Round up the coffee order for your team on slack!
Coming soon - This is still a work in progress but feel free to try it out and do some testing :)
Command | Description |
@botname me | Nominate yourself to do the coffee run |
@botname random | pick a random person from the team to do the coffee run |
@botname order | Add your order to the list by typing '@botname order ' e.g '@botname order regular americano' or '@botname order small tea' |
@botname done | End the ordering process. No orders can be added after this command has been entered |
@botname list | List all orders from team |
Running '@botname me / random' commands again will wipe all previous orders and start again.
- Possibly make the bot a /slash command
- Allow user to enter shop name / location for the coffee run
- Allow user to update order after they have already added an order
- Add 'restart' command to restart an order
- Testing with multiple users ( only tested in slack channel with 1 user at the moment )
Built using botkit ( )
- 04/09/2016 - Access Token is now set via environment variable.
- 02/09/2016 - Added response when no orders have been placed after 'done' command is called.
- 02/09/2016 - Added functionality to prevent a new order being started when an order already exists.