Status: unmaintained
This is an exploratory single page app to the FDA's drug adverse event API using reactjs and rum. Currently it allows for basic querying and contextual navigation of any node in the returned response (counts on the current field or filtering by the current field and its value). Api results are cached and can be navigated locally w/ a query history sidebar.
To compile the dev clojurescript:
lein cljsbuild once dev
View it locally with: open index.html
To avoid compiling ClojureScript for each build, AOT Clojurescript locally in your project with the following:
To start a Node REPL (requires rlwrap):
To get source map support in the Node REPL:
lein npm install
Clean project specific out:
lein clean
Optimized builds:
lein cljsbuild once release
To install/upgrade react-treeview:
bower install react-treeview
Make sure react version used by react-treeview is compatible with one used by rum