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NeUroGlancer Ground Truth - annotate cell centers


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#NeUroGlancer Ground-Truth: nuggt

Travis CI Status

Docker Automated build

This script uses Neuroglancer to collect cell center ground truth for a 3-d cell segmentation.


Compile Neuroglancer according to the directions here and here

Start the static content server:

> npm run dev-server-python

Install nuggt like this:

> git clone
> cd nuggt
> pip install -e .


There is a Dockerfile for nuggt. You can build it using

docker build .

It takes a while because of SimpleITK / SimpleElastix

An example of how to run the docker container:

docker run -it --expose 8999 -p 8999:8999/tcp \
               --network host -v /path/to/images:/images \

and from within the docker

nuggt --port 8999 --image /images/myimage.tif --output /images/points.json

Running nuggt

Run nuggt like this:

> nuggt --image <image-file> --output <points-json-file> [--min-distance <d>]


  • image-file is the path to a .tif stack file
  • points-json-file is the path to the points.json file where the voxel coordinates selected by the user are stored
  • d is the minimum allowed distance in voxels between entered points

Commands available in the browser:

  • shift-a - add a point at the current cursor (easiest to place cursor over the x-y, x-z or y-z displays to pick the point in 2-d)
  • shift-s key - save the points to points.json
  • shift-d key - delete the point nearest to the cursor


nuggt-display uses neuroglancer to display one or more 3-d TIF files along with an optional segmentation and points file.

Run nuggt-display like this:

nuggt-display \
    <image-file> <name> <color> \
    [<image-file> <name> <color>] \
    [--segmentation <segmentation>] \
    [--points <points>] \
    [--ip-address <ip-address>] \
    [--port <port>] 

The triplet of , and can be repeated to display one or more images, each in a different color.

  • image-file - the name of a 3D tif file containing the image to be displayed
  • name - the name to be displayed for that image
  • color - the color to use to display the image, one of "red", "green", "blue" or "gray"
  • segmentation - the name of a 3D tif file containing a segmentation to be displayed.
  • points - a json file containing a list of 3-tuples of the x, y and z coordinate of a point to be displayed
  • --ip-address the IP address to bind the webserver to. This defaults to localhost which is appropriate for local use. Other choices are for all NICs on your machine or the IP address of your machine on the network.
  • --port the port number to bind to. The port number that the server binds to. By default, nuggt-align uses any available port.


yea-nay is a tool for quickly separating a list of points into two classes, e.g. true positives and false positives. The user is presented with each point in turn and can either choose "yea" or "nay" (vote yes for "yea" or vote no for "nay"). At the end, the list of points in either class is written out. As-yet undecided points are displayed as yellow dots, "yea" points are displayed as green dots and "nay" points are displayed as red dots.

> yea-nay --help

gives the command-line options for the tool. Inside the browser, the following commands are available:

  • shift-y - move the current point into the "yea" class and move to the next point.
  • shift-n - move the current point into the "nay" class and move to the next point.
  • shift-[ - move to the next point, leaving the current point in whatever class it is in.
  • shift-] - move to the previous point, leaving the current point in whatever class it is in.
  • control-q - finish, writing the points to the "yea" and "nay" files as designated on the command-line.


transpose-flip is a command-line program that takes in an original image precomputed files and does the necessary transformations whether it be flipping or transposing so that the original image orientation matches that of the moving image. This is done before inputing the original image into nuggt-align in order to ease the annotation process.

Run transpose-flip like this:

> transpose-flip --input-file-path <original-image-file-path> \
              --dest <output-file-directory>
              [--x-index] \
              [--y-index] \
              [--z-index] \
              [--flip-x] \
              [--flip-y] \
              [--flip-z] \
              [--levels ] \
              [--input-levels ] \


  • input-file-path is the path to the original image directory containing .blockfs files
  • dest is the path to the destination directory for the volume.
  • ---x-index the index of the x-coordinate in the alignment points matrix, e.g. "0" if the x and z axes were transposed. Defaults to 2.
  • ---y-index the index of the y-coordinate in the alignment points matrix, e.g. "0" if the y and z axes were transposed. Defaults to 1.
  • ---z-index the index of the z-coordinate in the alignment points matrix, e.g. "2" if the x and z axes were transposed. Defaults to 0.
  • --flip-x this parameter indicates that the image should be flipped in the X direction after transposing and resizing.
  • --flip-y this parameter indicates that the image should be flipped in the Y direction after transposing and resizing.
  • --flip-z this parameter indicates that the image should be flipped in the Z direction after transposing and resizing.
  • --levels the number of mipmap levels. The first level has the same resolution as the input. Each subsequent level has half the resolution as the previous level.
  • --input-levels the starting mipmap level of the original image.
  • --n-cores the number of processes that will be used for parallel processing.
  • --voxel-size is the voxel size in microns as three comma-separated values, e.g. "1.8,1.8,2.0" in X, Y, Z order. The default is "1.8,1.8,2.0" which is the voxel size for 4x SPIM.


Align images using Neuroglancer.

nuggt-align is a command-line program that starts three neuroglancer instances, one for a original image, moving image and one for a reference image. The purpose of the program is to establish common points of reference in each image which can be used to warp the moving image onto the reference image.

Run nuggt-align like this:

> nuggt-align --reference-image <reference-image-file> \
              --moving-image <moving-image-file> \
              [--original-image <original-image-neuroglanceer-url>] \
              [--segmentation <segmentation>] \
              --points <moving-image-points-file> \
              [--original-image-points <original-image-points-file>] \
              [--no-launch] \
              [--ip-address <ip-address>] \
              [--port <port>] \
              [--reference-voxel-size <reference-voxel-size>] \
              [--moving-voxel-size <moving-voxel-size] \
              [--z-y-x-voxel <original-voxel-size>] \
              [--min-distance <minimium-distance-between-two-annotations>] \
              [--n-workers <number-of-workers-used-for-warping] \
              [--flip-x] \
              [--flip-y] \
              [--flip-z] \
              [--x-index] \
              [--y-index] \


  • reference-image is a 3D .tiff file containing the volume of the reference image, in the reference coordinate frame.
  • moving-image is a 3D .tiff file containing the volume of the image to be aligned to the reference image
  • original-image is a neuroglancer url of the original image
  • segmentation is a 3D .tiff file containing the reference segmentation, accompanying the reference image.
  • moving-image-points is a file to contain (or already containing) the moving image reference points and their corresponding points in the reference image. nuggt-align initially loads the points from this file if it exists and, when you save, it overwrites this file with the current list of points.
  • original-image-points is a file to contain (or already containing) the original image reference points and their corresponding points in the reference image. nuggt-align initially loads the points from this file if it exists and, when you save, it overwrites this file with the current list of points.
  • --no-launch if you want to start nuggt-align without automatically creating new browser windows with the moving and reference images.
  • --ip-address the IP address to bind the webserver to. This defaults to localhost which is appropriate for local use. Other choices are for all NICs on your machine or the IP address of your machine on the network.
  • --port the port number to bind to. The port number that the server binds to. By default, nuggt-align uses any available port.
  • --reference-voxel-size The size of a voxel in the reference image (in nanometers). The three sizes should be specified, separated by commas(in X, Y, z order), e.g. "1000.0,1000.0,1000.0".
  • --moving-voxel-size the size of a voxel in the moving image (in nanometers). The three sizes should be specified, separated by commas(in X, Y, z order), e.g. "1000.0,1000.0,1000.0".
  • --z-y-x-voxel the size of a voxel in the original image (in micrometers). The three sizes should be specified, separated by a space(in z, Y, X order), e.g. "4 1.8 1.8".
  • --min-distance the minimum distance between any two annotations.
  • --n-workers the number of workers to be used during warping.
  • --flip-x this parameter indicates that the image should be flipped in the X direction after transposing and resizing.
  • --flip-y this parameter indicates that the image should be flipped in the Y direction after transposing and resizing.
  • --flip-z this parameter indicates that the image should be flipped in the Z direction after transposing and resizing.
  • ---x-index the index of the x-coordinate in the alignment points matrix, e.g. "0" if the x and z axes were transposed. Defaults to 2.
  • ---y-index the index of the y-coordinate in the alignment points matrix, e.g. "0" if the y and z axes were transposed. Defaults to 1.
  • ---z-index the index of the z-coordinate in the alignment points matrix, e.g. "2" if the x and z axes were transposed. Defaults to 0.

nuggt-align will print the URLs of the reference viewer, moving viewer and original viewer on startup. These can be used to launch browser instances for editing. nuggt-align works by maintaining a list of point annotations for each image in the correspondence-points annotation layer. It maintains one pair of points in the edit annotation layer. These are the points currently being edited. The following commands control the edit process:

  • control-mouse-button0 (typically left mouse button) - place an edit point
  • shift-e - edit the currently selected point (move currently selected point from the correspondence-points annotation layer to the edit layer).
  • shift-d - done with the point currently being edited. This moves the point in the edit annotation layer in the reference and moving views to the correspondence-points layer.
  • shift-c - clear. Clears edit points from the edit annotation layer
  • shift-n - saves the point being edited and moves to the next point in the correspondence-points annotation layer.
  • shift-p - saves the point being edited and moves to the previous point in the correspondence-points annotation layer.
  • shift-t - transform. This places or moves the point in the edit annotation layer in the moving view at the location that corresponds to the point in the edit annotation layer in the reference view (according to the last warping transform). You can place a point in the reference view, press shift-t, and then see and edit its location in the moving view to correct the warp.
  • shift-w - warp the moving layer's image to the reference layer using the point correspondences.
  • shift-a - make the reference image brighter.
  • shift-x - make the reference image dimmer.
  • shift-equals (plus) - make the moving image brighter.
  • minus - make the moving image dimmer.
  • shift-i - make the original image brighter.
  • shift-l - make the original image dimmer.


sitk-align aligns a moving image to a reference image based on work done by Jae Cho to adapt SimpleElastix / SimpleITK to mouse brain images. The application can both produce an aligned image and, more importantly, it can take a set of reference points, stored in a JSON file and convert these to a point file for nuggt-align.


SimpleElastix has a non-standard installation procedure because it is primarily a C++ application with Python bindings. It should be installed following the super build instructions. One installation method might be to create and activate an Anaconda environment, pip install Nuggt, then run the superbuild in the activated environment. Nuggt has been tested with SimpleElastix git hash 9dfa8cb.


Invoke sitk-align like this:

> sitk-align --moving-file <moving-file> --fixed-file <fixed-file> \
             [--fixed-point-file <fixed-point-file>] \
             [--alignment-point-file <alignment-point-file>] \
             [--aligned-file <aligned-file>]\
             [--final-grid-spacing <final-grid-spacing>] \


  • moving-file is the path to the moving 3-d image. See SimpleITK for accepted formats (hint - 3D tif works).
  • fixed-file is the path to the fixed or reference 3-d image.
  • fixed-point-file is the optional .json file of reference points in the reference image's space. These will be converted to points in the moving-file's space. The format is a list of lists with the inner list being the Z, Y and X coordinates of the point, in that order.
  • alignment-point-file is the optional .json file to be written. This file will be in the format used by the --points-file argument of nuggt-align.
  • aligned-file is the optional file name for the moving file, warped into the fixed-point-file's space. The file will not be written if the switch is not specified.
  • final-grid-spacing is an optional parameter for the alignment algorithm It specifies the number of voxels between bspline grid points in the x, y and z directions - a higher number results in a more rigid alignment whereas a lower number results in more local adaptability to deformation. It should be specified as three comma-separated values, e.g. "32,32,32".
  • --xyz should be specified if the --alignment-point-file is in XYZ order (as it will be if it's produced by nuggt)


The make-alignment-file command uses an alignment and a point file, such as generated by nuggt, to make --points file for nuggt-align.

The command line is

make-alignment-file \
    --moving-image <moving-image> \
    --reference-points <reference-points> \
    --output <output-points> \
    [--xyz] \
    [--reference-key] <reference-key> \
    [--moving-key] <moving-key> \
    <transform-parameters-file-0> \


  • moving-image is the path to the 3D tiff file of the moving image as input into the alignment.
  • reference-points are points, e.g. as edited by nuggt that will serve as the keypoints of the transformation.
  • output is the path to the output file for nuggt-align
  • --xyz should be specified if the points in the reference-points file are in the X, Y, Z rather than Z, Y, X order, e.g. if the reference-points were created using nuggt.
  • reference-key is the key name for the reference points in the JSON dictionary. The default is "reference", but "moving" may be used if the reference and moving images were switched when creating the initial transformation.
  • moving-key is the key name for the moving image in the JSON output dictionary. The default value is "moving".

The keyword parameters are followed by the positional parameters which are a list of TransformParameters.txt files, in the order that they were output by the transformation script, e.g. "TransformParameters.0.txt, TransformParameters.1.txt".


count-points-in-region creates a .csv file listing brain regions and counts of the points that are in them. It does this by warping the input points to the reference segmentation, using an alignment. It finds the segment ID in the reference segmentation for each point and looks up that segment ID in the brain regions CSV input file. You can specify a granularity level for the brain regions file - 7 is the finest grain and 1 is the coarsest.

To run count-points-in-region:

count-points-in-region \
    --points <points-file> \
    --alignment <alignment-file> \
    --reference-segmentation <reference-segmentation-file> \
    --brain-regions-csv <brain-regions-file> \
    --output <output-file> \
    [--level <level>] \
    [--xyz] \
    [--output-points <output-points-file>]


  • points-file is the list of points, e.g. as generated by nuggt.
  • alignment-file is the alignment file generated by *nuggt-align and possibly rescaled using rescale-alignment-file.
  • reference-segmentation-file is a .tif file containing the reference segmentation, e.g. from the Allen Brain Atlas
  • brain-regions-file is the accompanying .csv file to the reference segmentation, e.g. AllBrainRegions.csv
  • output-file is the CSV file generated by the program. If the level is 7, then there are three columns in the file, a segment ID, the name and the number of cells found in that region. If the level is 1 through 6, then there are two columns (the segment ID column will be missing). The file has a header that gives the column names, strings are quoted and the counts are not quoted.
  • output-points-file count-points-in-region will write the input points to the output-points-file, transformed into the reference space. This operation is optional.
  • level is the atlas granularity level to be accessed with 7 as the finest and 1 as the coarsest. At levels 1 through 6, the counts for segments in a particular region will be accumulated together, at level 7, each segment will be associated with its single region.
  • --xyz is a flag that indicates that the points-file has each of its points ordered as X, Y and Z. This flag should be specified if the points are from nuggt.


counts2svg converts a counts file from count-points-in-regions to a .svg image using templates from the Allen Brain Institute ( The program draws a color encoded map of counts or areas per region on the SVG of your choice.

To run counts2svg:

counts2svg \
    --svg-file <svg-file> \
    --count-file <count-file> \
    --brain-regions-file <brain-regions-file> \
    --output <svg-output> \
    [--rgb2acr-file <rgb2acr-file>] \
    [--colormap-name <colormap>] \
    [--invert] \
    [--colorbar] \
    [--segmentation-file <segmentation-file>] \
    [--brain-volume <brain-volume> ]


  • svg-file is the SVG file of the section to be colored (see above for download)

  • count-file is the count file generated by count-points-in-region. May be specified multiple times to include counts from different levels.

  • brain-regions-file is the AllBrainRegions.csv file giving the correspondence between names and IDs. You can download this from

  • svg-output is the name of the SVG output file.

  • rgb2acr-file Mapping file of RGB color in the SVG to brain region acronym. Defaults to downloading from the scalable brain atlas.

  • colormap Name of the colormap to use to color the regions. These are the matplotlib colormaps as documented here

  • --invert if present, inverts the intensity of the colormap so that lower-count regions have more intense colors

  • --colorbar Draw a colorbar on the side of the SVG. (needs the --segmentation-file argument)

  • --segmentation-file Compute the total # of voxels from this file (for the colorbar)

  • --brain-volume The brain volume in mm³. If the segmentation file is a hemisphere, remember to divide by 2.


rescale-image-for-alignment takes a stack of images and scales, transposes and rotates it to match an atlas reference file. This command should be used to prepare an image for sitk-align which requires that the input image be oriented similarly to the atlas.

To run:

rescale-image-for-alignment \
    --input <input-glob-expression> \
    --output <output-path> \
    --atlas-file <atlas-file> \
    [--x-index <x-index>] \
    [--y-index <y-index>] \
    [--z-index <z-index>] \
    [--flip-x] \
    [--flip-y] \
    [--flip-z] \
    [--clip-x <x-min>,<x-max>] \
    [--clip-y <y-min>,<y-max>] \
    [--clip-z <z-min>,<z-max>] \
    [--thread-count <thread-count>]


  • is the glob expression that captures the files in the stack. For instance, --input "/path-to/img_*.tiff"
  • is the path and filename of the 3D tiff file to be written.
  • is the atlas file to be used to capture the dimensions for the output file
  • is the index of the X coordinate for the output file in the 3D stack of the input file (0, 1, or 2). For instance, if the Z coordinate of the input file is the X coordinate of the output file, x-index should be "0".
  • is the index of the Y coordinate for the output file in the 3D stack of the input file (0, 1, or 2).
  • is the index of the Z coordinate for the output file in the 3D stack of the input file (0, 1, or 2).
  • --flip-x to flip the image in the X direction
  • --flip-y to flip the image in the Y direction
  • --flip-z to flip the image in the Z direction
  • --clip-x , to clip the image to the given coordinates in the X direction. Clipping can be done to eliminate blank space in the image and more closely align it with the atlas reference.
  • --clip-y , to clip the image to the given coordinates in the Y direction.
  • --clip-z , to clip the image to the given coordinates in the Z direction.


rescale-alignment-file takes an alignment file that was generated using a downscaled and possibly flipped and rotated moving file and converts the alignment into one in the original frame of reference. It uses the ratio between the full-size stack's size and the dimensions of the moving file to scale the alignment. If you've transposed the axes, you can correct this using the --x-index, --y-index and --z-index switches. If you've flipped axes, you can correct this using the --flip-x, --flip-y and --flip-z switches. If you clipped any of the axes, you can correct this using --clip-x, --clip-y and --clip-z. The format of these is identical to the format used in rescale-image-for-alignment and the parameters that you used in rescale-image-for-alignment should be duplicated here.

If you need to transpose axes, the --x-index, --y-index and --z-index values refer to the index (0, 1, or 2) of the x, y and z axes in the alignment file and image.

To run:

rescale-alignment-file \
    --input <input-alignment-file> \
    --alignment-image <alignment-image> \
    --stack <image-file-pattern> \
    --output <output-alignment-file> \
    [--x-index <x-index>] \
    [--y-index <y-index>] \
    [--z-index <z-index>] \
    [--flip-x] \
    [--flip-y] \
    [--flip-z] \
    [--clip-x <xmin>,<xmax>] \
    [--clip-y <ymin>,<ymax>] \
    [--clip-z <zmin>,<zmax>]


segmentation2stack takes a segmentation in the reference space and transforms it into a TIFF stack of segmentation planes in the sample space using an alignment file.

To run:

segmentation2stack \
    --input <input-segmentation> \
    --alignment <alignment-file> \
    --output <output-folder> \
    --stack <stack-expr> \
    [--n-cores <n-cores>] \
    [--downsample-factor <downsample-factor>] \
    [--grid-spacing <grid-spacing>] \


  • input-segmentation is the path to the segmentation to be converted to a stack
  • alignment is the alignment converting the segmentation into the space of the output file.
  • output is the output directory for the TIFF file stack. If it doesn't exist it will be created.
  • stack is the stack (before downsampling) giving the output dimensions
  • n-cores the number of CPUs to use
  • downsample-factor the output stack and alignment will be rescaled by this factor. For instance, a downsample-factor of 2 will create a stack that is 1/2 of the size of the inputs in every dimension.
  • grid-spacing is the spacing of the spline grid in the coordinate system of the output stack.
  • silent to suppress the progress bar


filter-points filters a points file by segmentation region. The output is a points file with only the points from the designated regions in the atlas reference segmentation

To run:

filter-points \
   --points <POINTS> \
  --segmentation <SEGMENTATION> \
  --alignment ALIGNMENT \
  --brain-regions-file BRAIN_REGIONS_FILE \
  --regions REGIONS \
  --output OUTPUT \
  [--n-cores N_CORES]


  • POINTS is the points file to filter. This is a JSON-encoded list in xyz format, for instance the output of detect-blobs

  • SEGMENTATION is the atlas segmentation file, e.g. annotation_25_whole_sagittal.tif

  • ALIGNMENT is the alignment file, for instance from rescale-alignment-file

  • BRAIN_REGIONS_FILE the AllBrainRegions.csv file that has correspondences between region IDs and names

  • REGIONS is the acronyms of the regions to be collected e.g. "CTX,CA". This is a comma-delimited list.

  • OUTPUT is the name of the output file, a json-encoded list of points in x,y,z format.

  • N_CORES is the number of cores to use when multiprocessing.

Alignment pipeline

One of the purposes of Nuggt is to align a sample image against the mouse atlas reference and collect statistics of counts per region. The following is a possible workflow. There are four stages to the workflow:

  • Create a list of keypoints for the atlas reference image. The keypoints are evenly-spaced, easily-identifiable points within the reference image that will be used as the initial alignment keypoints in the atlas image. This step only needs to be done once for each atlas reference image and the result can be used for multiple samples. This is done using nuggt to produce the file of keypoints.

  • Align the sample image to the reference. This involves preparing a downsampled image using rescale-image-for-alignment, running the automatic alignment using sitk-align and then refining this alignment using nuggt-align. Finally, the alignment should be rescaled back to the original image size using rescale-alignment-file.

  • Identify objects of interest (e.g a particular class of neurons). This can be done through automated means not covered here or can be done manually using nuggt.

  • Make summary statistics using the atlas. This is done using count-points-in-region.

If you have an atlas autofluorescence file, "autofluorescence_half_sagittal.tif", an annotation file, "annotation_half_sagittal.tif", a listing file giving the correspondences between IDs in the annotation file and brain regions, "AllBrainRegions.csv" and a sample stack, "sample_stack/img_*.tif", the sequence of commands might look like this:

> nuggt --image autofluorescence_half_sagittal.tif \
        --output coords_half_sagittal.tif
> # add fiducial points using GUI
> rescale-image-for-alignment --input "sample_stack/img_*.tif" \
                              --output moving_img.tif \
                              --atlas-file autofluorescence_half_sagittal.tif
> sitk-align --moving-file moving_img.tif \
             --fixed-file autofluorescence_half_sagittal.tif \
             --fixed-point-file coords_half_sagittal.json \
             --xyz \
             --alignment-point-file alignment.json
> nuggt-align --moving-image-file moving_img.tif \
              --reference-image-file autofluorescence_half_sagittal.tif \
              --points-file alignment.json
> # refine the alignment
> rescale-alignment-file --input alignment.json \
                         --alignment-image moving_img.tif \
                         --stack "sample_stack/img_*.tif" \
                         --output rescaled_alignment.json
> # Perform some analysis that finds points in the original stack
  # Assume that the output is "cell_centers.json"
> count-points-in-region --points cell_centers.json \
                         --alignment rescaled_alignment.json \
                         --reference-segmentation annotation_half_sagittal.tif \
                         --brain-regions-csv AllBrainRegions.csv \
                         --output analysis.csv

The result of the analysis will be summarized in analysis.csv as a table of brain regions and counts of points that fell into each region.


NeUroGlancer Ground Truth - annotate cell centers







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