pip install confluent-kafka
pip install pymongo
sudo docker-compose -f zk-single-kafka-single.yml up -d
docker volume create kafka-mongodb
docker run -v kafka-mongodb:/data/db -p 27017:27017 --name mongodb -d mongo
If you failed to create docker containers, and docker conatiner logs id
shows that Unable to create data directory /var/lib/zookeeper/log/version-2
. This may be caused by full disk (docker system df
), rundocker builder prune
to clear build cache.
python create_topic.py
python producer_app.py --topic object_detection_test04_min_test_006_topic --directory ../kafka/dataset/proj_dataset/min_test/006/image
python producer_app.py --topic object_detection_test04_min_test_tv_city_topic --directory ../kafka/dataset/proj_dataset/min_test/tv_city/image
python producer_app.py --topic object_detection_test04_min_test_follow_vehicle_topic --directory ../kafka/dataset/proj_dataset/min_test/follow_vehicle/image
python producer_app.py --topic object_detection_sar_jpg_images_topic --directory ../kafka/dataset/sar_dataset/jpg_images
python producer_app.py --topic object_detection_boat_boat_dataset_topic --directory ../kafka/dataset/boat_dataset
python producer_app.py --topic image_segmentation_val_image_topic --directory ../kafka/dataset/val_dataset/pre_val_image
python producer_app.py --topic image_classification_test01_flight_data_topic --directory ../kafka/dataset/flight_data
python producer_app.py --topic image_classification_test01_flight_data1_topic --directory ../kafka/dataset/flight_data
python producer_app.py --topic image_classification_test01_flight_data2_topic --directory ../kafka/dataset/flight_data
root - INFO - msg produced.
Topic: object_detection_test04_topic
Partition: 0
Offset: 63
Timestamp: (1, 65)
root - INFO - msg produced.
Topic: object_detection_test04_topic
Partition: 0
Offset: 64
Timestamp: (1, 66)
Wrote 67 messages into topic: object_detection_test04_topic
python consumer_app.py --topic object_detection_test04_min_test_006_topic
python consumer_app.py --topic object_detection_test04_min_test_tv_city_topic
python consumer_app.py --topic object_detection_test04_min_test_follow_vehicle_topic
python consumer_app.py --topic object_detection_sar_jpg_images_topic
python consumer_app.py --topic object_detection_boat_boat_dataset_topic
python consumer_app.py --topic image_segmentation_val_image_topic
python consumer_app.py --topic image_classification_test01_flight_data_topic
python consumer_app.py --topic image_classification_test01_flight_data1_topic
python consumer_app.py --topic image_classification_test01_flight_data2_topic
Consumed event from topic my_image_topic: key = 0
Consumed event from topic my_image_topic: key = 1
Consumed event from topic my_image_topic: key = 2
pip install flask
python app.py
curl -H "Content-type: application/json" -X POST -o result.json
The API endpoint is located at http://localhost/get_classified_img
Request Format
The API accepts POST requests in JSON format with the following fields:
plane_id: will not be used.
Example Request:
"plane_id": "1"
Response Format
The API returns a JSON object with the following fields:
success: Boolean value indicating if the request was successful.
class_name: Class name of the classified image.
service: Name of the service.
base64_str: Base64 string of the classified image.
score: The score of the classification.
message: A message describing the result of the request.
Example Response:
"success": true,
"class_name": "Cat",
"service": "Image Classification",
"score": 0.99,
"message": "Object successfully classified."
Error Responses
The API returns an error response if the request is malformed or if an error occurs during processing. The error response will contain a message describing the error.
Example Error Response:
"success": false,
"message": "Malformed request data. Please provide a valid plane ID."
The API endpoint is located at http://localhost/get_img. Request Format
The API accepts POST requests in JSON format with the following fields:
plane_id: A unique identifier for the rendering job with plane id.
Example Request:
"plane_id": "1"
Response Format
The API returns a JSON object with the following fields:
success: Boolean value indicating if the request was successful.
service: Name of the service.
base64_str: Base64 string of the image with detected objects.
class_name: A list of class names of the detected objects.
location: A list of coordinates representing the location of the object in the image.
message: A message describing the result of the request.
Example Response:
"success": true,
"service": "Object Detection",
"class_name": ["person", "person", "car", "car"],
"score": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
"position": [{"left": 315.0, "top": 268.0, "height": 324.0, "width": 336.0}, {"left": 270.0, "top": 254.0, "height": 321.0, "width": 291.0}, {"left": 647.0, "top": 247.0, "height": 279.0, "width": 679.0}, {"left": 437.0, "top": 282.0, "height": 311.0, "width": 472.0}, {"left": 250.0, "top": 254.0, "height": 320.0, "width": 272.0}],
"message": "Object successfully classified."
Error Responses
The API returns an error response if the request is malformed or if an error occurs during processing. The error response will contain a message describing the error.
Example Error Response:
"success": false,
"message": "Malformed request data. Please provide a valid plane ID."
Request: - - [18/Apr/2023 21:37:43] "GET /get_document?collection=object_detection_test04_min_test_follow_vehicle_topic HTTP/1.1" 200 -
'_id': ObjectId('643e9b5b25126cc2ba3b6cd6'),
'base64_str': 'iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhE',
'result_list': [{'class_name': 'car', 'score': 0.50668, 'position': {'left': 1071.8, 'top': 920.4, 'width': 23.5, 'height': 14.4}}, {'class_name': 'car', 'score': 0.40999, 'position': {'left': 1008.4, 'top': 829.9, 'width': 22.2, 'height': 18.8}}, {'class_name': 'car', 'score': 0.31931, 'position': {'left': 1016.8, 'top': 840.0, 'width': 23.9, 'height': 12.3}}]
Request: - - [18/Apr/2023 21:31:02] "GET /get_document?collection=image_classification_test01_flight_data_topic HTTP/1.1" 200 -
'_id': ObjectId('643e9b5b25126cc2ba3b6cd6'),
'base64_str': 'iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhE',
'result_list': [{'score': 0.14851722121238708, 'classfication': '美洲虎'}]