Visual Docker Container Management on Mac & Windows
Companion Repo to
Port of IntelliJ IDEA key bindings for VS Code.
This is an example Elastic Beanstalk environment that allows you to create a sample mocked URL
Ecto Plugin for Cursor Pagination
Working examples for Elixir.EU conference
Faros is a learning portal where knowledge and resources can be collected, searched for and shared.
Absinthe support for the Relay framework
Elixir library which adds Prometheus support to Erlang Exometer metrics library
Elixir client for Honeybadger.
New Relic tracking for Phoenix and Plug applications.
Reference Repo for an Elixir course on
Phoenix web app built for the Watch Us Build video series.
Elixir flashcards to help you level up quicker
Vagrant project with Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, RVM and Ruby 2.0.0 installed for `vagrant` user
Taint and required checking for Action Pack and enforcement in Active Model
Classic version of Turbolinks. Now deprecated in favor of Turbolinks 5.