In the initial commit to this project, you have been provided with data for the AFI Top 100 movies. Your task is to implement an Express driven REST API that allows a user to retrieve this data. Your API should support three requests types 1) A request for all data, 2) A request for all movies by a director, 3) A request for a movie by title. Note that you should support partial matches as shown below.
GET http://localhost:1337/movies
title: "12 Angry Men",
directors: ["Sidney Lumet"],
releaseDate: "4/10/1957",
rating: "Not Rated",
runTime: "95 mins",
genres: ["Drama"],
... all other movies
GET http://localhost:1337/movies/lord
title: "The Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring",
directors: ["Peter Jackson"],
releaseDate: "12/19/2001",
rating: "PG-13",
runTime: "178 mins",
genres: ["Adventure", "Drama", "Fantasy"],
GET http://localhost:1337/movies/darabont
title: "The Shawshank Redemption",
directors: ["Frank Darabont"],
releaseDate: "10/14/1994",
rating: "R",
runTime: "142 mins",
genres: ["Drama"],
POST http://localhost:1337/movies
title: "Cabin in the Woods",
directors: ["Drew Goddard"],
releaseDate: "04/13/2012",
rating: "R",
runTime: "95 mins",
genres: ["Horror"],
title: "Cabin in the Woods",
directors: ["Drew Goddard"],
releaseDate: "04/13/2012",
rating: "R",
runTime: "95 mins",
genres: ["Horror"],