Fully playable Google's AR Game Ingress port for iOS
You need to be developer or have jailbreak to install it.
New ipa (5/6/2013): Implemented Faction Choosing, but it's untested and may crash and be unplayable
- https://www.dropbox.com/s/q28f2bj2bgt2vxj/Ingress.ipa
- https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B8rmzjJD-xnScWE4MXh5RTlta28/edit?usp=sharing
- speed and memory optimalizations
- GUI improvements (mainly 3.5" screen optimalization)
- maybe 3D Scanner
Gameplay video
Faction Choosing
Video of codename creating and intro which have been recently finished
This project is licensed under the permissive ISC license. Parts imported from other projects remain under their respective licenses.