faker-cxx Public
C++ Faker library for generating fake (but realistic) data.
real-estate Public
A full-stack real estate app built with MongoDB, Fastify, React and Node.js.
JavaScript UpdatedJan 28, 2025 -
turbo-starter Public
TurboStarter is a TypeScript Node.js monorepo template pre-configured with Fastify, PostgreSQL, S3, Docker, ESLint, Prettier, Vitest, Turbo, React, Tailwind and more.
health-track Public
Application designed to store, manage and compare your medical records over time.
UpdatedJan 12, 2025 -
sql-labs Public
SQL labs at AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow.
1 UpdatedDec 22, 2024 -
transcoder Public
Video transcoder system based on microservices with RabbitMQ, Redis and FFmpeg.
bucketeer Public
A platform for seamless file exploration and transfer to and from AWS S3. Focuses on serving images and videos.
faker-js Public
Forked from faker-js/fakerGenerate massive amounts of fake data in the browser and node.js
config-cxx Public
C++ Config library for managing application configuration.
pdf-to-speech Public
API for converting PDF documents to audio.
akamai-workshops Public
Forked from michalmatoga/aka-workshopsAkamai workshops about Linode.
k8s-notes Public
Notes from learning to Certified Kubernetes Application Developer.
tweet-fleet Public
Serverless app for aggregating tweets and sending them daily by email. Built with AWS Lambda, DynamoDB, ElastiCache and SQS.
neighbourly Public
A platform for connecting with your neighbours.
github-discord-bot Public
Discord bot for the community of project contributors. Responds to various events from discord server and github project.
smart-rename Public
A simple utility for bulk renaming using search and replace.
video-resizer Public
Video processing service using serverless architecture with AWS Lambda, ECS, Fargate, SNS, SQS and S3.
url-shortener Public
URL shortener built with Node.js, Fastify, MongoDB, Kafka and ELK Stack.
bookstore Public
E-commerce backend designed for a book store inspired by Amazon.
ncloc Public
Node.js command line tool for counting lines of code.
weather-app Public
Weather desktop application that checks current weather conditions based on geolocation.
algoexpert-cpp Public
C++ solutions to the coding interview problems on AlgoExpert.
character-prediction Public
Application for character prediction using machine learning. The application is implemented using LSTM neural networks.
glossary Public
Desktop Qt application for learning english words.
e-commerce-app Public
E-commerce application based on event-driven architecture. The application is built based on AWS Lambda functions that communicate using AWS EventBridge and AWS SQS and saves data into AWS DynamoDB.
ticketing-app Public
Ticket purchasing application based on microservices and event-driven architecture.
chimarrao-platformer Public
A single-player plaftormer game using SFML as a graphics library.
rpg Public
A role-playing game inspired by Tibia and made using SFML as a graphics library. Finding the shortest path is done using the A* algorithm.