slot to store patch in, default 0
If you follow the convention of SimpleDelay then you don't have to specify PATCHCLASS
, they will be deduced from PATCHNAME
First copy all patch files to PatchSource
folder, then issue the appropriate make command.
Example: Compile and run the TestTone patch, defined in file PatchSource/TestTonePatch.hpp
as class TestTonePatch
make PATCHNAME=TestTone run
Example: Compile and run in browser
make PATCHNAME=TestTone web
Then open Build/web/patch.html
To compile and run a FAUST patch
- copy .dsp file and dependencies into
, e.g.LowShelf.dsp
make FAUST=LowShelf run
Note: assign OWL parameters with slider metadata: [OWL:PARAMETER_A]
et c. For example:
gain = vslider("gain[OWL:PARAMETER_C]", 1,0,1,0.1);
Requires an account with Enzien Audio [5]
To compile and run a PD patch, with C code generated by Enzien Audio:
- make a Heavy project called
and compile your PD patch to C - download and unzip the Heavy C code into
make PATCHNAME=Heavy run
Or, using the Heavy uploader (recommended):
- ensure you have a Heavy project called
- put your PD patch file (e.g.
) intoPatchSource
make HEAVY=Foo heavy run
- enter username and credentials when prompted (first time only)
Note: assign OWL parameters with PD receivers called Channel-A
, Channel-B
, et c.
[1] https://launchpad.net/gcc-arm-embedded [2] https://github.com/pingdynasty/FirmwareSender [3] http://emscripten.org [4] http://faust.grame.fr/ [5] https://enzienaudio.com