- Competition Details: https://pan.webis.de/semeval19/semeval19-web/
- Sample data is in ./data/
- Use Keras to build a RNN or LSTM, understand how to process input data. Link
- Text Classification Using CNN, LSTM and Pre-trained Glove Word Embeddings Part1 Part3
- Hyperparemeters setting: sequence length, size of word vocabulary, learning rate, number of batch etc.
- Pytoch implement RNN and LSTM. Morvan pytorch, Pytorch RNN, Pytorch LSTM
- Pytoch implement CNN CNN
- Model optimization
- Visulization
- Beyond Binary Labels: Political Ideology Prediction of Twitter Users
- A Stylometric Inquiry into Hyperpartisan and Fake News
- Classification of Moral Foundations in Microblog Political Discourse
- Convolutional Neural Networks for Sentence Classification
- Fake News Detection on Social Media: A Data Mining Perspective
- Satirical News Detection and Analysis using Attention Mechanism and Linguistic Features
- Recurrent Convolutional Neural Networks for Text Classification
- Attention is All you Need
- A Convolutional Attention Model for Text Classification
- Attention-based LSTM for Aspect-level Sentiment Classification
- Predicting Affective Content in Tweets with Deep Attentive RNNs and Transfer Learning
- Attention? Attention!
title={UBC-NLP at SemEval-2019 Task 4: Hyperpartisan News Detection With Attention-Based Bi-LSTMs},
author={Zhang, Chiyu and Rajendran, Arun and Abdul-Mageed, Muhammad},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation},