That's the first project used in Campus Code course.
A system that can store recipes create by users.
The system have can be used by the web interface or using the API.
A visitor can see recipes, filter recipes by cuisines and recipe types, search recipes, send a recipe to a friend by email and see the last favorite recipes from users.
A user can do the things above and register and edit a recipe, a cuisine and a recipe type, choose a favorite recipe, remove a recipe, see other users profiles and edit your profile.
The API now just send the data from all recipes or a specific recipe.
Gems used
- Devise (Authentication)
- Paperclip (Photo Upload)
- Jquery
- Bootstrap
Gems used in tests
- Rspec Rails
- Capybara
- Simplecov
- Rubocop
- Factory Bot Rails
Clone the project
To configure the aplication, in project folder run:
Paperclip needs ImageMagick to work, plese see the documentation.
To run the test suite type on your terminal:
rspec -f d
Default user created to access the application
- Email - [email protected]
- Password - 123456
To create a new cuisine or recipe type, access the URLs bellow:
To edit:
GET /api/recipes ( Return all recipes )
status 200
"recipes": [
"id": 1,
"title": "Pizza",
"difficulty": "Fácil",
"cook_time": 30,
"ingredients": "Massa, Tomate, Queijo e Bacon",
"method": "Com a massa pronta junte a massa de tomate...",
"cuisine_id": 1,
"recipe_type_id": 1,
"user_id": 1,
"featured": false
GET /api/recipes/[:recipe_id] ( Return a specific recipe)
status 200
"recipe": {
"id": 2,
"title": "Macarrão",
"difficulty": "Médio",
"cook_time": 45,
"ingredients": "Massa, Molho de Tomate e Queijo",
"method": "Aqueça a água, coloque sal, junte o macarrão...",
"cuisine_id": 1,
"recipe_type_id": 1,
"user_id": 1,
"featured": true
status 404
"message":"Nenhuma receita encontrada"