- Bacon
chrdek.github.io Public
Main projects site
vuejs-imggallery Public
📷 🔽 A reactive image gallery displaying images via http with axios
linqpath_prerel Public template
Create different folder structures using Linq objects
QueryablDataCalc Public
Queryable Port of some methods of LinqDataCalc [ .NET 4.6.2+ ]
LinqDataCalc Public
📈 🎲 Linq based data statistics set of extensions.
512kb_fork.club Public
Forked from kevquirk/512kb.club[Fork Of] Website for the 512 KB Club
nuget-api-dataget Public
Used for retrieving external NuGet api data in xml or json format (v2 or v3 api)
JavaScriptPRs Public
Forked from TheAlgorithms/JavaScript[ForkOf] Algorithms and Data Structures implemented in JavaScript for beginners, following best practices.
Best-websites-changes Public
Forked from sdmg15/Best-websites-a-programmer-should-visit🔗 Fork - Some useful websites for programmers, prs
exceldirectories Public
An excel-based file directory viewer with Treeview and spire spreadsheet
selenium_scen Public
🧪 Selenium web site test case scenarios using multiple languages
bsc-tradebot-injs Public
Forked from chrisleekr/binance-trading-bot[Fork of] Automated Binance trading bot
bmac-DeFi Public
☕ "Buy me a coffee" decentralized Financing app for ethereum apps/users
PSStatsReporting Public
🖥️ A local system stats reporting tool in plain powershell with a highcharts.js component for the frontend
colab_varioustf Public
Several tensorflow colab notebooks that I found from various sources
onelinerhub Public
Forked from Onelinerhub/onelinerhubLib with 800+ (and counting) minimalistic code pieces with clear explanation @ onelinerhub.com
do-it-in-keras Public
Forked from sebaspv/do-it-in-kerasModern Deep Learning architectures and tasks implemented in Keras.
discord.js Public
Forked from discordjs/discord.jsA powerful JavaScript library for interacting with the Discord API
free-programming-books Public
Forked from EbookFoundation/free-programming-books📚 Freely available programming books
npm-expansions Public
Forked from npm/npm-expansionsSend us a pull request by editing expansions.txt
techn_contr Public archive
Older ms-tech site contributions.
Nuspecexec Public
Command line utility that generates .nuspec project files via linq to xml
testr-scripts-snippets Public
A collection of testrunner sample scripts in SoapUI for static content checks.
3 UpdatedNov 24, 2019