Apache Flume 1.6 with HDFS support included.
docker run --name flume-hdfs -e FLUME_AGENT_NAME=agent -d avastsoftware/flume-hdfs
The above will start Flume with the default example configuration. You will need to provide your own configuration by mounting the configuration directory (containing the configuration file) as follows:
docker run --name flume-hdfs -e FLUME_AGENT_NAME=agent-v /path/to/conf/dir:/opt/lib/flume/conf -d avastsoftware/flume-hdfs
These settings can be specified (overriden) via configuration environment variables:
Environment variable | Meaning | Default |
Agent name. Agent specified in the configuration file needs to match this name. | No default (required setting) |
Flume configuration directory. This is where the configuration file is expected to be located. | /opt/lib/flume/conf |
Name of the Flume configuration file. | /opt/lib/flume/conf/flume-conf.properties |
- Based off alonsodomin/flume, but uses an Alpine Linux based JRE image
- Hadoop 2.7.2 included