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🎶 Opinionated, barebones music manager.



seiri is a music manager designed for large libraries (10000+ tracks). The manager was created to be opinionated. It organizes music in one way and has few customizable options. seiri's features are constrained to keep large libraries of music consolidated and searchable. seiri depends on how files are organized in folders, and ignores music players and song tagging tools. seiri works best with music players that disregard where music is stored, such as foobar2000.

seiri features.

  • Move files between directories.
  • Makes music queryable.
  • Keeps large libraries organized.
  • Fast performance.

What seiri does not do.

seiri does not perform any of the following functions:


For seiri to work best, you should accept its 6 easy rules.

  1. Single-file CUE rips are forbidden
  2. Your entire music library should be under one folder.
  3. Tracks are sorted in an artist folder first, then album.
  4. All music must be properly tagged. seiri won't accept "mymixtape.mp3" with no artist or album. This also means that WAV audio is forbidden. Use FLAC (or AIFF if you really need that 32bit float).
  5. Let seiri handle sorting for you. Do not move tracks around in the library folder.
  6. Cover art in the tags. cover.jpg is forbidden. Hard drive space is cheap. seiri will not care about your cover.jpg.

seiri works with most music formats, as long as you follow the rules above.

Adding music

There is only one way to add music to your library with seiri. Next to your library folder, seiri will create an Automatically add to Library folder. Once you have finished tagging your music, place it into this folder. seiri will then move the songs to the proper place in your library folder, and index it in its database.

You can delete or re-tag files in your library folder, but do not move it to another folder, or seiri will not be able to keep track of it. If you make a tag change, you can ask seiri to refresh it, and the music will be reorganized.

You can make top-level subfolders under the Automatically add to Library folder to keep track of the source. For example, if you had a YouTube* folder, and an iTunes* folder, seiri will automatically mark whether you retrieved the track from iTunes, or YouTube, and make these tags queryable.

*I hope you're not getting your music by ripping from YouTube 😉.

Help, I'm getting Error when I try to add tracks!

Your track file is likely corrupt. seiri does some preliminary verification of tracks to catch corrupt files. If your file is lossless, you can try re-encoding your file. You must otherwise verify that the track is properly encoded.

Ensure your tracks have the correct tag otherwise missing tag errors can occur.


seiri supports querying your library using bangs. All bang inputs are case insensitive.

Bang Description Inputs
Track Title Search The empty bang matches all tracks in the database. In addition, a bang-less search matches track titles partially.
!! The group bang Another bang expression.
!q Full Text Search Matches track title, album title, artist partially.
!Q Exact Full Text Search Matches track title, album title, artist exactly.
!al Album Title Matches the name of the album partially.
!AL Exact Album Title Matches the name of the album exactly.
!ala Album Artists Matches the name of the album artist partially.
!ALA Exact Album Artists Matches the name of the album artist exactly.
!f Format flac, mp3, alac, aac, vorbis, opus, wavpack are self explanatory. The special tags flac16, flac24 allow for distinction between FLAC bitrates, and cbr, vbr allow for distinction between constant bitrate MP3 and variable bitrate MP3.
!br[lt|gt] Bitrate strictly [Less Than | Greater Than] Integer
!c(w|h)[lt|gt] Cover art has (width|height) strictly [Less Than | Greater Than] Integer
!c Has cover art in tags true or false
!mb Has MusicBrainz IDs in tags true or false
!dup Is a duplicate of another track (iTunes-like algorithm) true or false

Bangs can be combined with the logical symbols & (AND) and | (OR). The group bang !! is used to group multiple bangs together for scoping. There is also true tick syntax, where for bangs that take boolean values, can be written !dup` as shorthand for !dup{true}. If for some reason a closing brace } or backslash '' occurs in your search, bangs support escape characters \} and \\.

Bangs are parsed and transpiled into SQLite statements, which are then executed on the library database for fast results.


seiri consists of multiple components.

  • seiri-lib is the main component written in Rust that handles database connections, monitoring of the library folder, and parsing and transpilation of query bangs. This library is automatically built as part of seiri-watcher and seiri-client.

  • libkatatsuki is an abstraction over taglib2 used to read tags from music files. libkatatsuki and its Rust bindings katatsuki-rs are automatically built when building seiri-watcher and seiri-client.

  • seiri-client is an Electron application that handles interfacing with seiri-client, and acts as a watchdog in case seiri-client crashes, as well an automatic updater. We try to be mindful of memory usage, and usually start the Chrome render process only when necessary. You will need to build this with yarn build.

  • seiri-watcher handles watching and adding new tracks. This should be built as part of seiri-client.

  • seiri-neon is the recommended way to interface with the core. It uses node's native extension support to call into Rust natively and interface with the Tracks database. This is built automatically with seiri-client.

  • seiri-client-internals is the actual user interface for seiri-client, consisting mostly of React code. This should be built as part of seiri-client.

Read for more information about setting up the environment.

Privacy Policy

seiri collects absolutely no personal data.