Setup a basic deployment target for the Rails deploy tool capistrano.
Ensures the specific directory structure capistrano expects and sets the right permissions and ownership for everything.
For a more comperhensive Rails deployment recipe which makes use of this module, see deversus-rails
Requests & patches welcome.
include capistrano
capistrano::deploytarget {'myapp':
deploy_user => 'capistrano',
share_group => 'puma',
deploy_dir => '/var/www/myapp/', # default
shared_dirs => ['log', 'pids', 'system', 'assets'], # default
This would create:
owned bycapistrano
owned bycapistrano
and the grouppuma
(your web server will usually need access to this directory), and subdirectories:/var/www/myapp/shared/log
Capistrano should run happily the first time using this structure.