Like it or not, dotfiles are a part of every linux user's life. They are the files that define the look and feel of your system, and are often the first thing you change when you get a new system. My dotfiles for my linux setup, including i3, polybar, nvim, tmux, zsh, and alacritty.
Like most dotfiles, these are a work in progress and are constantly changing.
- i3
- polybar
- nvim
- tmux
- alacritty
- zsh
- oh-my-zsh
- picom
- feh
- flameshot
- redshift
- playerctl
- lsp-language-server
- go
Probably missing something above, but that's the gist of it.
- Generates a barrel file for typescript files in a directory
This goes to ~/.local/scripts/typescript-barrel-generator.js
- Generates a tmux session with a window for each file in a directory
This goes to ~/.local/bin/tmux-sessionizer
Since configuring eslint is always a pain in the ass, this will save your life:
Ensure above is installed and set up. Or more neat:
npm i -g vscode-langservers-extracted