- Clone the project in GOPATH/src/github/
- go run main.go "argument-1" "argument-2" "argument-3"
This project is designed to give estimate time for a bus to come at a particular bus stop, by providing bus route details with bus stop and direction.
So it will scroll on all the bus schedules on running on required route and will get next bus arriving at bus stand in least time.
For ex - “Express - Target - Hwy 252 and 73rd Av P&R - Mpls” “Target North Campus Building F” “south”
If you want to travel on route "Express - Target - Hwy 252 and 73rd Av P&R - Mpls" and wanted to board a bus at stop "Target North Campus Building F" in direction south. So 1st argument is the bus route, 2nd will be bus stop and 3rd will be direction you wanted to travel.