In order to run multiple cam2image and lock the camera device on specific USB port of the Jetson, image_tools_custom is created.
sudo apt install ros-dashing-launch*
Default cameras are two Arducams Please replace "/media/clearbot/eeffe203-9376-4abb-9428-2bb29c2e299e1" with the path of your 16GB emmc
sudo cp /home/clearbot/ws/src/demos_custom/image_tools/etc/udev/rules.d/80-uvccam.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/
sudo cp /home/clearbot/ws/src/demos_custom/image_tools/etc/udev/rules.d/80-uvccam.rules /media/clearbot/eeffe203-9376-4abb-9428-2bb29c2e299e1/etc/udev/rules.d
sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
sudo service udev restart
sudo udevadm trigger
Check the symlink of the cameras
ls -l /dev/video*
You will see /dev/videox and /dev/videoy which are linking to the video device
colcon build --packages-select image_tools_custom
Open a new terminal
ros2 run image_tools_custom cam2image_custom_0
Open another new terminal
ros2 run image_tools_custom cam2image_custom_2