This repositories is that project called "Collecting AJOU Cats Photos". This maked by Django.
The cats in Ajou univ are cute and lovely, but almost people do not know name and habits of cats. Thefore, will make a model of classification each cat .
Finally winter, 2021, I was Distributed the site to Ajou University Student. But It had not good performance. Because It have not let know "how to use this site?" Many people don't have interesting this site. It is mean my site is unkind for user.
Second, Mysite lack promotion. I think that It is need Management approach is required.
Still, First site when I was 19. It was clean and a lot to learn. After that, I will do web development using React, not Django. I will come back from the military and develop further to bring better results! (In military 22.02.14 ~ 23.08.13)