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Tags: chuancw/stolon



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This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
sgotti Simone Gotti
### v0.17.0

#### New features

* Support PostgreSQL 13 ([sorintlab#831](sorintlab#831))
* Add configurable store timeouts ([sorintlab#765](sorintlab#765))

and [many other]( changes.

A big Thank You to everybody who contributed to this release!

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#   v0.17.0
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This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
sgotti Simone Gotti
### v0.16.0

#### New features

* k8s store: patch pod annotations instead of doing a full update ([sorintlab#751](sorintlab#751))
* Make proxyCheckInterval and proxyTimeout configurable ([sorintlab#756](sorintlab#756))
* Make DefaultSyncTimeout infinite ([sorintlab#752](sorintlab#752))
* Document SyncTimeout cluster spec option ([sorintlab#749](sorintlab#749))

and [many other]( changes.

A big Thank You to everybody who contributed to this release!


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This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
sgotti Simone Gotti
### v0.15.0

#### New features

* Support PostgreSQL 12 [sorintlab#727](sorintlab#727))
* Added wal-g examples [sorintlab#726](sorintlab#726))
* Stolonctl spec: don't show null clusterspec options [sorintlab#736](sorintlab#736))
* Prevent stolonctl init with empty clusterspec file [sorintlab#702](sorintlab#702))

#### Bug Fixes
* Do pg_rewind only against primary instance [sorintlab#698](sorintlab#698))

and [many other]( changes.

A big Thank You to everybody who contributed to this release!


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This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
sgotti Simone Gotti
### v0.14.0

#### New features

* Add sentinel prometheus metrics [sorintlab#656](sorintlab#656))
* Store only the last 2 postgres timeline histories to not exceed the max value size of the underlying store [sorintlab#651](sorintlab#651))
* Add keeper prometheus metrics [sorintlab#639](sorintlab#639))
* stolonctl status can output status in json format ([sorintlab#628](sorintlab#628))
* Enable all k8s client auth plugins ([sorintlab#625](sorintlab#625) [sorintlab#632](sorintlab#632))
* It's now possible to define the advertise address and port in stolon keeper ([sorintlab#581](sorintlab#581))
* A new `stolonctl register` command was added to set service discovery information about keepers to an external service (currently only consul) ([sorintlab#557](sorintlab#557))
* Ability to auto restart an instance when updating a postgres parameter that requries a restart [sorintlab#568](sorintlab#568))
* Add stolon clusterdata read/write subcommands [sorintlab#578](sorintlab#578))
* Enable verbose e progress logging for pg_basebackup [sorintlab#665](sorintlab#665))
* Implement timeouts for kubernetes api calls [sorintlab#666](sorintlab#666))

#### Bug Fixes
* Avoid unneeded postgres instance reloads [sorintlab#558](sorintlab#558))
* Allow special characters in pg-su-username [sorintlab#658](sorintlab#658))
* Fix failover process if a keeper has filesystem errors [sorintlab#637](sorintlab#637))
* postgres: use go database/sql context functions [sorintlab#635](sorintlab#635))
* Use go database/sql context functions [sorintlab#635](sorintlab#635))
* Fix hanging sentinels [sorintlab#659](sorintlab#659))

and [many other]( changes.

#### Upgrades notes.
* The `stolonctl clusterdata` command has been split into two subcommands:
  1. `stolonctl clusterdata read` which will be used to read the current clusterdata.
  2. `stolonctl clusterdata write` which will be used to write the new clusterdata into the new store.

A big Thank You to everybody who contributed to this release:

* Anton Markelov (@strangeman)
* Arunvel Sriram (@arunvelsriram)
* Aswin Karthik (@aswinkarthik)
* Ben Wheatley (@benwh)
* David Eichin (@daMupfel)
* Dinesh B (@dineshba)
* Don Bowman (@donbowman)
* Harry Maclean (@hmac)
* Krishnaswamy Subramanian (@jskswamy)
* Lawrence Jones (@lawrencejones)
* Milyutin Maksim (@maksm90)
* Mosab Ibrahim (@mos3abof)
* Nicolas Juhel (@nabbar)
* Prabhu Jayakumar (@prabhu43)

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#   v0.14.0
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This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
sgotti Simone Gotti
### v0.13.0

#### New features

* Add a `stolonctl` command to force fail a keeper ([sorintlab#546](sorintlab#546))
* Overcome PostgreSQL synchronous replication limitation that could cause lost transactions under some events ([sorintlab#514](sorintlab#514))
* Users can now define `archiveRecoverySettings` in the cluster spec of a standby cluster. One of the possible use cases is to feed the standby cluster only with archived logs without streaming replication. (See Upgrade Notes) ([sorintlab#543](sorintlab#543))
* Keeper: remove trailing new lines from provided passwords ([sorintlab#548](sorintlab#548))

#### Bug Fixes

* Sort keepers addresses in `pg_hba.conf` to avoid unneeded postgres instance reloads ([sorintlab#558](sorintlab#558))
* Set `recovery_target_action` to promote when using recovery target settings [sorintlab#545](sorintlab#545))
* Fixed wrong listen address used in `pg_hba.conf` when `SUReplAccessStrict` mode was enabled ([sorintlab#520](sorintlab#520))

and [many other]( bug fixes and documentation improvements.

Thanks to everybody who contributed to this release.

#### Upgrades notes.

* The clusterspec `standbySettings` option as been replaced by the `standbyConfig` option. Internally it can contain two fields `standbySettings` and `archiveRecoverySettings` (see the clusterspec doc with the descriptors of this new option). If you're updating a standby cluster, BEFORE starting it you should update, using `stolonctl`, the clusterspec with the new `standbyConfig` option.


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This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
sgotti Simone Gotti
### v0.12.0

#### New features

* Detect and report when keeper persistent data dir is not the expected one (usually due to wrong configuration, non persistent storage etc...) ([sorintlab#510](sorintlab#510))
* Support PostgresSQL 11 (beta) ([sorintlab#513](sorintlab#513))
* Replication slots declared in the clusterspec `additionalMasterReplicationSlots` option will now be prefixed with the `stolon_` string to let users be able to manually create/drop custom replication slots (See Upgrade Notes) ([sorintlab#531](sorintlab#531))

#### Bug Fixes

* fix wrong address in pg_hba.conf when clusterspec `defaultSUReplAccessMode` is `strict` ([sorintlab#520](sorintlab#520))

and [many other]( bug fixes and documentation improvements.

Thanks to everybody who contributed to this release:

Alexandre Assouad, Lothar Gesslein, @nseyvet

#### Upgrades notes.

* Replication slots declared in the clusterspec `additionalMasterReplicationSlots` option will now be prefixed with the `stolon_` string to let users be able to manually create/drop custom replication slots (they shouldn't start with `stolon_`). Users of these feature should upgrade all the references to these replication slots adding the `stolon_` prefix.


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This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
sgotti Simone Gotti
### v0.11.0

#### New features

* In the k8s store backend, stolon components discovery now uses the `component` label instead of the `app` label (See Upgrade Notes) ([sorintlab#469](sorintlab#469))
* Improved docker swarm examples to resemble the k8s one ([sorintlab#482](sorintlab#482))
* If the user enabled ssl/tls use it also for replication/pg_rewind connections ([sorintlab#501](sorintlab#501))
* Remove final newline from example base64 password in k8s example ([sorintlab#505](sorintlab#505))

#### Bug Fixes

* Fixed wrong libkv store election path (See Upgrade Notes) ([sorintlab#479](sorintlab#479))
* Fixed a check in synchronous replication that will block future synchronous standbys updates under some circumstances ([sorintlab#494](sorintlab#494))
* Fixed atomic writes of postgresql genenerated files ([sorintlab#495](sorintlab#495))

Thanks to everybody who contributed to this release:

Bill Helgeson, Niklas Hambüchen, Sylvere Richard, Tyler Kellen

## Upgrades notes.

* In the k8s store backend, the label that defines the kind of stolon component has changed from `app` to `component`. When upgrading you should update the various resource descriptors setting the k8s component name (`stolon-keeper`, `stolon-sentinel`, `stolon-proxy`) inside the `component` label instead of the `app` label.
* When using the etcdv2 store, due to a wrong leader election path introduced in the last release and now fixed, if your sentinel returns an election error like `election loop error {"error": "102: Not a file ...` you should stop all the sentinels and remove the wrong dir using `etcdctl rmdir /stolon/cluster/$STOLONCLUSTER/sentinel-leader` where `$STOLONCLUSTER` should be substituted with the stolon cluster name (remember to set `ETCDCTL_API=2`).


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### v0.10.0

#### New features

* Initial support for native kubernetes store ([sorintlab#433](sorintlab#433))
* Improved sync standby management ([sorintlab#444](sorintlab#444))
* Ability to use strict and dynamic hba entries for keeper replication ([sorintlab#412](sorintlab#412))
* Ability to define additional replication slots for external clients ([sorintlab#434](sorintlab#434))
* Improved wal level selection ([sorintlab#450](sorintlab#450))

Thanks to everybody who contributed to this release:

Pierre Alexandre Assouad, Arun Babu Neelicattu, Sergey Kim


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### v0.9.0

#### New features

* The logs will be colored only when on a tty or when `--log-color` is provided ([sorintlab#416](sorintlab#416))
* Now the store prefix is configurable `--store-prefix` ([sorintlab#425](sorintlab#425))

#### BugFixes

* Fixed keeper missing waits for instance ready ([sorintlab#418](sorintlab#418))
* Fixed etcdv3 store wrong get leader timeout causing `stolonctl status` errors ([sorintlab#426](sorintlab#426))

Thanks to everybody who contributed to this release:

Pierre Fersing, Dmitry Andreev


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### v0.8.0

#### New features

* Added support for etcd v3 api (using --store-backend etcdv3) ([sorintlab#393](sorintlab#393))
* Now the stolon-proxy has tcp keepalive enabled by default and provides options for tuning its behavior ([sorintlab#357](sorintlab#357))
* Added `removekeeper` command to stolonctl ([sorintlab#383](sorintlab#383))
* Added the ability to choose the authentication method for su and replication user (currently one of md5 or trust) ([sorintlab#380](sorintlab#380))

#### BugFixes
* Fixed and improved db startup logic to handle a different pg_ctl start behavior between postgres 9 and 10 ([sorintlab#401](sorintlab#401))
* Fixed keeper datadir locking ([sorintlab#405](sorintlab#405))

and [many other]( bug fixes and documentation improvements.

Thanks to everybody who contributed to this release:

AmberBee, @emdeD, Pierre Fersing