Matech QuickStart is an ASP.NET Core / Angular / Admin starter project featuring SOLID architecture, advanced authentication & authorization, user and role management, and essential services for ra…
i2van / CsvLINQPadDriver
Forked from dobrou/CsvLINQPadDriverLINQPad 8/7/6/5 data context dynamic driver for querying CSV files.
An Example of implementing idle timeout in angular
Clean Architecture Solution Template for ASP.NET Core 5.0. Built with Onion/Hexagonal Architecture and incorporates the most essential Packages your projects will ever need. Includes both WebApi an…
A Dotnet 9.0 WebApi template project. MediatR, Swagger, Mapper, Serilog and more implemented.
Documenting an ASP.NET Core 6 Web API Using Swagger
Starter files & fully functioning finished sample code for my Documenting an ASP.NET Core 6 Web API using Swagger course.
Fault Handling with Polly Web APi .Net 6
Simple example for Dapper and Polly implementation in .NET 6 Minimal APIs
.NET 6 Web API template with EF Core 6, SQL Server, MediatR, AutoMapper, FluentValidation, MSTest, Serilog, Identity (JWT) and FluentEmail configured.
A Demonstration of how easy it is to generate awesome documentation for an ASP.NET Core Web API using Swagger and ReDoc with annotations, schema etc...
ZeroSlope is a lean microservice architecture using .NET 6 with Minimal Api. With support for Jwt Auth, Global Error Handling, Structured Logging, Dapper, Redis, and much more.
Asp.Net Unique Architecture Dot Net 6 (Web Api )
NET6,CQRS,Caching,Logging,Repository Pattern,UnitOfWork,JWT,Refresh Token,Email Confirmation,Forgot Password
Fully functioning sample and starter files for my ASP.NET Core 6 Web API Deep Dive course
Exemplo de API REST com versionamento criada com o ASP.NET Core + .NET 6 para contagem de acessos, com utilização do Swagger, do projeto ASP.NET API Versioning.
.NET 6.0 - JWT Authentication with Refresh Tokens Tutorial with Example API
Example API that shows how to implement JSON Web Token authentication and authorization with ASP.NET Core 7, built from scratch. Related article:…
Fully functioning sample code for my ASP.NET Core 6 Web API Fundamentals course
My personal website built in ASP.NET MVC for .NET Core in C#
Open-Source eCommerce Platform on .NET Core, MongoDB, AWS DocumentDB, Azure CosmosDB, LiteDB & Vue.js
WebAPI (.NET Core 3.1) Base Project with JWT Auth, Dapper (ORM), MySQL, Swagger, DI
Example of how to implement Azure Pipelines for deploying an Angular application
Sample project with angular-material toolbar and sidenav lazy loading implemented
Complete CRUD operations with JWT sessions, made with Angular Material (Angular Material Table) in Angular 10.
Responsive Navbar with Angular Material and Angular Flex Layout