This is nette implementation of sentry raven-php as logger service for tracy.
Tested with nette 2.3>, please report any bugs into Issues
PR's are welcomed!
composer require salamek/raven-nette
Register extension to your config.neon:
sentryLogger: Salamek\RavenNette\DI\SentryLoggerExtension
And configure by setting:
# Optional configuration values
inDebug: false # bool: Log in debug mode ? default is false
directory: null # string|null: Where to store log files ? default is Debugger::$logDirectory, null to disable
email: null # string|null :Where to send email notifications ? default is Debugger::$email, null to disable
options: [release: YOUR_RELEASE] # array :All options supported by getsentry/raven-php
user: true # Send logged in user information
List of all confuration options for getsentry/raven-php
If you dont want to use DI, and/or be able to log errors as soon as posible use this approach
Put this code into your app/bootstrap.php
after RobotLoader is initiated and $configurator->enableDebugger
is called:
// Initiate sentryLogger
new \Salamek\RavenNette\SentryLogger(
false, //Log in DEBUG mode ? //You dont want that...
null, //Set where do you want to store file log (Tracy\Debugger::$logDirectory | null | string)
null //Send email as usual logger ? (Tracy\Debugger::$email | null | string | array )
['release': 'YOUR_RELEASE'] //All options supported by getsentry/raven-php
And that should be everything...