A SignalWire and VoIP.ms SMS/MMS messaging gateway via Discord
git clone https://github.com/cmeka/DiscoWire.git && cd DiscoWire
npm install
cp .env.example .env
Create a SignalWire API token with Messaging permissions.
Open .env and insert tokens.
Create a Discord server and bot: https://discordpy.readthedocs.io/en/stable/discord.html
At Step 6 of 'Inviting Your Bot' the following is the minimum required permissions:
General Permissions
- Manage Channels
- Read Messages/View Channels
Text Permissions
- Send Messages
- Create Public Threads
- Send Messages in Threads
- Manage Threads
- Embed Links
- Attach Files
- Read Message History
Edit your SignalWire or VoIP.ms numbers to webhook/URL callback to this server either via reverse proxy or port forward.
Use the following paths:
Ex. "http://EXAMPLE.DOMAIN:PORT/signalwire" or "http://EXAMPLE.DOMAIN:PORT/voipms?to={TO}&from={FROM}&id={ID}&date={TIMESTAMP}&message={MESSAGE}"
Run: node index.js