Works for @OrzGeeker
Works for @LanguagesSystemsDataLab
Is from 🇵🇭 Iloilo, Philippines
🇵🇭 Iloilo, Philippines
Works for @RedwoodTech
Works for @understory-io
Works for Student @HvA-HBO-ICT
Student @HvA-HBO-ICT
Works for The Johns Hopkins University
The Johns Hopkins University
Works for @hexishq
Works for @tralahtek
Works for Meditrade
Is from Doncaster
Is from Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Works for Banana!
Is from Malaysia
Works for @rakutentech
Works for @microsoft
Is from Somewhere on the globe
Somewhere on the globe
Is from United Kingdom, London
United Kingdom, London
Works for Senior Software Engineer @rbc-ecosystems | UBC-alum
Senior Software Engineer @rbc-ecosystems | UBC-alum
Is from Kubernetes Cluster
Kubernetes Cluster
Works for @Fortinet
Works for Samsung Bixby
Samsung Bixby
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