Once in a while there is a need for a tiny service that collect downloads and process them the way you want to. (ZIP and PDF-merge in a first step).
It is no general purpose api action framework. Atm only for zipping and merging remote files with a service.
You can say: "Hey, get me the files A.pdf
, B.pdf
, C.pdf
and D.pdf
and merge them into super.pdf
"Please download the files X,Y,Z and put them into a ZIP File"
node, npm, zip and pdftk
or docker (>=17) and docker-compose (>=1.3)
git clone [email protected]:cismet/doc-processor.git
git clone https://github.com/cismet/doc-processor.git
cd doc-processor
npm install
or (with docker)
docker pull cismet/doc-processor
or (with docker-compose)
echo '{}' > localConfig.json
mkdir servicetmp
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cismet/doc-processor/dev/docker-compose.yml
or (build your own image with docker)
docker build -t cismet/doc-processor .
"port": 8081,
"host": "",
"server": "http://localhost:8081",
"workers": 10,
"tmpFolder": "./tmp/",
"keepFilesForDebugging": false,
"processors": ["zip", "pdfmerge"],
"targetWhitelist": "",
"corsAccessControlAllowOrigins": ["http://localhost:*"]
"port": The port where the service is listening (ignore if you are doing docker)
"host": The host where the service is listening (ignore if you are doing docker)
"server": The url prefix how you can reach the server (in production != localhost) With thois property there is a `href` prop build in the status which can be used to retrieve the result file.
"workers": The numer of parallel workers
"tmpFolder": The tmp folder (ignore if you are doing docker)
"keepFilesForDebugging": set to true if you are a keeper ;-)
"targetWhitelist": a regex to match all allowed download locations. all downloads allowed if empty. Example: "^(http|https):\\/\\/localhost:\\d*\\/.*"
"corsAccessControlAllowOrigins": An array(!!!) of the allowed origins [more](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Access-Control-Allow-Origin)
npm start
or (with docker-compose)
docker-compose up -d
Now it should look like this:
docker pull cismet/doc-processor
docker-compose down && docker-compose up -d
you have 2 options:
POST /api/[processor]/and/wait/for/download
will start the process and return the result when it is ready
2.1 POST /api/[processor]]/and/wait/for/status
will start the process and (if it is done) return a status with an id
you can then
2.2 GET /api/download/[pdfmerge]/1337/nameOfTheOutput
to get the result
# direct download
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-X POST -d '{"name":"simpleMergeDemo","files":[{"uri":"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cismet/doc-processor/dev/testresources/1.pdf","folder":"first"},{"uri":"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cismet/doc-processor/dev/testresources/2.pdf","folder":"second"}]}' \
http://localhost:8081/api/pdfmerge/and/wait/for/download > mergeDemo.pdf
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-X POST -d '{"name":"simpleMergeDemo","files":[{"uri":"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cismet/doc-processor/dev/testresources/1.pdf","folder":"first"},{"uri":"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cismet/doc-processor/dev/testresources/2.pdf","folder":"second"}]}' \
http://localhost:8081/api/zip/and/wait/for/download > zipDemo.zip
# pdf-merge: get the status
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-X POST -d '{"name":"simpleMergeDemo","files":[{"uri":"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cismet/doc-processor/dev/testresources/1.pdf","folder":"first"},{"uri":"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cismet/doc-processor/dev/testresources/2.pdf","folder":"second"}]}' \
# pdf-merge: and then get the file (change the id accordingto the output of the last result)
curl -v http://localhost:8081/api/download/pdfmerge/eefab7c1c3d72e0004f3b98440f5b13c-27xxx/name --output x2.pdf
# zip: get the status
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-X POST -d '{"name":"simpleMergeDemo","files":[{"uri":"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cismet/doc-processor/dev/testresources/1.pdf","folder":"first"},{"uri":"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cismet/doc-processor/dev/testresources/2.pdf","folder":"second"}]}' \
# zip: and then get the file (change the id accordingto the output of the last result)
curl -v http://localhost:8081/api/download/zip/eefab7c1c3d72e0004f3b98440f5b13c-27xxx/name --output x2.zip
Dr. Processor icon from http://www.kameleon.pics/free-icons-pack.html