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- @the_numerist
coverageR Public
Functions to calculate how many points are within the radius of a location. Example: How many Asda Supermarkets are within a 5km radius of a Tesco store?
R UpdatedNov 26, 2021 -
Functions to calculate how many points are within the radius of a location example how many hotels are within 1km walking distance of bus stop shelters in New York
NLP Personal Project using Tweets about TV shows to learn R Programming.
openweatherr Public
Open Weather Map API package making pulling basic weather data easy so you can spend more time on analysis.
R UpdatedSep 12, 2021 -
Function to pull player stats from the World of Warcraft API to help Guilds and Raiding parties figure out team structures requires Blizzard Client to generate access token
R UpdatedSep 11, 2021 -
The following script aims to detect high volumes of traffic coming from single sources using the Google Analytics API package for R
R UpdatedSep 11, 2021 -
Twitter-Follower-Overlap Public
Ever wondered how many followers you share with your favourite celeb easy R script using rtweet and VennDiagram to find out
R UpdatedSep 11, 2021 -
Workshops Public
Collection of code snippets and scripts from meet ups and workshops
R UpdatedOct 19, 2020