(v1.0 anak-ayam)
[Official Site: under construction](under construction)
- Lightweight data-interchange format
- Compared to XML or JSON
- Simple format
- Easy for humans to read and write
- Easy for machines to parse and generate
- ABON is a text format
- Programming language independent
- Uses conventions that are familiar to programmers of the C-family of languages, including C, C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, Perl, Python
- Lighter and faster than XML or JSON as on-the-wire data format
- ABON objects are typed while XML data is typeless
- ABON types: string, number, array, boolean and symbol
- XML data are all string
- Native data form for Java 1.3 code or above
- Data is readily accessible as ABON objects in your Java code vs. XML data needed to be parsed and assigned to variables through tedious DOM APIs
- Retrieving values is as easy as reading from an object property in your Java code
- Represent configuration information
- Implement communication protocols
- A collection of name/value pairs using keyname or just name
- In various languages, this is realized as an object, record, struct, dictionary, hash table, keyed list, or associative array
- An ordered list of values
- In most languages, this is realized as an array, vector, list, or sequence
- These are universal data structures supported by most modern programming languages
- An ABON object is an unordered set of name/value pairs
- An ABON object begins with
(open bracket) and ends with]
(close bracket) - Each name is followed by
(colon) and after that is the value that closed by/
(forward slash) and followed by]
(close bracket)
- ABON is a subset of the object literal notation of Java 1.3
- ABON can be used in the Java language with no muss or fuss
ABON format:
String myABONString =
"[items1:" +
"[item11:one one/]" +
"[item12a:one two a/]" +
"[item12b:one two b/]" +
"[item12c:" +
"[item12ca:one two c a/]" +
"]" +
"]" +
"[item13:one three/]" +
read data bytes from string
ABONReader abonReader = new ABONReader(myABONString.getBytes());
or from InputStream
int size = inputStream.available();
byte[] dataBytes = new byte[size];
inputStream.read(dataBytes, 0, size);
ABONReader abonReader = new ABONReader(dataBytes);
- In this example, an ABON Java object is created containing a single member
, which contains an array containing 5 valued objects, each members represented by keyname or unique node name. - Members can be retrieved using keyname or node name if name is unique
Step-by-step method:
get document from ABON reader
Document document = abonReader.getDocument();
than get node from the document
Node item11Node = document.getNode(“items1.item11”);
Node item12caNode = document.getNode(“items1.item12.item12c.item12ca”);
or if no duplicated node name
Node item11Node = document.getNode(“item11”);
Node item11Node = document.getNode(“items12ca”);
String items11Name = Item11Node.getName();
String items11Value = Item11Node.getValue();
String items12caName = Item12caNode.getName();
String items12caValue = Item12caNode.getValue();