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HCP Boundary with self-managed workers


Get secure access to your private resources through HCP Boundary. Other than traditional solutions like jump-boxes or VPN's, (a part of) Boundary does not need any ingress firewall rules. Instead, it only needs egress access to an upstream worker.


This repository is meant for using during a live demo and expects:

  • You have Terraform installed locally
  • You have access to HCP
  • You have a valid Azure subscription
  • You are already authenticated through az login

Schematic overview

Schematic overiew


Terraform will provision the following:


  • 6 Network interfaces
  • 1 Network security group
  • 1 Public IP address
  • 1 Resource group
  • 1 Storage account
  • 2 TLS keys
  • 6 Virtual machines
  • 2 Virtual networks
  • 2 Virtual subnets


  • 3 local files


Terraform will create outputs for all of the virtual machine IP addresses.

Post deployment

HCP Boundary (1)

  1. Navigate to

  2. Create HCP Boundary Cluster

  3. Copy Cluster URL

    export BOUNDARY_ADDR=<cluster_url>
  4. Log in to the Admin UI

Ingress worker

  1. Use the worker user to log into the ingress worker with SSH

  2. Install the boundary-enterprise package

    wget -O- | gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/hashicorp-archive-keyring.gpg >/dev/null
    echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/hashicorp-archive-keyring.gpg] $(lsb_release -cs) main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/hashicorp.list
    sudo apt update && sudo apt install boundary-enterprise
  3. Ensure directory structure

    sudo rm /etc/boundary.d/*
    sudo mkdir /opt/boundary
    sudo chown boundary:boundary /etc/boundary.d
    sudo chown boundary:boundary /opt/boundary
  4. Create configuration

    sudo tee /etc/boundary.d/ingress-worker.hcl > /dev/null << EOF
    disable_mlock           = true
    hcp_boundary_cluster_id = "<cluster-id>"
    listener "tcp" {
      address = ""
      purpose = "proxy"
    worker {
      public_addr        = "<external-addr>"
      auth_storage_path = "/opt/boundary/ingress-worker"
      tags {
        type = ["ingress"]

    Replace <cluster-id> with the HCP Boundary Cluster ID.
    Replace <external-addr> with the public IP address of this VM.

  5. Create systemd unit file

    sudo tee /usr/lib/systemd/system/boundary-worker.service > /dev/null << EOF
    Description=Boundary Worker Service
    ExecStart=/usr/bin/boundary server -config="/etc/boundary.d/ingress-worker.hcl"
  6. Ensure service

    sudo systemctl daemon-reload
    sudo systemctl enable --now boundary-worker
  7. Copy Worker Auth Registration Request

    sudo systemctl status boundary-worker | less

    Look for the Worker Auth Registration Request and copy this value.

  8. Register the worker in HCP Boundary
    Leave all the fields blank, except for the Worker Auth Registration Request.
    Rename the resource to worker-ingress for easy recognition.

Egress worker

  1. Log into Azure Portal

  2. Navigate to the worker-egress virtual machine

  3. Reset the password for the worker admin user (boundary set as default in Terraform)

  4. Navigate to the serial console

  5. Log in with the worker admin user

  6. Install the boundary-enterprise package

    wget -O- | gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/hashicorp-archive-keyring.gpg >/dev/null
    echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/hashicorp-archive-keyring.gpg] $(lsb_release -cs) main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/hashicorp.list
    sudo apt update && sudo apt install boundary-enterprise
  7. Ensure directory structure

    sudo rm /etc/boundary.d/*
    sudo mkdir /opt/boundary
    sudo chown boundary:boundary /etc/boundary.d
    sudo chown boundary:boundary /opt/boundary
  8. Create configuration

    sudo tee /etc/boundary.d/egress-worker.hcl > /dev/null << EOF
    disable_mlock = true
    listener "tcp" {
      address = ""
      purpose = "proxy"
    worker {
      initial_upstreams = ["<ingress-worker-ip>:9202"]
      auth_storage_path = "/opt/boundary/egress-worker"
      tags {
        type = ["egress"]

    Replace <ingress-worker-ip> with the public IP address of the ingress worker created in the previous segment.

  9. Create systemd unit file

    sudo tee /usr/lib/systemd/system/boundary-worker.service > /dev/null << EOF
    Description=Boundary Worker Service
    ExecStart=/usr/bin/boundary server -config="/etc/boundary.d/egress-worker.hcl"
  10. Ensure service

    sudo systemctl daemon-reload
    sudo systemctl enable --now boundary-worker
  11. Copy Worker Auth Registration Request

    sudo systemctl status boundary-worker | less

Look for the Worker Auth Registration Request and copy this value. 12. Register the worker in HCP Boundary
Leave all the fields blank, except for the Worker Auth Registration Request.
Rename the resource to worker-egress for easy recognition.

HCP Boundary (2)

  1. Create an Org
    Give the Org a name.
  2. Create a Project
    Give the Project a name.
  3. Create a Generic TCP Target
    Set the name Server TCP Set the default port to 22.
    Set the assigned address to the private IP of server1.
    Use "ingress" in "/tags/type" for the Ingress filter.
    Use "egress" in "/tags/type" for the Egress filter.
  4. Copy the Target ID

Client (1)

  1. Authenticate to HCP Boundary

    boundary authenticate

    Be sure you have the BOUNDARY_ADDR environment variable set.

  2. Connect to the Server TCP target

    boundary connect ssh -target-id=<target-id>
  3. This should produce an error since we have not specified any SSH identity nor user

  4. Try again with the server admin user (serveradmin set as default in Terraform)

    boundary connect ssh -target-id=<target-id> -- -l serveradmin -i servers.pem

You should be logged into server1.

HCP Boundary (3)

  1. Create an SSH Target
    Set the name Server SSH Set the default port to 22.
    Set the assigned address to the private IP of server01.
    Use "ingress" in "/tags/type" for the Ingress filter.
    Use "egress" in "/tags/type" for the Egress filter.
  2. Create a static Credentials Store
    Give the Credentials Store a name.
  3. Create a Credential
    Give it the name serveradmin.
    Select username & key pair.
    Use the server admin user and use the server.pem local file contents.
  4. Go back to the Target
    Inject the SSH credentials.
  5. Copy the Target ID

Client (2)

  1. Connect to the Server SSH target

    boundary connect ssh -target-id=<target-id>

You should be logged into server01 without having to specify a user nor identity.

HCP Boundary (4)

Next we will convert the target from a single destination to a Host Set.

  1. Return to your Project
  2. Create a new Host Catalog
    Give the Host Catalog a name.
    Choose Static as Type.
  3. Click on Hosts
  4. Add server01, server02, and server03 as hosts with their private IP addresses
  5. Click on Host Sets and click New. Give the Host Set a name.
  6. Click on Hosts (within the Host Set)
  7. Click on Manage -> Add Existing Host
  8. Select the three hosts and click Add Hosts
  9. Return to your Server SSH target
  10. Click on Host Sources and click on Add Host Sources
  11. Select the Host Set you just created and click on Add Host Sources
  12. You will receive a popup, choose Remove Address And Save
  13. You could change the name of the target from Server SSH to Servers SSH (plural)

Client (3)

  1. Connect to the Servers target

    boundary connect ssh -target-id=<target-id>
  2. Exit the shell and repeat the above command a couple of times
    Boundary selects a random host from the host set each time you connect.
    After a few times you should have been connected to all three servers.

HCP Boundary (5)

In this second to last part we will create a Generic TCP target for our webserver

  1. Create a Generic TCP Target
    Set the name Web TCP Set the default port to 80.
    Set the assigned address to the private IP of server03.
    Use "ingress" in "/tags/type" for the Ingress filter.
    Use "egress" in "/tags/type" for the Egress filter.
  2. Copy the Target ID

Client (4)

  1. Connect to the Web TCP target

    boundary connect http -target-id=<target-id> -scheme http

You should see a custom web page

HCP Boundary (6)

In this last part we will create a Generic TCP target for our windows server

  1. Create a Generic TCP Target
    Set the name Windows TCP Set the default port to 3389.
    Set the assigned address to the private IP of server04.
    Use "ingress" in "/tags/type" for the Ingress filter.
    Use "egress" in "/tags/type" for the Egress filter.

Client (5)

  1. Startup your Boundary desktop app and log in
  2. Click on the Connect button on the Windows TCP target
  3. Copy the proxy URL
  4. Startup your Microsoft Remote Desktop application
  5. Add a connection, using the proxy URL you just copied as the address
  6. (Optional) Configure display settings to not go fullscreen
  7. Connect to the session
  8. When prompted for the credentials, use serveradmin as the username
  9. You can find the password in the Terraform output (hint: output with -json)

You should now be connected to the remote desktop


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