A Cache framework for java and android application, objects are store in key-value pair in memory,value can be any java object like String, List, Map etc. you can define your store logic by implement Cache interface and CacheFactoryStrategy,when cache is full ,LRU is used .
Cache<String, Object> objectCache = CacheFactory.createCache("objects");
//set max cache size
objectCache.setMaxCacheSize(1024 * 1024);
//set max lifetime for cache objects
objectCache.setMaxLifetime(60 * 60 * 1000);
objectCache.put("object1", new Object());
objectCache.put("object2", new Object());
objectCache.put("object3", new Object());
Object o1 = objectCache.get("object1");
if(o1 == null){
//get data from file or datebase
//get cache hits
long cacheHits = objectCache.getCacheHits();
//get cache miss
long cacheMiss = objectCache.getCacheMisses();
//remove cache
Object o2 = objectCache.remove("object1");
if(o2 != null) {o2 = null;}
//you can also use Collection as cache value
Cache<String, Collection<String>> collectionCache = CacheFactory.createCache("collections");
collectionCache.put("collection1", Arrays.asList("hello", "simple cache"));
//you can get lock for this collection
Lock lock = CacheFactory.getLock("collection1", collectionCache);
//do something
//delete cache