A Python wrapper for the Pollster API which provides access to political opinion polling data and trend estimates from The Huffington Post.
pip install pollster
from pollster import Pollster
pollster = Pollster()
See the current estimate of the president's job approval
chart = pollster.charts(topic='obama-job-approval')[0]
List charts about 2012 Senate races
List charts about Wisconsin
Calculate the margin between Obama and Romney from a recent general election poll
poll = pollster.polls(chart='2012-general-election-romney-vs-obama')[0]
question = [x['subpopulations'][0] for x in poll.questions if x['chart'] == '2012-general-election-romney-vs-obama'][0]
obama = [x for x in question['responses'] if x['choice'] == 'Obama'][0]
romney = [x for x in question['responses'] if x['choice'] == 'Romney'][0]
obama['value'] - romney['value']
See the methodology used in recent polls about the Affordable Care Act
chart = pollster.chart(slug='us-health-bill')
[[x.pollster, x.method] for x in chart.polls()]
- Aaron Bycoffe, [email protected]
Copyright © 2012 The Huffington Post. See LICENSE for details.