Builds a postgres database of NYC housing data, containing the following datasets:
- Pluto
- Department of Buildings Job Filings
- HPD Violations
- HPD Registrations
- Department of Finance Rolling Sales
- Tax bills - Rent Stabilization Unit Counts (John Krauss's data)
Just want a copy of the database?
Here's the latest version available to download from S3:
It's ~500mb compressed and ~4gb decompressed.
If you have aws cli installed, you can download it easily this way: aws s3 cp s3://nyc-db/nyc-db-2017-05-05.sql.bz2 ./
To decompress: bunzip2 nyc-db-2017-05-05.sql.bz2
Build the db: psql -d database-name -f nyc-db-2017-05-05.sql
On Debian & Ubuntu, issue this command to install the requirements:
sudo apt-get install build-essential wget python python3 python3-dev python3-psycopg2 python3.4-venv postgresql-client unzip git
On Debian Testing use python3-venv
instead of python3.4-venv
Clone the repo: git clone --recursive
Create a pg database if you don't have one setup already: createdb nycdb
Additionally, take a look at docs/ for a rough idea of how to setup up a debian or ubuntu server with the database.
These must be run from the root of the repo. Expect this whole process to take an hour.
Download the data files: make download
Build the database: make nyc-db
There are 4 connection variables that you can pass to configure the postgres connection. For instance:
make nyc-db DB_HOST=localhost DB_DATABASE=nycdb DB_USER=databaseuser DB_PASS=mypassword
If you want only one dataset or if you prefer to import the datasets one-at-a-time, you can run the download script with the name of the dataset and then execute the script for the corresponding dataset.
For example, to import only DOF sales data do: ./ dofsales
and make dofsales
- The scripts will drop existing tables of the same name from the database and re-populate them. This means you can re-run the scripts when new data is released.
- Some but not all of the tables have indexes.
Some of the scripts are stored in separate repos and are kept as submodules in the modules folder:
This requires docker, docker-compose, git, wget, make, and unzip.
Clone the repo: git clone --recursive
In root of repo:
Setup docker: make docker-setup
Download the data files: make download
Create the database: make docker-run
After the database is built:
Enter a psql shell: make docker-shell
Make database dump: make docker-dump
Run the database standalone: make docker-db-standalone
Create a fresh debian jessie or ubuntu 16 server and configure your ansible hosts file. It might end up looking something like this:
xx.xx.xx.xx ansible_user=root ansible_ssh_private_key_file=/path/to/ssh/key
then run the playbook: cd ansible && ansible-playbook playbook.yml
After it's done. SSH into the server and run:
cd /srv/nyc-db
make download
make nyc-db
- pluto_16v2
- dobjobs
hpd violations
- violations
- uniq_violations
- open_violations
- all_violations
hpd registrations
- hpd.contacts
- hpd.corporate_owners
- hpd.registrations
- hpd.registrations_grouped_by_bbl
- dof_sales
tax bills
- rentstab
- hpd complaints
- selected 311 complaints
- census data
NYC-DB - Postgres database of NYC housing data
Copyright (C) 2016 Ziggy Mintz
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.