#The googleads Python client library
This client library simplifies accessing Google's SOAP Ads APIs - AdWords, DoubleClick Ad Exchange SOAP, DoubleClick for Advertisers, and DoubleClick for Publishers. The library provides easy ways to store your authentication and create SOAP web service clients. It also contains example code to help you get started integrating with our APIs.
##How do I get started? ####Installing the library Install or update the library from PyPI. If you're using pip, this is as easy as:
$ pip install [--upgrade] googleads
If you don't want to install directly from PyPI, you can download the library as a tarball and then install it manually. The download can be found here: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/googleads Navigate to the directory that contains your downloaded unzipped client library and run the "setup.py" script to install the "googleads" module.
$ python setup.py build install
You can find code examples in the git repo and in the library's releases within the examples folder.
####Where can I find the pydocs? Our pydocs are hosted at: http://googleads.github.io/googleads-python-lib
####Caching authentication information
It is possible to cache your API authentication information. The library
includes a sample file showing how to do this named googleads.yaml
. Fill
in the fields for the API you plan to use. The library's LoadFromStorage
methods default to looking for a file with this name in your home directory,
but you can pass in a path to any file with the correct yaml contents.
##Where do I submit bug reports and/or feature requests?
Use the issue tracker at: https://github.com/googleads/googleads-python-lib/issues
Make sure to subscribe to our Google Plus page for API change announcements and other news:
##How do I log SOAP interactions? The library uses Python's built in logging framework. If you wish to log your SOAP interactions to stdout, you can do the following:
If you wish to log to a file, you'll need to attach a log handler to this source which is configured to write the output to a file.
##I'm familiar with suds. Can I use suds features with this library?
Yes, you can. The services returned by the client.GetService()
functions all
have a reference to the underlying suds client stored in the suds_client
attribute. You can retrieve the client and use it in familiar ways:
client = AdWordsClient.LoadFromStorage()
campaign_service = client.GetService('CampaignService')
suds_client = campaign_service.suds_client
campaign = suds_client.factory.create('Campaign')
# Set any attributes on the campaign object which you need.
campaign.name = 'My Campaign'
campaign.status = 'PAUSED'
operation = suds_client.factory.create('CampaignOperation')
operation.operator = 'ADD'
operation.operand = campaign
# The service object returned from the client.GetService() call accepts suds
# objects and will set the SOAP and HTTP headers for you.
# Alternatively, if you wish to set the headers yourself, you can use the
# suds_client.service directly.
soap_header = suds_client.factory.create('SoapHeader')
soap_header.clientCustomerId = client.client_customer_id
soap_header.developerToken = client.developer_token
soap_header.userAgent = client.user_agent
##External Dependencies:
- oauthlib -- http://pypi.python.org/pypi/oauthlib/
- suds-jurko -- http://pypi.python.org/pypi/suds-jurko/
- pytz -- https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pytz
- pyYAML -- http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pyYAML/
- mock -- http://pypi.python.org/pypi/mock
(only needed to run unit tests)
- pyfakefs -- https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pyfakefs
(only needed to run unit tests)
##Authors: [email protected] (Joseph DiLallo)