Disclaimer: This is not my (@sroberts) code. I didn't write it. I just thought it'd be nice to have this code somewhere people count contribute to it. This belongs to the awesome Paterva team and they deserve all the credit.
So here is a small python lib for creating your own transforms, just takes out some of the hassle.
We will create a Person Entity with a value of "Andrew MacPherson".
This transform merely returns "hello world" as a phrase, it doesn't depend on the input entity at all:
from MaltegoTransform import *
me = MaltegoTransform()
me.addEntity("maltego.Phrase","hello world");
This is simple transform to show reading input from an entity and returning it to the graph (in this case working with a domain and returning a phrase with that domain in it):
from MaltegoTransform import *
import sys
domain = sys.argv[1]
me = MaltegoTransform()
me.addEntity("maltego.Phrase","hello � + domain)
This example simply illustrates using the library to read the properties of an entity and printing them out note this is just a snippet, not a transform!
from MaltegoTransform import *
import sys
me = MaltegoTransform()
longitude = me.getVar("longitude")
latitude = me.getVar("latitude")
print longitude
print latitude
This transform example shows reading an entity in as well as setting properties, additional fields, a UI message and the weight of the entity (run on a domain):
from MaltegoTransform import *
import sys
me = MaltegoTransform()
domain = sys.argv[1]
thisent = me.addEntity("maltego.Domain","hello " + domain)
thisent.setValue("Complex." + domain)
thisent.setDisplayInformation("<h3>Heading</h3><p>content here about" + domain + "!</p>");
thisent.addAdditionalFields("variable","Display Value",True,domain)
- enType: Entity Type
- enValue: Entity Value
maltegoEntity: MaltegoEntity Object to be added to the outputted "message"
- message: The Message to be displayed
- messageType: FatalError/PartialError/Inform/Debug - note this defaults to "Inform" see documentation for additional information
exceptionString: Exception message to be thrown (eg "Error! Could not connect to")
Simply return exception XML to the application
Function to return all the added entities as well as the UI Messages
Function to write msg to STDErr
Function to produce a "heartbeat"
Function to output progress, eg MaltegoTransform.progress(20); #20% done
msg: Debug message to be sent out
- eT: Entity Type (eg. Person,IPAddress)
- v: Value for this entity
Setter for the entity Type property
Setter for the entity Value property
Setter for the entity Weight property
Setter for the entity Display Information property
Setter for the entity Additional Information property
- fieldName: Name used on the code side, eg displayName may be "Age of Person", but the app and your transform will see it as the fieldName variable
- displayName: display name of the field shown within the entity properties
- matchingRule: either "strict" for strict matching on this specific field or false
- value: The additional fields value
Setter for the entity Icon URL (entity Icon) property
Prints the entity with the correct XML formatting
def parseArguments(self,argv):
# This function will parse the system arguments for you so that you dont have to!
These can then be called with the following:
def getValue(self):
# This function will return the value parameter, ie the value displayed on the graph
usage example: theValue = myMaltegoTransform.getValue()
def getVar(self,varName):
# This function will return the entity property value for the variable given in varName
usage example: entityValue = myMaltegoTransform.getVar("ESSID")
If you have any issues feel free to contact me -- [email protected]