live demo
Starting from version 0.3.1 we get integrated angular-cli back. This template consist of many libraries and not all of them support AOT compilation. But as soon as we get this resolved we will introduce AOT compilable version
The generated project has dependencies that require Node 4.x.x and NPM 3.x.x.
For Windows users git-bash is perfect terminal-window to manage nodejs projects. [1]
- Download and unpack
- Run
npm i
. This may take a while. It may even freeze a bit on final steps - be patient.
- Also Remember, that npm on installing project dependencies may try to rebuild some modules (i.e gyp) and show scary red errors on that rebuild fails. Don't panic. If your
npm install
ends with long tree of project dependencies - then you are going right way. Nevermind deprecation WARNs.
- To start whole app template (this means a lot of initial compilation) in local dev server run
npm run server
- or checkout cookbook section for some starting tips
- Point your browser to http://localhost:4200
quick way to speed up builds when testing
- exclude whole templates parts from compilation by commenting them in
Checkout scripts
section in package.json
for tools launching shortcuts
|-- e2e # end-to-end tests directory
|-- src
| |-- app
| | |-- +feature-module-1 # by convension async modules are prefixed with + sign
| | |-- feature-module-1.component.html
| | |-- feature-module-1.component.ts
| | |-- feature-module-1.module.ts
| | |-- feature-module-1-routing.module.ts
| | |-- +feature-module-2
| | ...
| | |-- core # core module for app wide injectable service instancess
| | |-- api
| | |-- guards # prevent core module of being loaded twice
| | |-- core.module.ts
| |
| | |-- shared # dir with common directives, components, services, pipes
| | |-- chat
| | |-- forms
| | |-- graphs
| | ...
| | |-- smartadmin.config.ts # smartadmin setup file
| | |-- smartadmin.module.ts # shared module useful for reexport common functionality
| | ...
| | |-- app.module.ts # app root module
| | |-- app.resolver.ts # here you can async fetch data for app before init
| | |-- app.routing.ts # top routes definition
| | |-- app.service.ts # global app state service
| |
| |-- assets # static resources folder
| | |-- css
| | |-- fonts
| | ...
| |-- environment # env specific variables
| | |--
| | |-- environment.ts
| |-- custom-typings.d.ts # typescript definitions tweaks
| |-- index.html
| |-- main.ts # app entry point
| |-- polyfills.ts # polyfills for browsers
| |-- style.css # project specific styles
| |-- test.ts # unit tests entry point
| |-- tsconfig.json # typescript config
| |-- vendor.ts # common vendor chunk
|-- angular-cli.json # cli project config
|-- karma.conf.js # unit tests config
|-- package.json
|-- protractor.conf.js # e2e tests config
- Run
npm run build
to build the project. - The build artifacts will be stored in the
directory. - checkout how excluding routes from *.routing.ts file reduces *.chunks.js count.
- dev build off app with dozen routes/pages takes comparatively acceptable time (~ 1 min)
- inspect built chunks, just to get idea how
- Use the
npm run build:prod
for a production build. - On huge app prod build may take more than 10 mins. On the final step it may look frozen completely. Be patient. Alocate at least 1Gb of free RAM. Consider to do some exersizes or tee while waiting.
- production code goes through optimizations, minifying, uglyfying, tree-shaking algorithm - but that's just price for nice chunked minimalist builds.
- there are some code rules, how to help tree-shacking compilers to do their job
write shell scripts for build/deploy/whatever routines automation
Smartadmin will be supplied with 3 templates:
- full - full demo application
- blank - app with simple Home page. All demo pages are also there but they are excluded from build by default
- lite - good starting point for creating smartadmin app with no extra dependencies (like jquery)
- Switching app root-layouts according to route (e.g. different layout for login/register pages)
- Lazy loading everywhere - routing and plugins
- Animating routes with Decorators
- hot module replacement
- Google Map - async map initializer
- Image editor - Angular 2 application with Redux data flow
- CK Editor - loading scripts from cdn
- and much more
Under the hood project is maintained with webpack.
Checkout config/
directory for environment specific webpack.config files
Testing is important for big projects. So we have good old js combo!
App is configured for running end-to-end (via Protractor) and unit (via Karma) tests
npm run e2e
shortcut for executing end-to-end tests.
npm run test
for unit tests.
- download, unpack, rename template into your new project dir
- init git repo in your project
- exclude all unwanted routes in
- try to remove maximum stuff on this point. This will speed up builds a lot.
- Template has lot of splitting points allowing you to exclude plugin dependencies not just from build but even from webpack compilation.
- pick some route that is matching your idea. Or use
, or generate new module with angular-cli - now decide and chose what features are desired in your new project
- perhaps maps, modals, some graphs, maybe voice-control and knobs...?
- include chosen modules from
subs into your app's first - adjust navigation
- (soon navigation will be configurable via json or
- (soon navigation will be configurable via json or
- run
npm run server:dev:hmr
to start dev server - now it's time to get some data, to use in your project. Or even Big Data? Collect from web API's, social networks, libraries;
- explore, transform, display, analyze, edit. Angular 2 is really good for joining pieces together.
- until you have no backend with powerful db, use
to gather results, persist data and even sync browser tabs - cleanup by deleting demo pages that are not matching your idea.
- use angular-cli for code generating
- choose and know your IDE, or try vscode - it has good typescript support and acceptable resources usage.
- use logs: if you cannot build, compile, deploy something, first place to locate error causers are log outputs
- create shortcuts for frequent git operations and commit your progress more often
- always automate DB backups.
- reduce dependencies
- html templates smart minifying
- smart-cli tool for creating and refactoring (or renaming) complex angular structures .
[1] If you, on some edging cases, can't build or run angular 2 projects, consider to try any virtual environment (i.e custom vagrant with some lightweight linux and nodejs@6..)