Code (number/chars/otp/password) input component for angular 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12+ projects including Ionic 4, 5 +
NG-NEST 是一个开源的 Web 应用程序框架,基于 Angular 和 Nest ,主要用于研发企业级中后台产品
A Vue 3 Component Library. Fairly Complete. Theme Customizable. Uses TypeScript. Fast.
A typescript interactive engine, support 2D, 3D, animation, physics, built on WebGL and glTF.
👨🏻💻👩🏻💻 Use Ant Design Vue like a Pro! (vue2)
🖖 Responsive Touch Compatible Toast plugin for VueJS 2+
Node.js (Express.js) + Vue.js (Element UI) 全栈开发王者荣耀手机端官网和管理后台
A powerful cross-platform UI toolkit for building native-quality iOS, Android, and Progressive Web Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
uView UI,是uni-app生态最优秀的UI框架,全面的组件和便捷的工具会让您信手拈来,如鱼得水
An awesome list that curates the best Flutter libraries, tools, tutorials, articles and more.
Angular UI Component Library based on Ant Design
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Quasar Framework - Build high-performance VueJS user interfaces in record time
🎉 A list of awesome things related to Quasar
🚵 Landing Pages of Ant Design System
cmlly / Vue.NetCore
Forked from cq-panda/Vue.NetCore.NetCore+Vue,前后端后离,支持前后端业务代码扩展的快速开发框架,Vol.Vue为前端项目,Vue.Net后台项目
Local Library website written in NodeJS/Express; example for the MDN server-side development NodeJS module: