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[x] Add redux to index.js [x] Set up redux and redux logger [x] Create components & set up navigation in App.jsx [x] Complete StepOne component [x] Create a reducer for 'feeling' [x] Input validation [x] Save 'feeling' in reducer on click 'Next' [x] Navigate to next page on click 'Next' [x] Complete StepTwo component [x] Create a reducer for 'understanding' [x] Input validation [x] Save 'understanding' in reducer on click 'Next' [x] Navigate to next page on click 'Next' [x] Complete StepThree component [x] Create a reducer for 'support' [x] Input validation [x] Save 'support' in reducer on click 'Next' [x] Navigate to next page on click 'Next' [x] Complete StepFour component [x] Create a reducer for 'comments' [x] Next button saves 'comments' in reducer and moves user to next page [x] Complete Review component [x] Display feeling, understanding, support, and comments [x] Set up route [x] Tested route in Postman [x] POST to server on click 'Submit' [x] On click 'Submit' reducers are cleared and user is taken to a submission success page [x] Complete Success component [x] Add button to Leave New Feedback [x] Leave New Feedback button resets all data and brings user back to StepOne